The great debate

1994, 2002, 2019

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Other urls found in this thread:

1994 by far
>94 has a great deal of great cast members
>02 only had Lisa Foiles
>19 only has Nathan, Gabrielle, Reece and Chinguun. So basically the 2002 reboot with more great cast mates

b-but tumblr told me that OLD SHOWS were RACIST and no NO POC !!!!

I love how in the middle picture they surround the fat piece of shit with the three hot women. Such a Schneider self-insert.

So’s the 2019 version

Why is the 2019 cast so young? Did they actually cast younger people or are zoomers just genetically inferior?

Either Nick stopped catering to Dan’s fetishes or (shock gasp) the cast is legitimately funny, as seen on these auditions.

This is painfully unfunny

Guy in the middle pic, far left side. Is that the actor who did that cucked scene on some comedy central show? The one that gets posted as a webm here a lot.

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You’re talking about the ones in the 50s

Obviously because Dan is no longer on Nickelodeon

Whatever happened to Kel? And I just remembered that that fat chick even existed.

Kenan, Kel and Lori are Involved in the show’s new reboot. With the former 2 being executive producers

How fucking new are you? The top image you posted is Not even the original 1994 cast.

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Lemme guess, Lori Beth Denberg will be in all of them. I swear, she would linger around Nickelodeon studios in the 90's and early 00's.

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She wasn’t in the first reboot.

>Ryan and Lex
>0 votes

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If she was, the 2002 reboot would’ve been better.

What webm?

He’s an executive producer of the reboot

THe one of the pasty, chubby guy (looks like generic IT) laying on the floor naked while his wife has sex with a black guy. Closed captioning saying "I'm a worm". The joke from the show continues was supposed to be that later on, he gets used to it and loses interest in his wife... causing her to get upset or something. I think the last scene is him reading a book while it goes on.
It was posted around here a LOT a year or two ago.

>complaining about that instead of Gab not topping the poll

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Nathan, Gabby and Reece were the only funny ones