There was never a "Darth Plagueis", the Sith is a singular being that trains the apprentice to take over their body once the dark side has decayed the present form. It fuses with the host's personality.
Rey is the nearly dead Sith's new vessel created by the Emperor to sustain his consciousness, just like Vader was originally intended to be, except Anakin got fucked up so Palpatine tried to possess Luke instead.
What we're seeing in the trailer when we see Rey ignite her red lightsaber is the Sith after it succeeds with its plan this time.
By finishing what Vader started, Kylo meant becoming a vessel for Sith, as promised to him by Snoke.
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God that really fucks up the lore if true
It's fine to speculate and write fanfic but you don't need to make a thread every time pretending you have inside information.
>the Sith was the devil all along
Pushing EU aside, this makes too much sense to be true. Completely shits on EU, but fits very tightly into the new canon.
Okay except your dumb "leak" is instantly disproven with Darth Bane existing in canon
So who was Snoke?
thats good and all but i dont care about Star wars anymore.
Pretty sure they would let JJ do whatever he felt he needed to in order to save this trainwreck.
How the fuck does this make sense? In George Lucas canon there were many Sith until the Jedi destroyed them and only Darth Bane was left, implementing the rule of 2. For this to be true the rule of 2 has to have had always existed. Palpatine telling Anakin about Plagueis makes no sense in this context as well.
That's the final scene from Darth Bane.
>it’s another autistic virgins argue about tiny points in a space soap opera made for children in order to make money for the mouse episode
reruns are boring
Nothing outside of the films matters. This has always been true. They're not going to not do a storyline because it contradicts some children's cartoon.
>made for children
Do you genuinely think the original was that?
>Rey refuses to let him die so she uses her newfound ability to alter space and time to change
>literally the only reason Saw Guerra exists and is an extremist in Rogue One is because of TCW
It was made to undercut Dune, which it did, as TE Lawrence was assassinated by Jews. Churchill was the Jewish choice, Lawrence was the opposition.
Was this before or after the rewrite? Source
Yes you faggot. It's literally flash Gordon with a higher budget.
>b-b-but it's scurry and people die!!!
You should kys, pussy
see I'll take that contract also.
It's fan fiction based off the all the leaks including the sizzlestump stuff. Which I believe is the original version before Jew Jew came back.
I can't actually find the original source, but this letter was a response to the redrafted script according to the last paragarph of this telegraph article:
Snoke will be explained in a few sentences. It won't be all this complicated garbage. If it is, it will be in books or comics. Not in the movie.
This is the emperor in knight of Ren form. Rey is never dark in the movie
>a film for children of all ages
if only she knew how right she was
I was watching a lazily implemented time travel paradox.
>It won't be all this complicated garbage
They're making C3PO's memories the macguffin of the film just so that he can spew out the backstory m8.
This fits the “Darth Bane” books ending.
Darth Bane learned how to transfer his soul into people. Did It his apprentice, but was never confirmed if it worked, left it at conjecture. Darth bane had a left hand twitch that gave him away.
>the lore
your books, video games, and kiddie cartoons have never, and will never, count to the film series.
What about the upcoming live action shows?
Sneed turned to the dark side
Nah, rey is a clone and so is the evil rey. Kylo is the titular Skywalker that will turn good at the end and kill Sheev.
Lucas-tier canon excludes everything outside the movies prior to Disney's takeover *except* Clone Wars and Rebels still count as canon
>implying Rogue One counts as a movie
I love Kingdom Hearts!
And yet the 35 years of collected Expanded Universe material is the actual Star Wars story while Disney's products are the Cinematic Universe alternate reality.
Daily reminder that Disney is disseminating multiple different sets of “leaks” and “spoilers” so that you can’t tell which ones are real
Mate if you think the cartoons are just for kids then you haven't seen Ahsoka decapitate four guards at once. Also I don't know why you think the movies aren't aimed at younger people.
That sounds so awful, it might be enjoyable in a schlocky kinda way.
I know. It's too good for Disney Wars.
I dunno some of those retarded sounding predictions seem to make sense
Get him on board, I'll call it in.
>There is only one Sith-Apprentice thing going on
>Instead of having several Sith-Apprentice "lineages" going on parallel and constantly infighting for being the rightful one which is one of the contributing factors of their irrelevance over the past 1000 years
Lore? Nobody gives a fuck about lore when there's Billions to harvest.
Get dabbed on, mouseboys.
Hmm, yeah, that totally worked last time. It's not like the republic was destroyed or anything.
Dooku shits all over that theory
Sidious turns Dooku after Maul dies
I lold at this post but not with you
Lmao yeah wookiepedia autism is definitely “Lucas-tier”
That wasn't supposed to be a theory, that was what I thought would have been more "interesting" for SW.
The idea that the "dark" side is somehow monopolized within 2 or 3 individuals is pretty dumb.
"Realistically" the "Rule of Two" cucks would spend as much time trying to fuck over Jedi as hunting down other dark side users who are sapping their juice away from them. Like Cult of Ragnos kind of deal, just before the Empire times
Maybe thats how it was in the old EU, I am just going off the 6 films and some vidyas
>Vader was Sheev’s side kick
>therefore it’s a millennia old Sith tradition
“”””””Lore”””””” has always been retarded m8
What about Darth Maul?
cool headcanon
you are right that there never was Darth Plagueis though, since he is 99% EU bullshit anyway
Based and checked.
nowhere is it implied the two Sith are the only Dark Side users in the Galaxy, nor is it that they hunt down other "Dark Jedi."
how so? there's nothing in the movies that contradicts it really, is there? it's all pretty vague
But anakin built c3p0
the talk pages on that wiki are a goldmine
That would directly contradict Clone Wars
Anakin built C3PO from scraps of another droid.
the rule of 2 never made much sense beyond a master apprentice shit
why would there always only be two sith existence its retarded
>Hiperspace rams your "Sith" entity
He, nothing personel
>since he is 99% EU bullshit anyway
and still 99% better than Disney Wars
Because there's only one Sith and the other is a body he's grooming to overtake. Sith is progressing linearly.
Can't shit on Darth Bane's Rule of Two if that's still canonical. Which it is, since it was in Clone Wars.
Sith are Dark Side users, but not all Dark Side users are Sith. It's just a particular discipline, and I really wish they had them die with Palpatine and Vader as originally intended. Just have a new type of evil jedi if they need le ebin lightsaber duels
how about we dont try to reinvent the lore after 40 years?
>Sith Empire use Triangle ships and chicken walkers
>several thousand years laters the Galactic Empire that emerged from the Galactic Republic uses triangle ships and chicken walers
KOTOR was pretty lazy in that regard
I think you misunderstand me.
I am not saying that what I wrote is what I believe is happening in SW
I am trying to say that I feel SW lore would be better if that was the case.
Its not a theory about the lore, its a opinionated criticism at the lore.
Do you really think they have thrown away 40 years of the lore for nothing?
While borrowing from a Dark Empire plotline.
and that doesn't matter because every idea they've had in the real movies are so fundamentally retarded that every fake spoiler sounds entirely plausible.
I hope this isn't real... My shitty prediction is actually better
>Clone Wars and Rebels still count as canon
Didn't SWTOR try to pull this off with the Inquisitor story?
Close enough, I suppose, but still the best reason to play that game.
>SW fans
Nothing more pathetic than that. imagine paying tickets and having to watch content get retconned every 3 years.
They're naturally jealous and backstabbing. Probably figured it was smarter to not have so many around after a point.
>Since then, the only previously published material still considered canon are the six original trilogy/prequel trilogy films, the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series and film, and Part I of the short story Blade Squadron. Most material published after April 25—such as the Star Wars Rebels TV series along with all Marvel Star Wars comic books and novels beginning with A New Dawn—is also considered part of the new canon
Trips of truth
Dark Empire did it first. Palatine is back by having his force ghost possess his own clones from a secret cloning facility on a deep core planet. But the clones deteriorate quickly and he is looking for a permanent solution. Which he finds in one of Leia's children who is strong in the force and he plans to possess (I think the baby is yet to be born, I can't remember). There is a lot more to the story but that is the relevant part.
What about Darth Maul n solo?
>Which he finds in one of Leia's children who is strong in the force and he plans to possess (I think the baby is yet to be born, I can't remember). There is a lot more to the story but that is the relevant part.
This was Empires End right? Dark Empire was about making Luke the apprentice of the Emperor, and introducing the Eclipse.
Just ingore it. Nu-wars lore contradicts the established continuity. Just ignore it. It's pure fan fiction.
>He actually pays attention to what the Storygroup says.
hmmm... what if he made a female clone from the male genetic male source?
>not understanding the difference between official canon and headcanon
Star Wars is a motion picture franchise. No ordinary viewer gives a shit, or has probably even ever heard of your cartoons, video games, comics and dime-store novels.
They don't count nerd, doesn't matter what your faggy webzine tells you.
>Snoke will be explained in a few sentences
easy. snoke is just a golum for the spirit of sheev to inhabit temporarily. that's why he's suddenly back in ep IX
If you could read, the post clearly states that none of the "cartoons, video games, comics, or 'dime store novels'" count except for Clone Wars and whatever got made after Disney took over.
I don't think so. I think Dark Empire came out in two series collected into graphic novels but I am not sure. I haven't read it in 20 years.
>except for ...
And I'm telling you it's just the movies.
I should add that Luke becoming his apprentice was part of the story. Dark Empire had a lot of cool ideas in it.
If you want to think that then that's fine but according to Lucasfilm and Disney and anyone who is remotely in control of the series at the moment, Clone Wars is canon. George Lucas helped work on it and it's canon. They've already referenced it with Maul's appearance in Solo so they're not going to contradict it no matter how much you want them to.