How can I punish women for doing this to nice guys like me?

How can I punish women for doing this to nice guys like me?

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By having sex

fucking kek
oh well

god I hate reddit

>it’s a average looking white woman with a massive forehead.

Honestly I don’t know what you polfags are trying to save.

Nurture your wrath, user. They owe you.

Is it really her fault though when jews made Tinder a thing? You would find you do the same shit when browsing for porn, 5 more pages trying to find the tightest teen than just sticking with whatever is good enough.

user i don't even know where to begin

fuck off palpatine

Beat them up
Honestly women going after the top men is only natural for them. 5/10s to them look like fat obese landwhales do to us, they're much more selective that way. I can't imagine being forced to marry and couple with a landwhale without tough societal pressure.
There is one thing which I don't think is excusable however and that is how annoying they are. Most boring type of person on the planet, so sheepish, like livestock, in their adherence to the social norms and to their niche social identifications. Unfunny too, they are, averse to crude jokes of all kinds and totally blind to good sarcasm. There are other reasons why they frustrate me as well, but those reasons alone are enough to warrant mass beatings of the female

Jews own porn sites and dating sites. You can't argue with that.


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Post her face.

>it's duh kikes' fault wyte wimmen are whores

this, but replace jews with any rich people, none of them give a shit about the masses
bitch looks 35, not 25

...And? So what, you literal schizo. What difference does it make if Jews own them or Asians or Americans it literally doesn't matter. How do you even manage leaving the house in the morning, do you think a jew is lurking around the corner ready to sneak attack you?

>speak to your mangager haircut
Looks 40 but is only 22

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She's not 22 no fucking way

Why would a jew surprise attack you when it's in their nature to do this vile shit in plain sight? Looks like logic isn't your strong point and all you care about is fear of being labeled a bigot.

Midwestern women, user. They're called flyover states for a reason. You fly over them to avoid the swarms of frigid red state uggos.

Oh I get it now, you're an anti-Semite. Pathetic. I win the argument by default, don't even bother replying.

So because she doesn't have the features of an asian anime waifu that means she doesn't look 22? How dense are you?

>how you want your hair cut senpai
>just fuck my shit up

Enjoy your social points for being PC on a basket weaving forum, discord tranny

go back


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I don't get the problem. Isn't it a good thing that they dont give people false expectations by swiping right?

also what does this have to do with Yea Forums

my sis is the most ugly looking women o
I have ever seen in my life and she gets dates. sure they aren't Chad but still.

Sometimes the Jews are right

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Enjoy being socially blacklisted when your posting history eventually gets leaked. Enjoy people spitting in your food, enjoy nobody ever hiring you again because you're a documented hate speech user. Enjoy women being even more disgusted by you to the point where you won't even be able to pay for sex.

You are an aberration, not the norm. You will be cast out from our society, and rightly so. Good day.

>in short this one thing but also I didn't mean it
Fucking hell

go back trannies

I gave up on tinder and am trying a more organic approach by talking to girls selling things on Craigslist and stuff, but they seem even more put off than the ones I talk to on tinder.

Can someone give me some advice on how I can subtly shift things from transactional to romantic?

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by not giving them attention
by not caring

It's not scoring that matters, user. It's all about having game when the right girl shows up. Worst case scenario, they still have to use the uggo as practice.

I don't know enough about tinder to get mad at this image, sorry OP.

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Rolling for 1, not s*ging

Just live a good life. It really is the ultimate revenge.

Sorry user, you’ve got a terminal case of autism if that screencap is to be believed. The only cure is a gallon of bleach delivered orally

And you call ME paranoid? LMAO

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All me btw

How am I a tranny I just said women deserve to be beaten you illiterate fuckwit

Next best one, based


t. reddit

Suck my masculine balls.

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Quit tinder, it's a cesspool where only vapid, attractive people go to get laid. Go outside and learn a trade or hobby. Meet a woman spontaneously and if you get along, then try hanging out together.

You faggots really make it harder than it needs to be just because you don't get your porn fantasies delivered to you immediately like your multiplayer rounds in your favorite vidyas

>bro just have game
I never learned user and nobody taught me.

I realize that I'm a basedboy cuck, but could someone please explain why being highly selective about who she sleeps with makes her a roastie whore?

why dont you just stay on reddit if you like it so much

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She's a White woman, white woman = disgusting coalburner, come on OP, Latinas are comfy and horny, they just need care, at 50, with good care they will look like Jennifer Lopez, semen demon, with poor care they will look like whales, they are also very faithful

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Just parrot what others do. Use your imagination.

this is an incel thread user, logic doesn't matter here

who are you samefagging for newfaggot

Again, you're making it harder than it has to be. Women are just people. They bleed and shit like all of us and they too have insecurities.

Actually, fuck it, I don't know why I'm bothering. You likely enjoy being miserable and distant. If you can blame women it gives you an excuse to never improve or adapt.

>nobody taught me
Nobody gets taught your sperg, you just go out, interact with women and try things out, some things will work and some things will fail horribly, then next time stick with the things that worked, ditch the things that failed and try new things as well.

Because women always claim the want nice sensitive guys like me, but instead of that they go on dates with Chads who treat them like dirt. I wish I could stab them in the heart with an ice picker.

answer first nigger did you actually believe anyone falls for this

ice pick*

Incels are just jaded women don't know any better than to boycot Tinder because it's obviously a rigged system that favors unrealistic expectations.

You still around? Imagine failing this bad at derailing a thread, I want to laugh at your face LMAO

pathetic deflect
answer nigger

seething inçels want women to drop their standards and date losers, more news at 11

Yeah, you seem super nice.

Why is that image considered nsfw?

user, it's not filtered... yet

back to plebbit, trannies

you too newnigger

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>that haircut
would you let her cut your hair if you got laid after, anons

top lel

>Honestly I don’t know what you polfags are trying to save.
The books and the buildings, so that we may have a place in history.

As for the people -

go back

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You dont even know me mate, you dont know what women have put me through

This can't be her. This bitch is disgusting


>be hopeless incel
>chat with girl on whatsapp
>bitch about feminism, getting angry overall
>wonder why he can't get laid

Ufff, dude. You will forever be alone.

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you first tranny

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bitch has groucho marx eyebrows, who the fuck paint their eyebrows this much

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you reek of reddit
lurk more


Women owe you sex for getting us kicked out of heaven, don't let anything they say let you forget that

I love the internet man it shows me stuff like this.

actual incels

larping as incel

I'm sorry to hear that user but the world is not black and white, and neither are people.
Posting on these threads will only make you feel worse

>2D for tv
The thought process.


Why is there a height measure but not a weight measure?

trying to hard to fit in

>I'm sorry to hear that
why are redditors always so cringe