Heres your new Wolverine bro

>heres your new Wolverine bro

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Looks like someone Synger type casted, if you know waamsain.

He could be a decent Cyclops. The big policeman guy could play a great Sabretooth though.
And Millie could be a decent Jubilee.

As for Wolverine, i really don't know who could play it decently, Hugh Jackman basically became his face in the comics too, he's not even short anymore.

My dream casting would be Jujimufu as Lobo.

Very good desu

Bruce Lee is my penis and Brad Pitt is me if this is true.

I'm straight btw.

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he'd need to get on roids

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The Wolverine we never got

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Not a problem, they *always* pump them full of roids, look at Hugh Jackman in the first Xman movie.


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>heres your wolverine bro

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Ok you sold me on this

we need a jacked hairy wolverine, not a smooth twink wolverine

Just cast some turk/greek/armenian then

just give him the magic juice


but he only does kino.


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So his power is that he can fly? Except he has to use his giant wings spanning about 20ft so he can only fly in wide open spaces? And this is one of the strongest X-Men? How did Magnetus ever lose to this?

Why do you people want a twink wolverine?

every guy in this thread is giving me a boner stop

16 feet
>peak """""human"""""" strength
>super healing
>skilled fighter
and as Archangel
>razor wings
>projectile poison razor wings
>mach 1 flight
>energy blasts
>resurrecting things

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I love Tom Hardy.
Logan Marshall-Green sucked ass in Aliens: The Prometheus.

>one of the strongest X-Men

so what happened with them? In the beginning it seemed like they were definitely gonna get it on, but then they pussied out?

This whole mini arc on her cheating lead to nothing

she was gonna but pussied out
he got attacked by a monster on his way to their hotel room and brushed her off the next day when she tried to explain herself, and that was the end of that

There's barely an actor alive rugged enough for an accurate Wolverine, but that poorman's Tom Hardy from Upgrade might be a decent pick.

>not casting Kit Harrington and having him method act by being shitfaced the entire time

Archangel is slept on

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Every action movie leading man is pumped full of roids regardless of how he's built before.

is this achievable natty?

Yes, easily if you have a normal fat percentage. I look like him and all I do is literally just push ups.

I want to pound him as much as I want the opposite

That's some extreme gayface

Huge Jacked man looks natty compared to Evans and Hemsworth in their respective first movies.

jesus that guy looks effeminate, more like Vulvarine


Wolverine needs to be over a foot shorter. Does nobody remember the dwarf tossing jokes with him and colossus?

Had no idea Xavier posted on this board

watery baby eyes

Looks more like an AU Tony Stark to me.

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this scene makes this show look pretty fun and entertaining. i might finally watch it after finishing the expanse (a 6/10 show).

>decent cyclops
He's like 5'3“

dude that is 100% natty.

It's a fun show.

Give it a watch. Season 1 is objectively good, but its obvious that the writers had the idea that its gonna be just that and didnt expect it become such a hit. Season 2 is kinda meh, lots of rehashes but still a decent watch. Season 3 is a surprising return to form, its not as good as 1 but its pure fun

alright, i will, i appreciate the additional feedback. thanks for the heads up about season 3 being better than season 2

As long as we get to see his benis

>Male friend
>Aww shit man she never told me that you were dating, if she had then I never would've slept with her
>Female love interest

Fuck roasties.

can he do french accent? make him gambit

Kek, true

wait, wasn't gambit a southerner? i mean i know he was some kind of louisiana french but those people don't speak with a french accent do they?

I want to swallow his cum

*Obligatory Spanish expression of horror to the observation of a cherrypicked American photo*

Now now user, let's turn down the homo a little, this is a gay hate board

Could have fooled me with all these fags

Is he a manlet enough m

>implying Wolverine will be white

He's basically farmer Fran from the waterboy. (who was actually speaking a real dialect of south of Crowley jibberish and Bosco Cajun English)

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I wouldn't mind

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Yeah, uh... Same guy was an insane faggot hungry for Tony's sweet ass. He's a "dood, VR" type of villain. Definitely not a bro. Rumiko is shit though, yeah.

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rolled my eyes so hard my head recoiled

he's wearing fucking mascara lmao

Nice devil beard, homo.

He’s ugly

>metal wings

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>three hours a day
Yep, no way he's natty. Which is a shame, since roiding for this is just pathetic.

18 hours a week of intense training for 12-18 months would absolutely get you in that shape natty. he's almost definitely roiding because he probably did it in a quarter of the time for a role, but he's not even big and his look is definitely attainable natty.

Are you fucking stupid?


I want to pound an angel's bp.

This is the only race swap I wouldn't be mad at

Yoel won

should be Dr Doom