MCU Film rankings

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garbage, kill yourself

>Black Panther not number 1

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> Infinity War

Strongly great...
> Endgame
>> Winter Soldier = Civil War

Wide range of great...
>>> Guardians 1 = Guardians 2 = Ultron
> Doctor Strange
> Iron man 3
> Avengers
> Iron man
> Black Panther

Very good...
> Ant Man
> Cap1
> Incredible Hulk (it would be equal with the first iron man if it's final battle was better)
> Ant Man & The Wasp
> Captain Marvel
> Thor
> Spider-Man - Homecoming

> Hulk (03)
> Thor 2
> Iron man 2
> Punisher (04)
> Punisher War Zone
> Daredevil

> Punisher (89)

So mixed it's impossible to rate...
> Thor Ragnarok

I still don't get this "black panther is great" meme.

Cry more incel

People are afraid of being called racist

It’s an incredibly generic movie

All of these movies are absolute dogshit

nice buzzword dude

>Says the faggot who says incel

Isn't summer over?

kill yourself, no one gives a fuck about your capeshit nigger movie

>Captain Marvel - 7
>Spider-Man: Far from Home - 22
That’s kinda cringe bro

>Winter Soldier
>GotG 1
Below Average:
>GotG 2
Good in first half, drops the ball in the second:
>Black Panther
Absolute shit:
>Civil War
>Age of Ultron
>Dr. Strange
Didn't see, don't care to watch:
>Avengers 1, Infinity War, Endgame
>Iron Man 1, 2, 3
>Cap. American 1
>Thor 1, 2
>Ant-Man and the Wasp
>Captain Marvel
>Far From Home

How is Far From Home anyways, I saw your typical critic cocksucking but I don't know how people on here felt about it.


maybe u need 2 b buried with ya ansestas who jumped off dem boats.

not gonna comment on the rankings because i don't care but why the fuck did you use such weird posters and oversaturate ALL of them

All of them = trash

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Seriously just kys if this is how you are. I'm sure you thought about offing yourself already faggot. Just do it

why do you even bother

rent free

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