ITT we discuss early Simpsons episodes that don't get talked about much

ITT we discuss early Simpsons episodes that don't get talked about much.

In a second season episode, Marge forms a group called S.N.U.H.: "Springfieldians for Nonviolence, Understanding, and Helping". The group protests against cartoon violence in Itchy and Scratchy, which Marge believes inspired Maggie to hit Homer on the head with a mallet. The Itchy and Scratchy team fire back by lampooning Marge in one of its cartoons (pic related).

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springfieldians for sneed

formerly SNEH

When did soccer moms become ultra lefty?

I would fugg squirrel Marge desu


ehehehehe it starts with SN, that reminds me of another word that starts with SN lol

I don't get it


I dont' remember this word too, it snuck somewhere in my brain

You new here? The word is SNEED. It's a Yea Forums meme.


Well pardon us

E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)

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Dead meme

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based moe wakes up and saves a sneed thread from getting archived

That is really sad.

If you don't like Sneed just post Chuck, it drives Sneedposters mad

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