How do you rate boards?

1. Yea Forums

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2.Yea Forums
5.Yea Forums

1.) Pre-2014 /spee/
2.) Pre 2011 Yea Forums
3.) Yea Forums
4.) /pol/ (formerly:/new/)
5.)pre 2014 /r9k/

1. Yea Forums
2. Yea Forums
3. /fit/
4. /pol/
5. /h/

everything above /o/ is complete garbage (except for /tg/)

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2008-2013 era Yea Forums is both directly and indirectly responsible for such a huge amount of Yea Forums maymays and culture it's ridiculous.

1. Big Dimes Yea Forums
Unplaced: Everything else


how so?

/fit/ Yea Forums Yea Forums in this order for me

College football was the only sport I was ever even remotely into but I still browsed Yea Forums regularly for the quality.

Not Yea Forums related. And there are no good boards, this entire site is a shitstain on the face of the earth. :)

1. /s/
2. /n/
3. /e/
4. /e/
5. /d/

Yea Forums is a shit board, into the trash it goes




/int/ is the best board right now simple as

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Yea Forums

This, but unironically. Yea Forums should have flags as well.

1. Yea Forums
2. /fit/
3. /pol/
4. Yea Forums
5. /ck/

They're all shit. The only good boards were on other imageboards which are dead now.

1. Yea Forums
2. /vr/
3. /h/
4. Yea Forums
5. /biz/
6. /ck/
7. /m/
8. Yea Forums

Is /x/ fun again? I haven't been there since capslock.

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Flags are fucking cancer.

t. leaf

/int/ is garbage
>full of cuck fetishists
>whites and Asians larping as niggers
>Asian incel spamming
>full of communists and socialists
>pro antifa
>faggot and tranny lovers

I was only joking love. /int/ is still the best board though, with Yea Forums a close second :)

1. /pol/ the most diverse board

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Power gap
Yea Forums
Power gap
Yea Forums
Power gap

Yea Forums is still good

Which makes it even more rewarding to be based there anyway. Why hang out where everyone agrees with you?

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>type Yea Forums
>zero results
glad to see that we can all agree that Yea Forums might as well be a containment board

You rated /e/ twice

every time theres a moderately decent thread picking up steam its purged, 90% of that board is just generals or spam of some current event

1. Yea Forums
2. Yea Forums
3. Yea Forums
4. /out/
5. /pol/

1. Yea Forums (pre-2010)
2. Yea Forums (especially during Drive/Baneposting era)
3. /fit/
4. /pol/ (even tho it's a nazi cult, it's still funny as shit)
5. /int/

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Your favourite board only existed 10 years ago? Stop living in the past, man

>1. Yea Forums (pre-2010)
>2. Yea Forums (especially during Drive/Baneposting era)
>3. /fit/
>4. /pol/ (even tho it's a nazi cult, it's still funny as shit)
>5. /int/

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tv is shit compared to k how fucking dare you

/int/ is just badpol

>costanza posting
>ISHYGDDT+shiggydig+millions of varients
>janitor memes
>power rankings
>semen rations
There's a shitton more I can't remember right now.

That why I moved to Yea Forums, /pol/ and /int/ which is oddly enough the closes thing you'll get to the former Yea Forums on this site

The best boards are objectively Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and /fit/. All the good humour that comes from this site spawns from these three boards. /pol/ is only good for happenings, it did create We Wuz Kangz and Dindu Nuffin though.



Extremely Based:
Yea Forums, /m/, /vr/, Yea Forums, /o/, /tg/, Yea Forums, /biz/, /i/, Yea Forums, /h/, /d/, /t/, /fit/, Yea Forums

/c/, /w/, /f/, Yea Forums, /g/, /k/, /an/, Yea Forums, /sci/, /out/, /po/, /ck/, /wg/, /diy/, /s/, /e/, /x/, Yea Forums, /mlp/, /pol/, /trash/

Semi Based:
/n/, /vp/, Yea Forums, /qst/, /int/, /toy/, /p/, /fa/, /gd/, /wsg/, /hc/, /u/, /hr/, /gif/, /trv/, /r/, /r9k/

Not Based:
/cgl/, /cm/, /jp/, /vg/, /ic/, /3/, /hm/, /y/, /adv/, /lgbt/, Yea Forums (formally based), /soc/

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Why don't you go back to reddít, then?

Where's /bant/?


No, I mean literally. Where does /bant/ fit into this?
