Please dont watch it

>please dont watch it

Attached: IMG_20190827_160736.png (720x1119, 301K)

Other urls found in this thread:[].torrent

Libs don't like Chappelle any more?

Damn, now i gotta watch it

Remember when the video nasties scandal only made people want to watch those movies even more? When will they learn

>title is literally "sticks and stones"
>jokes cause people to get mad anyway

>another loud low IQ negroni
Don't worry, I won't.

Yea Forums tells me not to like dave cause he's a nigger but dammit i just can't



4chans average IQ is somewhere between 80 and 90.

wtf im signing up for jewflix right now!

If Dave is mocking trannies I’m watching it tonight

More because he pretends to be against PC culture but he supports it wholeheartedly when it benefits blacks

Stick around too for the "epilogue" which plays if you let the credits run all the way through. He does it even more.

It's unironically based.[].torrent

Epilogue Torrent

based Dave, still won't watch it because it's netflix shit

Thank you very much, based user.

>based Dave is a beacoming of hope for dark times we live in

I hope he never stops making tranny fuckers seething.

Cope incel


I'll admit, I did not get the epilogue. I'm probably missing whatever it's referencing.


watched it a few hours ago, actually. not his best, but pretty good.

certain sects of the "alphabet people" don't like him because he unapologetically jokes about trannies. not surprisingly the author of that blogpost is one of said alphabet idpol stains.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-27 Media Tweets by Things Imagined ( Taylor__Hosking) Twitter.png (290x124, 6K)

Another angry alphabet person


>rich guy complaining that his rich friends don't get a free pass anymore
awful shit

I just finished watching it. It was okay. I'd just put it on to listen to while you do other stuff if you're bored.
It wasn't that funny desu

i don't even think this guy is really all that good cept for "fuck yo couch nigga" and "cocaine is a helluva drugg", but having heard this news I will watch this. i won't pay for it though.

killing them softly is pretty good, and I don't like stand up comedy that much

>misogyny and transphobia
Chapelle is BASED, thats why libtards dont like him, it´s a nigger talking about how niggers are shit.

Chapelle is very based, maybe you are a fucking retard.

well, chapelle didn't even say cocaine is a hell of a drug

Why is the media outlet imploring people to skip something they don’t agree with? How about you let the person watch it and let them decide if it was offensive or not

Based journalist telling me what exactly to think.

Its great.

The moment chappelle gets cancelled he’ll start whining about racism. He’s a hypocrite of the highest order

are IQ is very high, at least between 130 and 150.