Cast them
Cast them
Idris Elba as foetus
Women's rights were a mistake
these types of people make it very hard to be somewhat pro-choice
I wonder if the Greatest Generation know how much they fucked up. I have a girlfriend now but for the last few years I was getting so sick of grandparents wondering why I don't have a girl. They have no idea what modern women are like.
Here's something that should make it very easy
How are you fucking pro life retards all against abortion but fine with the pill?
Why aren't these stupid women taking the pill in the first place?
I used to use this as an example but niggers have been trendsetters for vapid whores since 2016 so this might be a bad idea.
>murder should be made legal because blacks die of murder a lot
Unless you are actively seeking out niggers to kill that makes you a hypocrite
I was totally on board with a woman's right to abort until they started all this 'Shout your abortion' shit.
Now it's just deeply unpleasant.
Because the pill kills it before it becomes anything. Abortion is killing a living fetus.
>I was totally on board with a woman's right to abort
ah yes, "first wave" feminism was based, right?
I was on board with letting fags get married and now we're pumping hrt into 4 year olds and chipping away at pedophilia and beastiality. Last time I was slightly moderate on social issues.
The more I read stuff like this, the more I realise how lucky I was that my birth mother was Catholic and that she was strong enough to not only carry me to term but also make sure I was properly adopted afterwards. And I wasn't just inconvient to her like this bitch is claiming her unborn child is, my birth mother had to leave the goddamn country for nine months so her family wouldn't find out because treatment of women who got pregnant outside of marriage could be pretty appalling back then in her homeland.
She did all that aged 19 and with no help from anyone and then you have these 30 year old "grown women" living in a modern Western country where being a single mother is not only acceptable but downright celebrated, but still can't cope with the idea of being inconvenienced for 9 months to the point where they have to rationalise their unborn child as a "parasite". Sickening.
>I was on board with letting fags get married
why, exactly?
The pill doesn't kill anything. It prevents ovulation from happening.
Your mom is based
I was born in 1990 so it was super hush hush all the time. Figured it would stay behind closed doors and my dad warned me it wouldn't. He was right and now I'm more right wing than he is..
what in the goddamn fuck is wrong with western society?
The planet is overpopulated, we are all a big horde of parasites at this point, and you want to generate even more poor people forced to bear children they can't afford just to strain the system even more?
You're sickening.
>you aren't throwing your life away by committing what is currently a crime liable to land you in prison, therefore you must support criminalizing something that currently accomplishes the same goal with no scrutiny
Peak cuckservative logic, but I expect nothing less from the MIGA crowd
lamo what could be more pathetic than larping conservatives
Idris Elba as father
Native population in Western countries is decreasing, not increasing. Overpopulation isn't our fault, it is the third worlders have twelve kids whilst living off aid from developed countries.
And Idris Elba as the mother.
Arnie as the other pregnant woman
It's funny how if you posted something like that here it would be trolling but on reddit it's the truth
Gee, if only there weren't some way of avoiding making children you're unable to take care of.
Any woman
unironic larping conservatives
Damn I used to think Mgtow and incels were retards and losers but honestly when I see shit like this it really makes me think.
I’m now pro-choice after seeing how many more niggers we would have here without abortions
Gee, if only conservatives and christcucks didn't keep trying to eliminate and gut any programs related to that misterious way of avoiding it...
Have you even heard of birth control. Dumb bitches dont deserve any rights at this point.
Unironically the only thing thats gonna save the west is a masculine religion like islam.
Don't have sex.
(Don't) have sex.
Overpopulation is a meme
At least in 1st world
It's not some kind of byzantine wizardry.
>hurr durr look at me i'm so hip and cool for getting an abortion, i'm gonna celebrate it by eating soulless insectoid's food and posting it on every social i'm subscribed to get attention internet points
Do a*mericans really do this?
>leftshit want to get paid to keep her legs together
Not really surprising desu.
No, it isn't. If Africa weren't in a constant state of coreuption, civil war and debt to the World Bank it could probably recover and end starvation on the continent in less than a decade. But no, instead all white people are expelled if not killed and all their governing and farming knowledge leaves with them.
>Being a consequentialist
I'm from Ireland and people do it after jumping the border into the UK.
>user knows nothing about the female reproductive system
What a fucking surprise
there is no starvation in africa. its fucking population is booming and projected to reach 2 billion in a few decades
>paying modern females to not have sex
Is this some sort of reverse whore?
Abortion should only be legal for blacks and hispanics cause they're opressed.
women like that shouldnt be having kids anyway
There is starvation dipshit, but it's because they have 12 kids and can only feed 6.
Why are you straining the system instead of killing yourself then?
Women like that belong in hell
>that misterious way of avoiding it...
you mean, not letting men ejaculate inside you?
>there is no starvation in africa. its fucking population is booming
That is literally exclusively thanks to right wing christcucks and their Sunday donations to their pozzed churches.
A food package for entire family for a month costs only $40.
too bad. it's not having any impact on their population growth so who gives a shit
Abortion should be legal but all this parasite talk and clump of cells talk is unnerving. You could literally use this justification to kill any human being ever. We are all literally clumps of cells and every person tax negative is a parasite.
yeah it has nothing to do with the unhcr and usaid and red cross and all those other state-funded programs
I think "clump of cells" is the femgroid IQ attempt of saying it has no conscious experience
>literally exclusively
>Just stop having a healthy relationships that include sex bro
The incels have spoken.
Sex education and access to contraception are plenty effective, you don't need to turn into a celibate priest that ends up diddling little kids.
In comparison to donations the state contribution is nothing.
>Why aren't these stupid women taking the pill in the first place?
Men are responsible for everything, women just get a free pass.
youre right, lets start with the biggest offenders: pajeets and chinks
>healthy relationships
>unwanted pregnancies
Stop watching Netflix for relationship tips, nigger.
>murdering infants should be legal
You need to go back
>tl;dr not letting men ejaculate inside you is too much to ask. just let us kill babies instead
you are a disgusting whore
Uh, yes, that was the point. Don't be an idiot about having sex. Use protection. If you can't take the risk that it might fail, then you can live without getting your dick wet/spreading your legs for a while. You'll be fine. Read a book or something.
Chinese population is now decreasing
this got me thinking
are african foetuses brown?
>Sex education
Benis in bagina. There that was hard.
>availability of contraceptions
Condoms are at every gas station, you responsibility skipping nigger.
Yes. I save a lot of tax money that way. Dont tell me you want MORE Daquans?
I don't have a problem with people having with their partner. I have a problem with them murdering their child. Something you don't have to do if you don't have sex.
Western Women are a mistake
they literally give them out for free in many places
You don't get skin pigments till about month 6 or 7. It's why some premature black babies look colorless.
Buddy, blacks are going to just get a back alley abortion (that'll possibly kill the mother too). Proportionally speaking, the black population is no different than before Roe v. Wade
americans are literally too dumb to know how pregnancies work or how to use a condom