Are there any kinos about libertarians?
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Are there any kinos about libertarians?
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Yes but libertarians are too stupid to appreciate them.
that's left wing
Lolbertkino coming through
libertarians you say?
The Fountainhead movie from few years back that the invisible hand of the market chose to crush with something like $20,000 box office receipt total.
Team America World Police
*hits cigarette*
So libertarians are economically like super-republicans and socially like super-democrats right?
Why isn't there a party that is economically like democrats and socially like republicans (ie. socialised medicine is cool but fuck gays tho)
That would be pretty epic
>not not left right just free
That's the Republicans, it's just yay for universal healthcare for old people and useless parasites. Boo for healthcare for functional people.
Libertarians are so fucking cringe.
Americans ruined the term libertarian like everything else, historically it meant anarchist, or what is called libertarian socialist now but fat Americans just can't stop sucking the cock of business.
Unlike Democrats and Republicans who totally aren't cringe.
>haha you are arrogant for assuming only you have seen the evidence
>haha you retards just haven't read the evidence of climate change
lolbergism is probably the most retarded ideology in the world.
Libertarians are just a group of guys who want guns, want to fuck kids, and don’t want to do anything in their lives that requires them to lift a finger.
>but what if the child consents?
>Not Left
>government controlling society
Saudia Arabia has socialized healthcare and criminalized homosexuality
yeah they could focus on the intrest of the nation and have social policies that help the people, something like social nacionalists haha
>socialised medicine is cool but fuck gays tho
that's called naziism
Replacing SS and Medicare with a government controlled flex account with differing government match rates depending on bond returns would solve everything including the issue of freeloaders coming first to any gov. plan.
This is too sensible so both parties meme it up for their retarded, cornered voter bases.
Funfact: the only dark red congressional districts left are those with high DoD immigrant employees.
What do you guys think of Hoppe?
judging by his lectures, he's based, but I'm yet to read democracy a fallen god, because it's hard to get a printed copy over here
Economic liberalism is correlated with higher IQ.
The libertarian party isn't libertarian whatsoever.
They're very left wing economically and don't care about the federal reserve.
They're also gun grabbers.
Ayn Rand hated libertarians.
>Why isn't there a party that is economically like democrats and socially like republicans (ie. socialised medicine is cool but fuck gays tho)
>That would be pretty epic
Socialized medicine is retarded.
I remember debunking this copypasta on /new/ in 2010.
Imagine not supporting economic freedom.
Basedcialists are the ultimate bootlickers.
Except for the ECONOMICS, which is the important shit.
Libertarians kill pedos though
Libertarianism was founded by whites.
Jews do everything in their power to stop economic freedom.
Hobo with a shotgun
>Homeless old man uses a shotgun to end crime in his city when the police are completely corrupt
Pretty much any movie with gods or deities in it.
>OP asks for films for the libertarian/ancap feeling
>Authoritarian bootlickers show up with made up scenarios to try and disprove freedom
New question. When did Yea Forums started sucking off authority so much? And why are there so many bootlickers on a sight with history of being anarchistic/libertarian?
Daily reminder the first country to eliminate their central bank and allow free market banking will have the highest living standards on earth within 5 years.
Massive high paying service sector jobs with dominate this country's economy to consume the goods the rest of the world has to produce for it.
The workweek would shrink to 2-3 days a week and people would retire much earlier. This will also lead to more jobs becoming available.
Everyone would have high saving rates. Houses would be inexpensive. Debt would be strongly discouraged economically.
Massive automation would take place as the cost of capital goods would be extremely cheap. This will lead to massive levels of technological innovation.
It would be extremely easy for the average person to start a business due to the cheap cost of capital goods.
Daily reminder actual free markets have prices falling all the time instead is going up.
Daily reminder America never had a system of free market banking for most of it's history. There were only patches of American history with free market banking. The panics that happened during the 1800s were due to government intervention in the banking sector. Sweden had the longest most successful period of free banking and that's what made them really rich.
Daily reminder the longest period of (relatively)free banking in America coincided with the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION where wages rose and prices fell.
Daily reminder central banks are the very reason the economy is a pile of shit and our generation is so fucked.
Basically what I'm saying is if we had a free market, the entire fucking country would be disneyland or universal studios and people would barely have to work.
Why would you NOT support this unless you were a shill that hated white people?
The simple answer is, contrarianism and boomer election tourists.
>if you want to leave someone alone, it means you're sucking their cock
this, /pol/ used to be heavily libertarian and fascist. Then Trump started picking up steam, many libertarians whi were there switched to Trump because fuck the establishment, and a ton of redditors came over. They then spilled over to other boards.
What a retarded image. Libertarianism is inherently right-wing.
So called 'left wing libertarians' are just libertines. They compose most of the American Libertarian party, which is just a bunch of fags who are too contrarian to be Democrats.
Based and Hoppepilled.
Corporations are authority, cuck.
Here's your problème.
You mean like a socialistic nationalist party?
While I agree with you the US right wing is seen as just republican, and the republicans don't give a shit about government size or protecting individual rights.
Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman weren't libertarians and both supported central banking.
Ayn Rand hated libertarians as the other user pointed out.
Mises and Rothbard literally supported European ethnonationalism and thought mises thought fascism was a good temporary fix for european civilization to stop communism.
Rothbard was close friends with Jared Taylor.
Eat shit.
>state controlled enterprises and the government using "us vs them" strategies to win over the people
Sounds like 20th century fascism bro
This. Yea Forums will always be against "the man", ironically even if the man represented freedom of choice (not saying that it necessaryly does at the moment, but you get the idea)
How does this image make any sense?
How is getting the government and corporate monopolies off your back asking them to tread on you?
You literally support central banking LMAO
Libertarians are saying that the authority corporations have come from government and they want to take away that authority.
Ip and copyright for example are bullshit.
That's called Fascism and we aren't allowed it
Riddle me this, if someone's actions harm the property of others should they not be liable to pay for the damage?
Libertarians have a choice between deliberate inconsistency and being rabid ecologists. Fortunate for them I guess they are still stuck being autistic about income tax when Georgism solved the problem over 100 years ago.
Libertarian here, if you can show it, yes sue them and make them pay. Also taxation is indeed theft but necessary theft.
>Riddle me this, if someone's actions harm the property of others should they not be liable to pay for the damage?
Yes, this is the very BASIS of libertarianism.
If a business pollutes your land or your person, they should be taken to court and damages paid.
This is the way it used to work before the bullshit EPA made the government in control of it.
It used to be tons of class action lawsuits.
>dude weed lmao
Feldman especially sounds like a drug pusher who wants to sell heroin to children
I kinda like McAfee, and I hope CIA niggers won't kill him
i want to fuck a librarian
I legit can't tell if this is a parody or not.
Why does it switch over to republicanism half way through?
Repubs are based