And now we go with fren for the morning report, go ahead fren

and now we go with fren for the morning report, go ahead fren

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hrmph hmmmmmm

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fren here, i makin poo

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Fak of redard

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Imagine how tight his green little sphincter must be

His name is Apu.

Redpill me on the jews Fren.

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gay...fucking shit

Peak autism, I love it

tank u god mornin. u r all mi frens, take care
das all

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nothing on this blank paper, just empty whiteness

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u ok fren?

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you leave him alone.

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Can we keep it down here with all these frogs???

i cot the frenem y

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Delicious apples for everyone!

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No, fren.

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/twek/ heuh frens!

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So tadty it brings ter to mi eye ;u;

you aren't trying to report real news are you fren

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Yeah, uh...
It's the Apocalypse

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googul, how 2 maek frens?

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I'll take it from here fren.

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Apu is a dirty nigger toad and everyone knows it

i finnish

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nooooOOOOOOOOO!!! faek fren!

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or maybe the real dirty nigger toad was the frens we made along the way

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reminder apu is the mascot for homosexual zoomers

Can you guys keep the door closed if you're going to make such a racket???
Grandpa is trying to sleep downstairs

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hello apu mordecai bonzalez ii here
we are here in camberra
a man has been observed
feared monocot and in act of cuestionable morality
he jumped outta the window with no doubt lust or name
man died
moden life have been blamed by jews on the river salty
nothing king manu in a metaphorical unironical sense can be hard
if you live in camberra
stay tuned for more

hmmm I cacluate wether... it is cloudy

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today on coo k wit frens we make one pot halthh foo d

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Appealed to western altruism only to abuse it for their own gain, operating as a nepotistic race.

my mom broke her friggin foot, so now I have to make HER tendies

rip fren

Fuckin kek

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you have to cook him slowly so he doesn't notice

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Very high IQ post

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I'm glad you like it, fren


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tenk u fren. hev a gud dei

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Wats weather like, will I need a brolly fren

Do frens like my new suit ?

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I leik heppi stori

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Who's that green guy?

Dumb frogposters

nothin to report yet lol
how ur mornin goed frens?

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we muss stop the terrah. I call upon aw nayshuns to do evryfing to dop terrah wrists watch me shred.

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