He's right, you know.

In the past, you can hear people say both words on television. But nowadays, if you only get flak for saying "faggots" but not "niggers". And you ESPECIALLY get flak and ostracized if you say "trannies".

Why is that? Why has the comedy road arrived to such a state, where there are certain things you CAN'T say?

Attached: i'm_not_a_nigger.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

Other urls found in this thread:

You can say both as long as it isn't comedic, wtf is Dave watching? South Park still says fag

>HURR DURR You can say both as long as it isn't comedic, wtf is Dave watching? South Park still says fag

Attached: Capture.png (957x527, 535K)

Based Dave absolutely destroying Yea Forums incels, have sex if Dave makes you seethe

Sorry Dave, didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Don't have another nervous breakdown!

It's because powerful who can shut down networks are gay, but not black.

What a shitty thread.

A black woman fired Roseanne. Blacks are stuck in the past with this victim complex shit

why do zoomers take everything at face value?

I don't know this guy, but there is a difference between niggers and blacks and between faggots and gays, so he's not wrong

Why can't faggots take a joke?

Attached: family_gay.png (1034x803, 529K)

Why do boomers love listening to black comedians lecture the audience on racism while also pretending to be some anti-PC hero?

He is literally saying both words in this special you watched on TV, retard

Family Guy never made nigger jokes, hell South Park only had one episode.
Dave literally had a mental breakdown because a white person laughed at his comedy sketch, he's pretty sensitive himself tbqh

have sex little zoomlet

still disappointed he was blaming the fags rather than the real perpetrators of all the bullshit hypocrisy: white women

watch cuckold porn based black ballwasher

lol, nice ad campaign Netflix

You mean (((white))) women.

>I'm not a nigger
Umm somebody needs to get this man a mirror asap

>but there is a difference between niggers and blacks and between faggots and gays,
I remember when I used to think this before I moved to the city. A fag is a fag is a fag.

> "Well Renée... I'm not a nigger either."

Someone get this man a mirror.

And libs are the ones brainwashing them with it. They can't let go

based nigger

Well, soon you won't be allowed to use those word on the internet hate machine, Yea Forums(nel), either.


Literally one of his jokes in the special is him being told he can't say fag because he isn't one, with him then saying that he's not a nigger either

South Park says fag all the time

He is a stupid dumb dumb poo poo man. Why would I listen to anything that a poo coloured person says? Do people find this poo poo man entertaining? Why would anyone pay to look at and listen to a poo poo? He is disgusting to look at and it has made me very upset.

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no one cares about south park anymore


He looks very different now. Getting old was a mistake.


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hello tranny!

That was quite funny. Had a hearty chuckle. I'll check out the special i guess thanks OP.

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did he gain weight or something? he looks really different here

Because despite what they claim, they don't actually want equality, because that would open them up to criticism. What they want is special treatment.

he's getting ashy

Hello based black man fan haha I love how he talks about MUH RACISM haha he's so edgy

"And then she said, but Dave you are Black, so we go along with the whole bullshit thing where only when white people say Nigger it's worse than a million MurderDeathKills"

Yes it did. Off the top of my head there was that cutaway on independent black women and there was jokes on Cleveland being black

I don’t get it faggots take it in the ass but they can’t take a gay joke?

wow that gonna piss twitter off a lot


>South Park still says fag
they don't

No jokes with the word "nigger" which is what OP was discussing

> Well, Renee
> I'm not a nigger either
he lost me there

He's really muscular. He's not a skinny like he was from 15-20 years ago. He's also fucking old and looks older because he smokes like a chimney.

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They used to. Freddie Mercury called Elton John a poofta in the 80s.

Yeah they do and made fun of trannies with Caitlyn Jenner less than a season ago

The word nigger will never not be considered taboo, too much history and fighting behind it

>n-noo you can't disagree with the narrative being pushed by my fave black comic
Why not? Why is that "shitting up the thread" but whining about /pol/ all day isn't?

No, Jenner was stunning and brave. Like all trannies. And they don't say fag.

What about jigaboo?

so he's saying anyone should be allowed to say nigger?

White comedians used to be able to say it on national television in the 70s and 80s and nobody cared.

That Jenner stuff aired in 2015, user

You can say whatever the fuck you want but no one is obliged to listen to you or give you a platform and they have the right to call you a dumbass who turns to lazy jokes instead of coming up with clever material. Freedom of speech goes both ways. This isn't like the ayotollah issuing a death sentence against Rushdie or France persecuting Voltaire. It's a bartender telling a loud obnoxious drunk to fuck off.

Saying nigger and faggot is such low hanging fruit. It's the comedic equivalent of breathing. It's like making jokes about trump being a dumbass. Any low iq dumbass can do it. How about some clever jokes instead?

I was honestly disappointed at this special. It was all just boomer jokes about how society is changing too fast for his feeble boomer mind to keep up. The rules of this society are simple, don't be an asshole and if you are an asshole people will call you out. Don't snivel and cry about it like a spineless slug.

I watch comedy to be entertained, not because I'm some buttmad faggot who wants my asspain at other races and gays to be validated. I want to see clever and creative jokes with multiple punchlines. Comedy has devolved to becoming about narcissists complaining about their lives. If I hear one more comedian complaining about how big bad social media has made it so hard for new comics, I'll fucking shoot myself. Tell good jokes and there is nothing to worry about!!

nigger faggot

Notice which words get filtered and then think about why. Notice which words DON'T get filtered as well. s.oy etc are replaced, while have sex, incel etc. aren't. Why do you think that is?

This is only vaguely related to television, and is basically a kulturkampf thread. Please evacuate to the designated shitposting zone .

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Nope, Jenner had a fairly big role in the following season as well and has made appearances since.




>can someone explain the difference between an inçel and a /pol/cel?
Incels aren't having sex in general, while /pol/cels aren't having sex, but with white women exclusively.

>anyone disagreeing with the narrative pushed by Chappelle is /pol/
His special was about race and pushing his agenda, where were you fags in the Nanette threads?

He's pointing out the hypocrisy of how the woman basically called him a nigger by allowing him to say nigger but not faggot - "Why can't I say 'faggot?'" "Because you're not gay."

i hope those people who yelled "Trump" when he did that impression feel real proud

Dilate nigger faggot tranny

Swole Dave intimidates me

Thanks for proving my point children


Do you feel happy now autists? Saying nigger doesn't make you a comedic genius. You're not funny or edgy. You're just a lazy faggot who goes after low hanging fruit. You're as entertaining as a hunk of shit.

>haha being edgy is lame
>still uses faggot
you retards are a lost cause

negro fagote

Dave is a fucking idiot. Nigger applies to black people. As a black person, he can say the word nigger. Don't like it? Get off the network you goddamn pretentious asshole. Key and Peele never did this shit because they're professionals unlike this wannabe.

how'd she call him a nigger? Dave sound like white people when they complain about N word privileges.

Go back to d*scord and r*ddit no one wants you here either meld with the culture of Yea Forums or join the 46%

It's like the words literally washed over your useless skulls.

Dilate Faggot

Ah, I see, I stopped watching years ago.

but he IS a nigger.

You didn't address my point, you hate being edgy but you use faggot as an insult, because it's edgy lmao you don't follow the rules you expect others to follow

Yeah, but Dave Chappelle is not cool with non blacks saying nigger, though. So now he's getting a taste of his own medicine.

Doesn't actually say it

Reminder: liberalism is a mental illness

No she didn't. He read into it that way. For some reason insults to a specific group are considered okay if used within that group. Shes just saying he has the N word pass because he's black and gays have their F word pass even though they wouldn't identify as a faggot either

I will stay here forever you filthy fucking whore. In fact I'm already at your moms house fucking her with my huge black cock.

I piss and shit on Yea Forums culture. You're all plebs with no taste and 99% of your posts are about cape shit. You wouldn't know Kino if it pissed on your unworthy face.

I also love how none of you sluts have a good counterpoint to me. It's true then. You're all buttmad low iq faggots that don't even like comedy. You just want an angry comedian to validate your asspain. I bet you live on disability with your parents in a flyover state and are a complete fucking loser. I bet you being white is the only thing you have going over. hahahahah! fuck you!

>t. black homo

HE is a nigger exactly.

I'm using faggot ironically of course. I don't use it in casual conversation because its 2019 not fucking 2005.

his biggest mistake was marrying and having kids with an asian

what the fuck is this?

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blame white women, they started all this fucking shit

Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other nigger.

>The only stanza that doesn't rhyme in this song is
>Now each day my heart is getting BIGGER
>Don't even remember sleeping with that LADY
>Not so subtle n word joke
Family guy had a bunch of those dude

>>Only Gay people can say Faggot because it's a slur for them.
>>So you calling me a nigger?
Victimization shit never ends.

What did the Robin say to the blackbird?

>newfag detected

That joke only works if you accept his premise.
But the reality is that he's technically a nigger.
You see, it's not neccessarily an insult.
In Spanish "Black" = Negro
In Catalan "Black" = Negre

>muh dik
>dreams of fucking older white women when they turn him down regularly
>claims he knows true kino (probably only spike lee movies in his collection)
>I know I will make fun of flyovers and poor whites on ssi
Like pottery
Stay mad nigger

Yeah? Say that in a black neighborhood and see where that gets ya.

Look at the picture at the end of the special. The sons are teenagers and they all look Filipino.

These people work at or read vice

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holy fuck what a disgusting family
why would anyone want asian kids, holy shit

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I lost my shit when he did his impression of sjws "If I find out you ever did anything wrong in your life, I will try to take everything you've ever had away from you. It doesn't matter when I find out, it can be now, it can be 10, 20 years from now", and he asked the audience to guess who he was impersonating. At least 2 "people" actually went TRUMP!
How... how? How do they not see it? How do they immediately connect any criticism that is made to Trump, even when it's so obviously got more to do with them than him?

Most slurs began as simple identifying terms. Gook and Nip, for example, are literally just shortenings of what those people call their own countries, Hanguk and Nippon. The "technical" meaning of the words is irrelevant to their use as slurs.

>that Arabic hat
>that Jack Daniels shirt

>Yeah? Say that in a black neighborhood and see where that gets ya.

Don't tell me i know, people of African origin are do not have self-control and will find any imaginable pretext to physically attack anyone.
It's actually rather ironic that Chappelle's show is called "sticks and stones".
As the saying goes..

"sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me".

Except when you're a nigger.
Call a sub-saharan a "nigger" to his face and he'll likely jump on you, physically harm you. Actually, most blacks secretly want other races to call them "niggers" in their face to give them "carte blanche" to assault people. It's their pseudo-moral justification to murder, rob people.

Based and redpilled truth bomb here

Not just nigger, there are several dozen words that cause blacks to chimp upon hearing them, including the word chimp. Every day the list of words, phrases and idioms that you 'can't say' about or around blacks grows.

Attached: coolest.jpg (1000x750, 70K)

Most insults like "moron", "imbecile", "idiot", "cretins", "retard" were completely technical terms. Even dumb, of course. "Bad" was apparently used to refer to hermaphrodites

Because NPCs are very real.

I can tell your only contact with blacks come from either tv or glancing at them from afar. Figures most of these scenarios cone from sheltered, socially inept incels

Jewflix got played good

Attached: You Can Definitely Skip Dave Chappelle's New Netflix Special.png (1045x1042, 374K)

why is comedy so political now

>Dave literally had a mental breakdown because a white person laughed at his comedy sketch, he's pretty sensitive himself tbqh
here's your (You) for that portion since it didn't seem like it was coming

>Call a sub-saharan a "nigger" to his face and he'll likely jump on you, physically harm you.

This dude is straight up retard. There are over 3,000 different ethnic groups speaking more than 2,100 different languages in Africa that don't understand that word you americans worship. The world does not revolve around you Americans, get over yourself.

>you only get flak for saying "faggots" but not "niggers".

Name one show on network television today that uses the word "nigger"

"can't say faggot" because of faggots like dave who threw a hissy-fit because people dared to expect comedy in comedy show instead of praising you for your boring social commentary that 1001 faggots before you have already done

Unironically because of Obama.

he's absolutely right though. fuck off

I'm Rick James, bitch.

Yeah, I'm sure "he" is

i think it's safe to say that even Joe Rogan is now funnier than Dave

Escape from Dannemora with Classic Dano had one prison inmate use the word nigger

it was actually dave himself who (wittingly or otherwise) set the precedent that comedy "needs" to be more than lulz, before the current outrage i absolutely guarantee 95% of "woke" comics were raised on the daily show/chappelle/south park

looks like im skipping this one

She said he wasn't gay so he can't say faggot and suddenly he's uppity and saying he's not a nigger? What?

Is the punchline that he doesn't understand being black gives him a nigger card and you have to be gay to get a faggot card?

showbiz is politics for dumb people

Everything is and has been political. And comedy always used to be political. George Carlin made a killing essentially just calling republicans racist, closeted homosexual warhawks. The difference is that it used to be liberals laughing at the expense of puritanical conservatives who couldn't stand hearing sex jokes or swear words on television. But now everyone has skin in the game and jokes about identity are a surefire way to get canceled if you don't fall exactly in line with intersectional ideology.

The only difference is that everyone who gets offended writes their own blog for people to shitpost about rather than calling the network and being summarily ignored.

>I can tell your only contact with blacks come from either tv or glancing at them from afar. Figures most of these scenarios cone from sheltered, socially inept incels

I live in Paris. I see them every single day. I don't call them niggers to their faces because i don't have to. i do my best to avoid people of other races. And when i can't, i'm polite and courteous with them. Man or woman, child, doesn't matter. Even when i'm physically more imposing. Because guns are banned in my country. And i don't want to risk going to jail or potentially getting sued for racism. I know that the current political system in place is designed to demonize, dehumanize indigenous European people in the land of their ancestors. It's been that way sinse the end of WW2. I see sub-saharans as invaders we're forced to subsidize, nothing more, nothing less. I'm always polite and respectful if i'm forced to have a conversation with them because sub-saharans are unpredictable. (i;e. can physically attack you for seemingly innocuous emotional triggers). Or just bitch about racism so that they can sue you and take your money via pseudo-antiracist lobbies. (who exclusively only attack indigenous Europeans and deliberately ignore openly racist attacks on Europeans).

In other words and i'm polite because it's all a waste of time and it's a lose/lose situation. can't do anything about it. I'm rather pragmatic, i avoid problems. And it's not just sub-saharans. It's even worse with the Jews. Gay lobbies are no better. All these professional victims will bleed you to death, find pretexts to drain your money, humiliate you & demonize your ancestors, in the name of "human rights", "tolerance", "equality", "diversity".

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He should go back to Africa (again)

>"you cant say faggot because you are not gay"
>"why can i say nigger then? im not black!"
dave, you might wanna think about this joke again.



>I figured out that I'm only 20% black and 80% comedian
>Part of me was hurt
>All I could think of was Kramer you mother fucker
>The other part of me was like
>Nigga is having a bad set

I hope you're in the 40%

Niggers are the only group you aren't allowed to make fun of without being labelled a nazi.

you are forgetting about jews

>It's actually rather ironic that Chappelle's show is called "sticks and stones".

based retard

this anti wokeness bit he is doing is tiring already.

Ugly nigger

will anyone post the video instead of a soundless webm?

hang in there kramer!

the son on the right looks a lot like him

He looks like the "I'm black, my wife is Filipino, so my kids look Puerto Rican!" kid.

Cringe and blue pilled nigger faggot

>Dave Chappelle was far left comic

>Dave literally is considered far right

yeah that's probably him, his daughter looks pretty black tho

Why do amerimutts don't stay in /pol/?

i still call them shemales and it gets a laugh from everybody
except shemales

Dave looks like Clayton Bigsby here

naggers and figgits

Isn't Renée a woman's name?

wtf is that his son?

I guaranfuckingtee I can find a clip of him saying "I'm the type of nigga that.." etc. So fuck off. Your "powerful" punchline doesn't mean shit when you use the word more than anyone in the entire entertainment sphere.

Having a comedic appearance isn't the same as using the word "faggot", which is what the original argument was, and which Southpark hasn't used for many years now by conscious choice to attain and keep "woke" status.

That's on you. Nobody can even tell a joke with it being approved by a focus group

Black people don't view nigga and nigger as having the same definition.

he looks like he was born in the slums of bangladesh

Double standard. South Park has a status where they can get away with pretty much anything except Mohammad (which they actually did before too) because they're too much of a staple of Comedy Central to be denied. Chappelle's big, but not South Park big, so they thought they could control him easier.

Gay people that actively complain about jokes like that don't want equality, they want special treatment.
Look at how a bunch of gay/lesbian Youtubers are suing Youtube for the new terms of service. It didn't bother them until they were hit too, so now it's suddenly a homophobic website.

Its not as much as them being homos as the fact that many homos are complete narcissists, or fags for short

Based retard

Literally all of us have heard both of those slurs used in entertainment as long as it's tasteful - especially if someone has a 'pass'.

Literally all of us have heard flak about both of those slurs.

His story is nothing surprising. He has one pass not the other. But his low iq made him go ape shit and implement a fallacy.

>dave you're black so you can say that but you are not gay so not that one. it's that simple
>no one implied that

Chapelle is a political retard who should tell jokes not preach.

Are Somalis that? Because those are the only blacks that i ever had problem. Even my black friends hate them.

I like Dave Chappelle. He's one of the greatest comedians of all time. But seriously though, fuck his new special. And no, I don't think he should be "cancelled." I think he should stop attacking disenfranchised people that are in less fortunate circumstances than himself just because he thinks they're different. He knows better. But hey, controversy sells, so fuck me, right? People like me, the "triggered SJW baby safezone snowflakes" blah blahs or whatever they're calling "people who try not to act like dicks," we're the butt of the joke, right? So laugh at me all you want.

But forget words for a second and let's talk numbers.

When it comes to discrimination, transgendered people have it the absolute worst, especially black transgender people (numbers provided by UCLA and the Williams Institute):

Family chose not to speak/spend time with them: 57%

Harassed or bullied at school (any level): 50-54%

Experienced discrimination or harassment at work: 50-59%

Doctor or health care provider refused to treat them: 60%

Suffered physical or sexual violence: — At work: 64-65% — At school (any level): 63-78%

Disrespected or harassed by law enforcement officers: 57-61%

Suffered physical or sexual violence: By law enforcement officers: 60-70%

Experienced homelessness: 69%

Suicide attempts among trans men (46%) and trans women (42%) were slightly higher than the full sample (41%)

These numbers are not an accident. They are a direct result of our culture of intolerance towards the trans community.

I have seen, first hand, how this prejudice leads to trans children killing themselves. A trans girl in my high school killed herself a week before her 17th birthday, and you're lying if you don't think jokes about her being trans aren't what pushed her over the edge. This shit isn't funny. It isn't a joke. It isn't a game.

Trans lives matter.

Dave's problem is that he doesn't get that society progresses for the better and those who can't accept it are the problem. His skit was mostly sad, he's an old man who is stuck in the past.

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West Africans (majority of niggers in France, US etc.) dislike all East Africans because they are another race of black that don't look like West Africans.

I hate niggers, faggots, niggerfaggots and women.

lol what the fuck

>Mr. gay man, you can't say "nigger" because you aren't black
>Well, Renee... I'm not a FAGGOT either

You know remember that reruns of shows have the word retarded censored.

>society progresses for the better

Attached: honknews.png (1040x445, 239K)

Is there anything more cucked than being white and watching Dave Chapelle?

He hates white people. Why give him money?

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>the "punchline" is that he accuses the liberal producer lady of being a rayciss meanie poopoo pants in a roundabout way by insinuating that her saying he's allowed to say "nigger" is basically her calling him a nigger
What the fuck happened to comedy? This isn't a joke, it's political grandstanding. I'm all for making fun of faggots, trannies, JEWS, niggers, etc. but if he wants to actually stick it to those whiny leftists, maybe he should try being actually funny and telling jokes instead of going on a butthurt diatribe about how he epicly owned some kike producer. What happened to self-effacing humor? What happened to the comedian being the one made a fool of, rather than making a fool of someone else? Imagine how fucking funny this bit would be if it ended with "And then she said 'Well, maybe you should try looking in a mirror, nigger.'"

I stole it. This one was better than the last two though.

>society progresses for the better
Tell that to the Weimar Republic. Oh wait, I think you're actually right with that example.

>he hates white people
No he doesn't.



I assume there are faggots and gays but I can't say I've met a gay, only a lot of faggots

How about hottentot

sjw outrage culture it’s happening since 2012


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What a fucking good joke. I love Dave.

2011, OWC

that's actually a pretty funny one

And how did blacks react to your pick... By smashing up H&M stores in South Africa or where was it like the monkeys they are

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Hes saying that theres a difference between the words, even regarding who they refer to. All gay people are fags, that's just what the word means. But nigger is specifically used to dehumanize black people. Its the meaning that they are a lesser people and a lesser race. It carries a lot more weight than faggot does. Faggot is to Gay as Shit is to poop. Its a meaner word for the same thing. Nigger is more than that, faggot.

The 20th season said fag twice, by that was almost 3 years ago.

>society progresses for the better
how'd you figure that

>A trans girl in my high school killed herself a week before her 17th birthday, and you're lying if you don't think jokes about her being trans aren't what pushed her over the edge.

Definitely not lying. I think it was likely his parent's realization that their son was irreparably mentally ill. Go read "A New Way to Be Mad" you ass clown.

This kebab abuses the audience's ability to stick with retarded premises.

>So um niggas is gone save 'murica...

jfc Dave how much does reality have to be suspended to get on board with your joke premises

I bet he is playing classic WoW right now kek

yeah, they say fag. you can't say faggot for some fucking reason.

Why dont trannies just be normal instead? Then they wouldn't face all that shit.

>pretending not to understand why he can say nigger but not faggot
>if he says faggot people will get offended
>if he says nigger no one will get offended
there, it wasn't that hard

Based Eddie, ch*´pelle is for zoom*rs
If it didn't you'd get forcefully cucked by some fat king while working 14 hour days without knowing how to write a letter complaining about it.


>i'm not a nigger either
Who wants to tell him?

>Vice says you shouldn't watch it
>they only end up making more people watch it, including me, that didn't even knew this existed
I liked how he dabbed hard on the trannies tbqh

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Blessed pic


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feudalism is proof that all things labeled progress is good? i don't get it

good. the more dead faggots the better

>Arabic hat
It says Abu Dhabi btw

>well I'm not a nigger either
kek, well played Chappelle

Buddy, I mentioned up fuedalism, the industrial revolution and the 20th century where people still didn't have rights to education. It's ok though, I couldn't expect you to get it

Libtards don't know whether to worship him for being a based black man or to hate him for supporting fagbashing and free rape. Well, except the (((journalists))), who all hate him.

I really, really don't understand the logic people follow to look at a dude, and think he is a woman.

>he got a female ""soul""
Well, and I'm not christian, and I don't believe you're either. This soul crap is bullshit.

>he got a female brain!
Does his brain weight less? Does his brain have more neurons? No? Than it is not biologically speaking a female brain.

>it is a mental illness!
Then why are you validating it, you mongol? I don't go telling schizophrenics that their delusions are right, and I don't tell sociopaths they are better than everyone else. If somebody have gender dysphoria, the solution is PIMOZIDE. Not the entire society doubling down in their bullshit.

This transgender shit is anti science at it's core. People who believe that shit are worse than people who believes zodiac signs centuries after people discovered the earth is not the center of the universe.

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Elton John is one of the only based gay men still around. Him giving Eminem the cock ring is a funny story

Dave is legend.

>nu/tv/ actually takes this b8
so tiresome

You are forgetting that things don't always go forward, as I expect from somebody so dumb he thinks society started at 100 after christ and nothing besides europe exists. Greeks had cataract surgeries and democratic system, romans had such a well made judiciary system we follow most of their theories even to this day, the middle east during the middle age was more developed than the entire europe. Even the persians had a very free society. Shit can easily go downhill, and you are a fucking retarded idiot. Read a book, imbecile.

wait are we now saying that its the progress of general purpose technology that leads to good things?

>romans had such a well made judiciary system we follow most of their theories even to this day

the same judiciary system that killed Jesus and let a serial killer free

>cataract surgeries
How many were successful and didn't result in infections?
>democratic system
Where only select few could vote
>persians had a very free society
And look what happened to Iran after going back to hard traditionalism
You're a fucking disgusting low tier brainlet
Technology doesn't decide how long work days are and who gets to read or even inherit.

>implying that shit is real
Even considering it was, they were just respecting local costumes, that bullshit was a jewish thing. They controled that region, but didn't have such a thight grip

>How many were successful and didn't result in infections?
Enough to be a widespread procedure. I don't have the data to say a percentage of success though, faggot.

>Where only select few could vote
Every citizen could vote, that's the point. There were points in modern history that even that wasn't followed, like only people above a certain wage, or the leader of the family, or those who paid taxes, all that between the XVI to XIX century. Things don't go always forward.

>And look what happened to Iran after going back to hard traditionalism
Blame the cancer that is Islam, and the constant infighting in the continent. If the XII century were taken as standard, they would be way past the european civilization right now, because they already were back then. The middle east was already burning way before the XX century. Iran had only a slight breath of peace.

Once again, look beyond western civilization and it's roots, you brainlet retard. Human history goes way beyond that.


troll trace? you faggot

Do fags even watch family guy? Also half the show is gay shit good luck staying alive then


Too many butt hurt niggers and guilty whites is more like it.

>I'll fucking shoot myself
Do it, faggot. Fucking do it. Nobody will miss you.

South Park are one of the few shows allowed to do as they please. I remember David Firth talking about how after almost getting TV deals he discovered that South Park really is a one in a million show.

cops sure are faggots

I remember hearing about how one of the channels complaining about this is a lesbian couple known for having thumbnails of them not wearing shirts and making out.

Like fuck, so they really wonder why they are getting demonitized

Wheres the clip with audio for that.


Uh huh...

His biggest mistake was not having daughters.

Probably on youtube.

Excellent bait.

>Every citizen could vote, that's the point
>If the XII century were taken as standard
>Things don't go always forward
First off, there needs to be progress in the first place for these golden eras and historic examples inclusion to happen. It seems really arbitrary (and dumb) to just pick a point in history where things were better for the citizen and say "stop there" without mentioning how it was sent back and had to be fought for again. Second, I never once suggested every change is good.

And it's pretty fucking funny how you rag on about muh middle east is the best then immediately say fuck Islam, which is the huge reason behind the ISLAMIC golden age.
But what could I expect from a dumbass like you

This isn't even a difficult question to answer and I find it difficult that someone as smart as Dave wouldn't know the answer.

Nigger is a racial epithet hurled at black people. Black people are the targets of the insult. It's only reasonable to suggest and likely that a black person using the term would not be labeling himself or his race as niggers equated to and along with having the same antagonizing nature as the usage of the word by someone who is not black. It'd be like calling himself a nigger which he clearly never does, so it doesn't hold the same meaning. The same is true of any pejorative used by a member of the target group by which the pejorative is leveled. It will not mean the same thing, which is why groups have the right to use those terms any way they please; which is also why other groups shouldn't use pejoratives like those against outside groups because their meaning will be inherently different because they do not live the same lives, understand the same reality of those targeted by the insults.

those kids are gonna end up worse than elliot roger

>VICE is owned by Disney
>VICE writes article to not watch special that cost Netflix a ton
>Disney is about to launch their competition to Netflix


The Walking Dead used it in season 1. The character that said it even ends up coming back as a fan favourite good-guy character.

Actually RICED

isnt that kind of shit supposed to be illegal?

good pasta

Call him Master Pain

Dave is black, so he has the n word pass

I wonder in which kind of bubble do you live, to be so unaware to the fact that not only the lack of social rights, but the hugest chunk of military conflicts in the middle east is not made because of religious dogma, in this case, Islam.

Islam is the reason to why the middle east stopped in the XIV century, and why it will never move from there. It is warlike at it's core.

Jesus christ he fucked up.

It's just Arabs being Arabs, user. They're literally the niggers of the Middle East. Islam is just fuel for the primitive fire that is the Arab spirit.

Based. Fuck fags and fuck niggers.

>wtf is Dave watching?
He's talking about Chappelle's Show in this clip


Okay but you failed to notice Negro and Nigger are different words

You didn't get the joke at all.

>Saying nigger and faggot is the comedic equivalent of breathing.
sounds kinda important then tho?

Attached: 4ed1d74cfaf1de8f553a833d3384351f.jpg (188x164, 5K)

uhhhhhhhhhhh have sex

user, the media colluded with a political party and no one gave a single shit, that kind of stuff is normal.

Only a russian would want to undermine american businesses like this

Arthur : When this show ends, you wanna work again, don't you? Somewhere...

Phil : Yeah.

Arthur : You know who runs this town?

Phil : The jews.

Arthur : No, the gay jews.

>Larry Sanders Season 6 Episode 10

How is Yea Forums seething over Dave Chappelle harder than libs are holy fuck

Because he isn’t funny boomer

this board is full of trannies

nothing is illegal when you have as much money as disney
they literally change laws to whatever they want


This. The backlash has been incredible. Trannies are known to use subversive tactics on social media to further their agenda. People pretend its hard to impersonate a white nationalist, when in reality the buzzwords are simple to digest and disseminate.

You’re not saying anything wrong here. Standup is boring when it just becomes soapboxing. Triggered children responding to you prove your point completely


i don't know why these big stars marry these plain women.

Dave "trannies hate me" Chappelle

>I think he should stop attacking disenfranchised people that are in less fortunate circumstances than himself just because he thinks they're different

you have no problem making fun of rednecks, faggot

hes not exactly a heartthrob
money doesnt really fix dork
he had to get him a thirsty asian hooker just like all the other incels

Everyone is rife to be made fun of.

No one is exempt or special -- especially trans.

Christ, I busted up.

dave chapelle stand up is streaming right now on bongstream dot live

>Family Guy never made nigger jokes
what show did u watch????

Attached: nick-young-confused-face-300x256_nqlyaa.jpg (600x512, 26K)

streaming sticks and stones on

Attached: 034_10049118.jpg (2296x3192, 1.88M)


im still not going to watch but im always down to shitpost about an n-word

>I'm not a nigger either
unironically 'what' did he mean by this?

based pic


thanks man!

That wasn't why.

Dave came as close to calling them out as anyone ever has.


Attached: 145983498.jpg (512x512, 28K)

Dave lookin around the audience nervously at the end

Based Renee calling this racist alt-right Trump supporter a nigger.

Roseanne was fired for not liking Hillary.

academic scientific articles on the female brain point you made

i'm a white nigger what am i allowed to say

so is noone gonna post a link with sound to this or what?


His funniest Netflix special by far.

I'm glad he made so much fun of poor white heroin addicts. Highlights how bullshit it is to be offended on The behalf of gays and trannies but not poor people.

Similarly, fascist and nazi used to have specific meanings too ;_;
>partially in line with a sex-atypical differentiation of the brain during early development in individuals
>we found intermediate patterns in WM microstructure in adolescent boys with GD, but only sex-typical ones in adolescent girls with GD
>GM volumes of both GD groups deviated from the volumetric characteristics of their birth sex towards those of individuals sharing their gender identity
>partially in line
>deviated towards
Cope. Intermediate means not female. They're malfunctioning male brains. Calling them women is at best like calling mulattos white.

I like the one where Stewie searches for miles to make sure a black person isn't around so he can tell his black joke, but the guy is just in a fucking vase, under a plant.

>His special was about race and pushing his agenda
Retard. It's exactly the opposite. He has no agenda other than telling jokes.

>Take a look at these self-reported statistics by people suffering from mental illness

Made me laugh, la

>People like me, the "triggered SJW baby safezone snowflakes" blah blahs or whatever they're calling "people who try not to act like dicks," we're the butt of the joke, right? So laugh at me all you want.
Okay, sure.

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Hardest I've laughed at a startup in a long time.

The one in the back is pretty handsome. He just needs to lift.

lol Trumptards stuck in the past bashing Hillary. It's almost 2020, yang gang fools!

Nigger is a slur and commonly attributed to dumb, violent African-Americans nowadays. It's not the same as just being called "black." Dave saying he's not a nigger is true.

you're talking about a company that fought and won to exclusively own dead people's thoughts and ideas forever

I wasn't bashing Hillary.

The best abortion stance I've heard yet.

>if you can kill this motherfucker then I can at least abandon him
>if I'm wrong then that means we're both wrong

ITT: bitter, mentally ill trannies

Threadly reminder that Dave Chappelle is a muzzie scumbag lmao

I fucking loved his new special, I googled it, all the liberals are mad at him. What can you possibly do that makes a bunch of 'woke' faggots turn against a liberal black man?

4channel bans for freedom of speech

this seems pretty damn lame and I like dave chapelle. that cuck louis ck said faggot all the time.
also wtf is up with chapelles face? I didn't think it was possible for black men to hit the wall.

He mocked too many sacred cows.

>Saying nigger and faggot is such low hanging fruit.
Putting them into some context isn't.

South Park was grandfathered in

Yes, le smart people use 4channel for such topics

Oh lawdy no he di'in

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buff dave weirds me out desu

what a faggot

t. Zoomer

Lol, ibn Sina's beliefs would be considered heretical by even the most "moderate" Muslims. He wasn't the only philosopher or academic of the day who's views on theology or cosmology have fallen way, way out of favor with what now constitutes mainline Islam. Quit skimming wikipedia articles and then posting like you know shit. The main driving force behind the "Islamic Golden Age" was the translation of Greek philosophical texts into Arabic. ibn Khaldun himself gave huge credit to Aristotle. You think he'd be some honored citizen of Saudi Arabia today? You're a fucking retard.

The main thing I picked up on is that he seemed really depressed. He just looked old and tired and like he's pretty much had enough

a plain, decent woman is more likely to be a better wife/mother and less likely to be a vapid, soul devouring, gold digging whore. look at celebrities who marry/impregnate standard hotties like scottie pippen or blake griffin. how'd that turn out?

Someone give me a link, I want to watch it but dont have the ability to download torrents at the moment

there are a lot of liberals who hate identity politics. he's one of them.

He acts cool and detached but it's so obviously a front for anxiety and depression. That is the face of a guy who's had at least one panic attack a year in the past ten years


As a millennial white centrist I'm 1000% in agreement with him.

i'm starting to think i'm somewhere in that boat.

you really think steamboat willie gives a fuck about what's legal or illegal? Mickey Mouse is the law. stupid.

I know this is b8, but you're a big nigger faggot who should seriously consider an heroing. ps fuck your mother

It's easy to impersonate a WN online, and yet it's so, so hard to draw a swastika from memory on a synagogue's door. They really need to prioritize.