
/hoc/ - Sad Johnny Gaudreau edition

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What's up with Edmonton and that garbage pail kid?

>when you have to buy a new house and you don't know where


quick is a god

quick back to 2013 form

My sides

If you're a Canadian who cheers for other Canadian teams during the playoffs you are a cuckold of the highest order.

I'd rather the drought last 100 years than have a team that's not mine win.

Quick is playing out of his mind tonight.

Based fucking Quick



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Quick just doing Quick things

>guadreau will fuck off from calgary
good timeline

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this dude is nuts

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What a dumb name who ever heard of hockeying


whats Johnny thinking about?
Plowing Chuckie?
Maybe manhandling panny?
Whats on that flamers mind?

ryan nothing-happens

cope we are one nation under the great flame

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i guess quick still has it lol

What a shit helmet

holy shit he hit him with a ddt

wtf was that a nu-hl soiboi fight??

sec cucks wouldn't get it

He made a really nice display of using his head after losing the glove.

thats treason and should be punishable with death

It depends on the day. Sometime he’s 2012 sometimes he’s 2022.

how many playoffs he's not going to participate in when he signs with the flyers

Everyone wants to come to LA, no one wants to go to Edmonton.

The thing about truly elite players is they can still have it for short burst for a long time. The things that made them elite don't all vanish at once

>keep my kings...
What did that guy's t-shirt say?

i would NEVER more to la

holy wrong

this game is way better than the last one

>Everyone wants to come to LA

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I fled LA but definitely not for Edmonton.

no wonder they don't let this chud kill penalties

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Both are complete shit holes

>Keep my kings names out your fucking mouth

had it not been calgary giving him a chance he wouldnt have ever been in the nhl at all
not saying this as some sort of leverage point but just being rational

no one was gonna take him
no one wanted him

>Keep my Kings name out your f****** mouth

The chrome dome is the best helmet in world history.

>for short burst for a long time.

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Ours are dogshit tier and are twice the welfare leech that the lowliest black is.
You just don’t live next to a bad reservation. I live next to 3 of them. Some reservations got rich with oil or gambling. Some are just drug addicts and welfare leeches (most)

Don’t a ton of these playoff teams have cap issues coming up?


>that guy with the will smith chris rock kings sweater behind the bench

What's the comfiest NHL city? I think it might be Columbus

totally agree

they were like "how can we out-shitty the vegas circus team"


t. Trevor Bauer

He's already not playing in these

dallas is pretty comfy other than the weather and the south part


No that was Tampa last year
>the tampa bay circumventors

tired of the flames rtbq


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>no one was going to take him

104 is not even halfway through the draft. Then you have guys like Gostisbehere and Parayko that are drafted in D+1. Gaudreau would 100% have been drafted in 2012 if he somehow slipped through 2011

>21-23-44 in 44 GP for a name brand college

Glendale Arizona is comfy enough for a sunbelt city.

Pittsburgh always seemed comfy to me but i've never been there or know much about the city desu

Edmongton really gonna let a bunch of commiefornian faggots route them tonight?

the weather and it still retaining southern culture is what makes Dallas one of the only remotely tolerable cities in the country

Too bad the Yotes will be in Houston in the next year

for me, its switching to tvland to watch two and a half men during intermission

dont care, go fuck yourself


Phoenix metro is pretty underrated as far as Mexican colonies go.


i might try to transfer from DC to Durham tbqh. If i could snap my fingers and make it happen, i would.

for me it's turner classic movies

copey is from pittsburgh


except for the week or two each spring when the pollen is so bad that the air and the sky turn yellow-green

Its way too hot for me but texas set their thermostats to like 60 year round so ive survived here for a few years lol

Canadian teams getting btfo first round
USA is superior thumbs up if you agree

Playing a quick round of Risk II until the Oilers score

it's nice besides nc being a republican hell hole if that matters to you

I’m tired of seeing faggot fucking diversity oilers hockey. Get this fucking stinky pajeet out of my tv, grow some fucking balls and play even a consistent 75% every game and you’ll beat most teams.

What the fuck is it with this team? They have the most skilled forward group in the show, they have all the capability but every second game it’s like they’re us watching it go by at home

There’s literally nothing special or unique about Alberta.

Good. Lets keep it that way.

are we copying posts from stormfront now

But you're Canadian, from birth you're a cuckold
Less than 10% of your population are free from it, almost all of you are either foreigner born or descended from the dirty anglo scum that fled America during and after the revolution and then you continued the trend of following dad around by inviting the muzzles, Chinese, and Africans in to replace you
Also the only Canadian team worth rooting for is the Sens and they refuse to go to the playoffs anymore so it's a crapshoot

More like 69

source: chillin in a 69 degree room

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>not a hellhole


Is the religion really in your face down there?
That's the only part of right-wing places that bothers me.

You fags just have awful beach bodies.

DC is a libtard shithole so it's an upgrade


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it's weird to watch all year, as a casual observer of their team

totally soiiiiii for it to happen in playoffs

they just have no fire tonight

yes, but the beach also sucks

Much rather live around a bunch of retarded right wing tradies than uptight leftists faggots.

yeah pretty much

"People" don't go to LA
People DO go to Edmonton
There is literally no one on this planet that likes Californians and you fucking know it and deserve it, have some self respect and take responsibility like a man

succeed at secession and you can choose whoever you want

but while we are under the leaf? we're gonna get whoever the east decides we get because they have a total monopoly on the broadcasting industry

just think....
we could have our own broadcasting industry fit just how we want it (with blackjack and hookers)

>people who actively go out of their way to make your life a fucking misery because you mispronounce, misgender, or even make a joke not to their taste
Fuck no.

DC/NoVa is definitely an upgrade from the NYC metro area, but it still sucks. Do really dislike living in Raleigh/North Carolina?

I'd rather live around nobody, ngl

>no fire
true but my flamsies on the other hand are literally made of it

In my defense I live in the middle of nowhere.

How can I open a beer bottle without a bottle opener

>45 minutes to a store
no thanks


Never been to cali (except when I was a babby and that was in the redwood natl forest), never want to go, never will go. Cope and seethe tranny.

I meant a repub shithole is preferable to a libtard shithole like DC

with a lighter you fucking underageb&

Dallas is a shithole, not Houston shithole bad but still a mighty shithole, just like the entire state, probably why it's been sold to the Chinese

do american beers really not twist off?

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Bic lighter

today i had to walk an hour both ways to Home Depot because nowhere around me can i purchase potting soil and other gardening supplies

t. NoVa health care grifter

Some do, most don't

Place the cap on the edge of your desk/table and pound on it

If you have a ring you can open it with that too and it feels gangster

go oilers


Worst carolina sucks even if it's pretty
Tennessee does everything you do but better and doesn't host one of the gay capitals of the US like Ashville does

what's the best golf course in edmonton?

there are no courses you just go outside the city limits and dig your own holes

I've been to people's property with no neighbors, it's not that sparse. More like 15 min.

Nice tho

Use a lighter or pop it open on a 90 degree edge

I know what you mean. Dallas is gay af. I live in dfw and I fuckin hate dallas.

how so?

>cartman sounds in the background
>while sportsnet talks about the sick obese oilers kids

People often think North America is a latitude war between the norf and souf

Real people understand that its not the case whatsoever. The real divide is the longitude war.
Be you an American or Canadian if you live on the east coast or anywhere around the coast you can all go to hell.
Western Canada/Western United States mogs you east coast faggots
>and dont ever come here to the west
>it sucks

you'll be essentially shunned if you're not a christian

cant wait for another battle of alberta

I don’t know what that even is, I haven’t posted on SP since Brady won the super bowl but I’d rather not engage in faggot reddit discussion

I love how easily Tehas zoomers expose themselves
Before the 90's there wasn't a texan alive that would ever claim to be a part of Dixie or the south, Texas was always Texas and nothing else
I bet my Durango you've never lived in another state

Just gotta watch out for Mr. Krushelnyski's land

just remember that if you vote like the people where you came from vote, we will unironically beat you up

Let me get this straight
There are nhl streams that just show nothing during commercial breaks? I just have to sit here in this deafening silence??

Thanks a lot bettman

>Hockey teams
This isn't the 80's user, tv ratings matter more to the owners and broadcasting companies

if he doesn't have a bottle opener on him, why would you expect him to have a lighter?
I know that Houston sucks, Austin sucks for different reasons, and Dallas is a meh city, but what about the b-tier Texas cities like San Antonio, El Paso, and Ft Worth?

soilers won't score, not once

>he actually wants to watch his cuck programming advertisements

Just shit on the floor, wipe your ass with Bible pages, walk out, and refuse to elaborate to assert dominance. No one will fuck with you, I guarantee it.

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What’s the point in streaming it online if i don’t get an authentic cable experience?

this is way better, just have music or a youtube video or something that you pause and unpause during the commercials

really? even in the research triangle? i find that kind of hard to believe

fuck the oilers

Commercial break in progress master race

I think Nashville but I’ve never been to Nashville.

the (((owners)))
why do you fight their battles for them? you like being a disposable pawn?

>inb4 soijak reply

Find a product that is near you and imagine your own fun version of a commercial for it

I've lived in Dallas, Amarillo, and Waco(RIP), it made me understand why my old man left it to begin with and even better mad me.elsewhere

Because streaming online is all about the online streaming experience...


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