

Attached: Dredd-Lena-Headey-1108x0-c-default.jpg (1108x831, 79K)

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Man, I wish I could have seen this at the cinema in 3D. They should re-release it.

The Slo-mo scenes were very real

Karl was a decent Dredd desu.


I always thought her scar makeup looked really good

Is Dredd brainwashed or just overzealous?

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A better Boba Fett movie than Mandalorian.

Judgement, Life sentence in an isocube for you

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the movie was fantastic. also a great female antagonist which is almost never done well.

Great female protagonist too. This is unironically a great feminist film.
>woman doesn't need a man to save her
>woman doesn't conform to female stereotypes
>woman isn't a wimpy useless bitch
>woman can actually do the job

Neither. He simply believed in the righteousness of his cause.

6 months for you

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Dredd doesn't fit "their" motto though. Do you remember all the articles about how great it was that Annihilation featured an all women and minority cast with LGBTQ representation?...... yeah me neither

But I sure do remember 1000s of articles about why I need to see Ghostbusters

this movie was ruined by that scene. i was into it until that shit happened. the jews always have to inject that shit into everything.

He just really fucking loves the law.

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>Life in a Cuck Cube
>body sharking
>organ legging
>Illegal Boinging
The future is a scary place

How can I get a gf like her?

when the fuck is the tv show coming?

He was a great Dredd, not just a decent one.

In a future where nobody’s really clean he just wants to do his job as best as he can. That job is being a Judge. The law is the code.

It’s another one of those failed satires up there with western heroes and Frank Castle where men and women who lack testicles whine about the point being that they’re bad people. The reason people love these characters is that they have a sense of morality more direct and true than the shitty worlds they inhabit. They right wrongs and are doing their best to live by their code.
You’re supposed to be upset at this and trust the system and repeat that violence is not the answer even as you whine about rich elites getting away with murder and rapists walking free.

It’s a sick product of a world where you’re supposed to deny your own agency. You can’t bring justice to someone who raped your own child. You trust the system to give them 18 months and a back pat & that they’ve learned their lesson.

yup shame dredd 2012 will never get a sequel

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Feminist only see art as propaganda tools. Unless it’s a major mainstream release or an indie release with hip points, they don’t care. And rightly so.

>failed satires
What do you mean? It's excellent satire.

but dredd holds everyone responsible?

If The Boys do well enough maybe they'll throw Karl Urban a bone.


Thank god. They'd completely ruin it.

A theater near me did a special screening of it in 3d last year. Was really cool, the slowmo scenes are awesome, and there's a lot of 3d fog effects that were just removed for the 2d version.

Alex Garland can only produce kino.

>The Beach
>28 Days Later
>Ex Machina

The 1995 version is pretty good too.

>refused to get harvested

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>questioning the law. 6 months in an isocube, call in the meatwagon, rookie

No, it's shit. Mega City One looks better in the old one, but Dredd had such a small budget.

How could he not? He IS the law.

The only reason why you associate him with Bobba Fett is because he's wearing a fucking helmet, you goddamn simpleton.

why does the largest gang member not simply eat mama

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These laws but unironically please.

Better director than JJ Abrams, shame he wasn't handed Star Wars

The great thing about Ma-Ma is that she is just a vile piece of shit. Yes, she had it tough, but the movie doesn't pretend it is justification for her criminal behavior.

>Gentile Percentile

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It did get some comic sequels from non cucked writers

her lackluster career

I need to start reading this.

Based Dredd

He is motherfucking BASED is what he is

This movie made me into a Karl fanboy


Modern feminists aren't feminists. Real (second wave) feminism was about social and economic parity between the genders, regardless of biological means. If women get maternity leave then fathers get paternity leave and such like that, and it evolved from the international suffrage movement (first wave feminism). Third wave (contemporary) feminism is a load of bollocks.
Anne Robinson (host of the Weakest Link game show) said something along the lines of "when I'm in Africa or Arabia I'm a feminist, but when I'm in the UK or the US I'm a 'grow-some-fucking-stones-girls-ist'".

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it's because it's primarily a british production.

what if you were captured by her and she made you her toilet slave haha so gross

second wave feminists were old spinsters who successfully convinced women that they do not want to further their biological imperative and instead convonced then to work which also doubled the workpool and contributed to lower wages. just like corps now push third wave feminism corporations pushed second wave feminism, its always been a scam.

>trust me, material possessions are better than motherhood, who needs kids when we can import third worlders!

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MaMa was hot desu

Dredd is easily one of my all time favorite movies.

Can i get some honest feed back as to why people DONT like Dredd (2012)?

Starship Troopers is a failed satire, Judge Dredd is not. It's certainly no "A Modest Proposal", but there are plenty of cleverly written commentaries on systems of governments.

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so THATS why this movie was so enjoyable

Some people hate fun.

but wasn't 40% of the movie god awful slow and not in a good way like Better call saul. but just genuinely bad writing to get from point b to c and c to d, etc

Redpilled, hillarious, absolutely virtuous, selfless. A hero we need but dont deserve.

Saw this on mushrooms with a buddy. It was my 6th or so rewatch. When the drug bust scene happened we were completely blown away. One of my favorite movie watching experiences.

Yea she was great

>that time dredd went against fatties and fat acceptance and fat pride
>that time dredd dragged a failure rookie with complete lack of comitement through night of patroling just to drill the point that this upstart has no backbone to be a judge
>countless times dredd patrolled the thot
>countless times dredd purged degenerates, hippies and modern equivavelnt of anti fa soi
>that time dredd judged gotham on batmans turf


No, not really. In fact a reason why Dredd is so good is because it does NOT have all that filler and fluff other movies have. Just straight up action setpiece after setpiece.

One of the best film going experiences I have had

They have a sequel in the form of a comic book. But if they made a Dredd 2 it would be gay and woke.

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Watched it when it came out. First and only time 3D didn't bother me and did, in fact, even add to the experience. The effects really DO look better in 3D.

He knows the system, the city, and it's citizens are fucked but all he knows is to dispense the law and will follow it until the day he gets gunned downed only to keep himself from going insane.

>it's an "american doesn't get overt satire" episode

>3 mon - 5 years


i would love to eat mama if you know what i mean.

All feminists are awful

seething paki detected

>Paying a ransom 5 years

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>when the fuck is the tv show coming?
The Rebellion filming studios in England for Mega-City One haven't even been finished yet and when they are done they might make Rouge Trooper there first. I'd be surprised if it was out before 2021.

she was so hot even with the scars
needs some lesbian pics of her and the femjudge

My Alamo Drafthouse did a 3D screening last week. Was awesome.

I specifically didn't watch this in the cinema because it had 3D in the title. Even though I've been a life long Dredd fan. How the fuck was I supposed to know it turned out to be the only good 3D film ever made.

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Looks like the studio is almost done. They're hiring people now. Kino Dredd tv incoming.

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Based dredd, went from "muh satire, he Is a facist nazi reee" to a alt right hillarious hero people look up to.
Fuck off, degenerate. Dredd Is long past being a joke.

Unfortunately lots of others felt the same and this is why it failed. They didn't even release a 2D cut to the cinemas, if they had more people might've seen it.

Does anyone have that "recommended Dredd comics" pic? I wanna get into that shit.

No Karl Urban, no thanks.

>Karl Urban said he's down for it. It might still be him in it.

I think Garland would make a great Star Wars but I honestly feel like he doesn't want to. Maybe if they gave him a spin-off type movie with complete creative control, but definitely not a numbered one.

My Alamo drafthouse also did a screening last week and it also was p cool...

But its a mindrape scene; you're supposed to find it repulsive.

This. She ended up fighting back and bites his dick off.

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I wonder if Judge Dredd will even feature heavily in it. They might focus on rookie judges and that.

It was the best 3d since Avatar


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Mega City One is horrible. Not because of the judges, but because of WW3. America's population is crammed into three mega cities because of radiation. The judges are the only thing keeping the city alive. They are necessary for survival. Prove me wrong and come up with a viable alternative. How would you run a slum mega city?

>great female antagonist
I wish she was able to blow up the building at the end. Was lame they didnt show the bombs and that the transmitter wouldn't reach. Was she bluffing?

What part of this movie is fucking slow?
It doesn't miss a beat man.
Opening scene introduces slow-mo, gets rookie, mama murders rat, judge arrives on scene, same burns from slo-mo, arrest, unravel conspiracy, lockdown.
Just boom boom boom man nothing slow about it.

>yup shame dredd 2012 will never get a sequel
I thought the ending was perfectly set up for a sequel. Maybe this time not have 95% of the movie be set in a building.

I'm now officially a brainlet because I could not follow three user's post chain about the satire\Dredd reflection stuff.

Fuck. Maybe it's also due to no coffee or food for half today either.

Lol what bullshit, the main heroine is jewish, look it up

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she didn't have much hand in making, directing, writing or producing the film, apart from the acting of course and she just one actor.

>bites his dick off.
That scene showed Mama biting the dick off- it was referenced earlier in the flick. Try to pay attention next time.

She was hot in GOT. Shows what makeup and hair can do for average looking women.

Well, Dredd called her bluff and tried it, because what else could he do? They would have blown up anyways.

Yes to both.


>Waterproof edition

Doesn't she literally say something about a dirty ape while we see a fuzzy vision of it lel

>what else could he do?
Signal jammer on his gun- maybe the stun setting. The gun was loaded will all sorts of other Batman gadgetry why not an EMP.

They gave her makeup in this, dummy

how does it compare to the stallone one?

it's going to end badly for white women though. because they've opened pandoras box of sjw ideology and that shit is anti-white at it's core. things might seem ok for a while but eventually they will start to be replaced by PoC women.

The Stallone one has a better city. Apart from that the 2012 beats it on every thing a long shot.

Mommy buy your crayons and coloring books for the new school year yet? Don't forget to pack an extra set of underwear for those "accidents" you have.

The girl side kick is jewish though

He was fucking amazing.

Stallone one is a guilty pleasure whereas this one is a genuinely good movie.