Lucas Hedges

>Moonrise Kingdom
>Grand Budapest Hotel
>Manchester by the Sea
>Lady Bird
>Three Billboards
>Boy Erased

Why isn’t Lucas Hedges given enough credit on this board when he has such a Kino filmography for a young actor?

Why does Yea Forums jack off to Timothée Chalamet instead?

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That kid is Kino. I hope he doesn't appear in any fucking capeshit.

Ladybird was so awesome.

he a cute


He's great

Ben Is Back too. He's a great actor

Boy Erased should be more widely watched. That kind of camp should be banned.

Ever wonder why this kid just randomly appeared one day in a bunch of Oscar bait movies?
>Hedges was born in Brooklyn Heights, New York, the second child of poet and actress Susan Bruce and Oscar-nominated screenwriter and director Peter Hedges.
Now you know.

Based, fuck Chamalet (inb4 one of you fags says "I'd like to".) Hedges is terrific. Can't wait for Honey Boy.

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Faggots need the rope

That's not a Jewish name.

When Hedges and Chalamet are both 30, how many total gay characters will they have racked up together?

I don't like him. I've only seen him in Manchester by the Sea though.

this guy sucks and he plays a fag in every single movie

It's not just Jews who practice nepotism.

Chalamet is very overrated in both looks/acting imo

Thumbs up

he looks like a redneck, thats why

New Yorkers too?

Because Chalamet is an actual decent actor. And he's not a dominant force in any of those movies
kid ruined manchester by the sea for me
his acting in this scene was atrocious

Only good directors are Mexican

No you're just a pleb.

most unlikeable kid ever