>Snoke was just some wealthy guy that owned Canto Bight that got possesed by Palpatine from Vader's mask when he retrieved it from Endor as a gift for Kylo Ren
Snoke was just some wealthy guy that owned Canto Bight that got possesed by Palpatine from Vader's mask when he...
so snoke died and palpatines ghost jumped into who?
So, its the plot of The Mask?
Jumped back into Vader's mask then told Kylo to rebuilds his mask so he can hop in and get in The Journey
Sheev would have never allowed the body his soul is possessing to ever wear gold sequins and loafers.
So Palpatine possessed Goldmember.
He was a rune magic monk that created a ring where he trapped the Emperor's soul.
Is this real?
That would explain all the mask shilling lately. Devilish
Wouldn't it make a lot more sense for Kylo to have retrieved the helmet because it was kept by his family?
Snoke is such a shitshow. So many of the trilogy's most egregious problems stem from Snoke.
He looks like he was attacked with an axe.
Many questions.
How rich was he supposed to be, in order to bankroll a military big enough to destroy the new republic? Like, Jeff Bezos is the richest guy in the world, but his net worth of $112 billion can't hope to match the $600 billion the US alone spends on defense.
What was the relationship between Kylo and Snoke? I mean, according to that, he seemingly was already a good friend before the possession.
How fucking lucky Sheev was, that the first person to touch the helmet was apparently the richest person in the universe?
How did SW get so creatively bankrup?
He's just your average, wealthy white man.
No, that's space syphilis from having unprotected sex with a lot of twi'lek slave girls.
It's so obvious...Snoke is Drumpf.
dang, i guess they really did plan it all out
Did you pull that out of your ass or is it actual stair wars lore?
Where force ghosts ever established before to be this powerful? I remember then just showing up for episode 6 then suddenly ghost yoda commands lightening and sheev possesses every villain
Old EUfag here. In the EU Sith didn't do force ghosts, they bind their spirits to objects or locations using the force. I guess Disney is using that idea.
Ay yo Rey, we horcrux now
I mean some foreshadowing or development or an explanation would be nice in the film but I guess that requires the Disney execs to stay the fuck away for 5 minutes
That would actaully expalin away that bizzare Hugh Hefner robe he had on
Gif very related, but I am honestly not surprised.
Jesus fucking Christ
Rich people buy rare things, retard.
If somebody sold anything from Hitler they would be all over it. If anything most of them are the ones in expeditions to find rare things.
I hate Star Wars but you're fucking dumb.
Wait is this official
You didn't address a single point he made.
I did, retard.
But you didn't.
You're a fucking idiot then.
>movie ends with C3PO having his full memories telling the story of the galaxy to the same children from TLJ who are now trained as Jedi by Kylo Ren
I will literally burn down theaters
Lich King plot
Yes, but that's completely besides the point.
fuck off nigger
The Sith having "force ghost" is an egregious mistake imo. Lucas didn't want the clone wars episode with Yoda who travels to Korriban and seeing Darth Banes spirit because the Sith don't believe in afterlife. The Jedi can become force ghosts because they become "one with the force" by achieving a zen like spiritual state, it is a light side force power. Even the EU respected this very basic lore rule. Sith instead of becoming ghosts have sith holocrons, were they can save some of their intelligence, personality and essence in what are basically AI constructs.
There is no fucking "rune magic" in star wars, what new fucking bullshit is this, that the mouse and Jew Jew pulled directly out of their ass?
I haven't watched the new star wars movies did the jar jar binks sith lord thing turn out true?
blu ray extra for the $450 complete metal-case collector's special limited edition box set is C3PO narrating the entire series over all 9 movies in chronological order
>here is no fucking "rune magic" in star wars
Oh boi.
yeah but thats what it is
>Disney is so artistically bankrupt they have to steal ideas from spaceballs
>got possesed by Palpatine from Vader's mask when he retrieved it from Endor as a gift
this is the gayest laziest writing ever
>luke is revived back when chewbacca uses leia`s toothbrush by accident.
it would literally be the same shit. at least luke/leaia are connected snoke and palpatine arent
300 IQ post
What about that stuff in the Vader vr game where it's clearly snoke talking to Vader in mustafar
Wouldn't be the first time
Jesus Christ, please don't even joke like that.
he's goldfinger
As if that was a bad thing.
he looks like he came straight from Space Balls
Is this for real or what? Did noone in Disney make a storyboard for the 2nd and 3rd movie when they were doing the first one thats part of a trilogy? Why does it seem like it was just made in a hurry ffs.
This guy
why would Vader become a villain again?
That's be a little too on the nose considering his wrinkly skin and split in his head.
fucking hell
dude, there's a tablecloth on your head
>"Because that's what George did when making the OT and it worked for him so if we just do what he did we can't go wrong!"
t. Kathleen Kennedy
i mean the clothes. It looks so fucking silly.
Snoke himself looks like a Voldemort ripoff
I think it's implying a split persona, Anakin and Vader as separate entities after death.
Still bullshit though.
When are we getting more stargate?
This is in-line with JJ's original plan, where he wanted to make Vader/Anakin two different personalities.
Ghost possession would be a pretty huge ass pull this late in the trilogy.
But 3PO was built by Anakin.
The problem with that is because Star Wars when George did it was built on nothing, I hate when I see comparisons on how Sheev and Snoke were nothing/had no background and were killed off, the difference is Snoke part of something thats already been established while the original trilogy were its own isolated thing at the time.
This didn't age well
if this is true then fuck Disney and Jew Jew Abrams
Darth Vader's death scene was quite heart-warming for a series that has a lot of cheesy scenes
Yeah but I'm not surprised, honestly this is how it's going to go down
Film is gonna come out, make a shit ton of money, and be considered a success.
OT, and pre OT fans will hate it because they see how shit it is
Nu wars will continue to shit on them
Nu wars will then fade into obscurity and only be remembered as that one time Disney made three star wars films and then everyone will remember the OT for years and years to come.
Nu wars will be forgotten in 10 years time
When JJ decides he wants to ruin yet another sci-fi franchise
It's weird how the villains in the sequels always seem to lose but never seem to die.
Vader comic books established that Anakin built him from scrap of an ancient droid.
>Don’t take the ring, Rey.
I am not questioning the idea of a rich guy getting a rare trinket, dumbass. My question was about the prior relationship between Snoke and Kylo, according to the OP they were good pals even before Snoke got possessed.
>Too late senpai
>Tfw it's all true, all of it
sadly this
This will come in handy for ruining this movie for people on facebook
it will still make money in the future but it will be just one franchise of many others
Bane's "ghost" in the show was just an AI-hologram, it wasn't actually a sith force ghost.
Where did this image come from?
Where are you all getting this information from anyway.
It's from the official guide book.
So Sheev just lives in the ring, that's a bit disappointing, I was hoping to see the senate in the flesh.
...iiiiity bitty living space...
>Like, Jeff Bezos is the richest guy in the world, but his net worth of $112 billion
Rotschild rich.
So, Snoke was a nice Guy?
Does this mean we get to seee Hayden Christensen again?
Yes, and no. You will hear his voice but you wont see him. But well see ewan mcgregor obi wan as a hologram training rey.
But that concept predates the horcruxes. J.K. Rowling "borrowed" (stole) the idea and put it in her books, and then into the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Snoke was just a philanthropist.
The misspelled version of this guy.
They're taking from reddit theories now. People always liked to pretend Vader and Anakin are separate people, so now JJ thought it's a good idea to put it on film.
10/10 response
0/10 picture
Wait, where's Pierce?
>People always liked to pretend Vader and Anakin are separate people
That's stupid though.
>People are stupid
You're new here, huh?
I assume the architect is at some sort of all you can eat buffet, hard at work on his next masterpiece.
That was a theory even during OT times, before prequels were released.
Didn't that happen to Revan
Didn't he recently erase his work with the original one? I expect he enjoys the process more than the result, and is busy rebuilding it.
I like to think he enjoys the fruits of his labor
Obviously, he got it out of a crackerjack box.
It's still stupid and misses the point of RotJ.
Well la de da city slicker
a full on rapist?
That's too retarded to not be true, this dead franchise is the gift that keeps on giving shit writing wise
In KoTOR you interact with a Sith ghost in one of the tombs on Korriban.
“”””””my bad”””””
Do you have a blog? Cause I'd read it.
>Sith didn't do force ghosts, they bind their spirits to objects or locations using the force
unless they convert back to jedi in the last 5 seconds of their lives?
stop shilling star wars. It's dead. We are over it.
ever see his lightsaber?
the tales of the jedi comics from the 90s had sith spirits, not that they count under new canon anymore...
why would he get vaders mask as a gift before he was possessed
Nah it was Dark Side fuckery. Like Vader-Luke on Dagobah.
If ever there was a lightsaber with a vibrate function, it's that one.
>but why?
JJ made a shitty main villain with no backstory, and Johnson killed him off without making him really relevant to the plot. Then they realized "oh fuck we don't have a main villain anymore, and our plot is too shallow to go with the "system itself is the villain" narrative.
They have a main villain, but for some weird reason they want to ship him with the protagonist.
but they did the palpatine ghost story in the EU already.
but I love goooooooooooooooold
>>Disney is so artistically bankrupt they have to steal ideas from spaceballs
Snoke was rich?
>he doesn't know
>refuse to date space tranny
>get hit with space axe
I like how the nuCanon went back on that whole durr hurr Sith can't live beyond death you need to go on a spirit journey bullshit.
The meme magic is too powerful
>And BB8 is literally just a rolling ball in space---> a Spaceball
This is either Palpatine or the Drax copy
spaceballs was a prequel all along
maskchads win again
I hate sw magic and souls.
Snoke? More like snake
What if Snoke was a snake Alien?
>still caring about star wars
The earliest script treatments for TFA involved a race to find dark side artifacts so this wouldn't be that surprising.
>Lucas didn't want the clone wars episode with Yoda who travels to Korriban and seeing Darth Banes spirit because
Too bad. Just like various people irl, the jedi are cucks who turn everything they touch into Brazil and even get dabbed on in death
The artifacts were supposed to reveal the true nature of the Sith.
There’s no way this garbage is real
wheres the evil rey part
This is where I'm at.
At face value without any foreshadowing at all this just feels dumb as shit, particularly since they unilaterally nuked the EU to rebuild their own canon and have not made any mention to this hokey bullshit in the previous 8 movies.
Does it make thematic sense for an incredibly powerful Sith to have contingency plan after contingency plan? Yes. But why now? Why weren't any of these things explored in VII or VIII?
But he isn't a skywalker
He is, his mother is a Skywalker.
Christ, Star Wars is utter shite.
>People always liked to pretend Vader and Anakin are separate people
The same people that pushed the Bigger Luke thing?
wtf why not leave him dead? That's way more powerful and meaningful for the character arc and ultimate altruism. Fuck reylo faggots and their happily ever after bullshit.
Somebody Sheev Meee
The super laser star destroyers are in trailer
reylo wins again, incels real mad
This is like 90% identical to the old leaks that were going (like 3 weeks ago) around claiming Matt Smith was still in the film even though he had left the project months earlier.
I'm calling bs
What if the good guys made their own death star but it's called the life star
Too good to be true
It's over. Go home. Don't reply to star wars threads anymore. Anything past the prequels is not canon. This entire franchise is tainted now due to corporate greed and the advent of PC culture. Move on and let it fade into obscurity. We owe it that much.
>"Cantino Bight"
I can't keep my eyes off of you
Damn, I was hoping the star destroyers were like the Katana fleet from old EU, since they brought Thrawn back. The emperor having his private fleet of directly controlled star destroyers would have been cool.
>Like, Jeff Bezos is the richest guy in the world, but his net worth of $112 billion can't hope to match the $600 billion the US alone spends on defense.
Except the US govt. uses AWS for everything, so, really, who is in charge here?
Okay, so how does this link into the next trilogy? Every time these things pop up, they're based on shit that has been seen in trailers (inserted as 'proof' to convince people the rest is legit) along with other stuff. It sucks. This makes no sense.
>who is in charge here?
What happens if you combine the assets of every Jew in the world?
Fake. We already had a real leak that predicted that vaders mask would be reconstructed before the first trailer came out. I wish I took a picture of that leak.
you alright user
Why don't you just search the archives?
yeah i'm thinking these slippers are pure kino
>A pair of slippers were a comforting item that belonged to Supreme Leader Snoke of the First Order. Two-tone in color, the embroidered exterior was gold in color, with its interior a red. In 34 ABY, the disfigured dark side wielder wore his slippers as he sat on his throne, located within his personal flagship. During this time, he was often visited by First Order General Armitage Hux, his apprentice Kylo Ren, and, before his death, the Jedi trainee Rey. It was Ren who was responsible for Snoke's death, slicing him in half from afar, using the Force to manipulate Rey's lightsaber, which sat beside Snoke's person. With Snoke's body split in two, his slippers remained on his feet.
>implying JJ will explain anything
This meme's too good to be true
How many hapless minions will Rey slaughter so that she can flirt with the planet destroying bad boy?
Are Jew Jew and Johnson trying to top themselves on who can come up with the stupidest thing imaginable?
>Oh no Kylo, you've captured me! I guess you're going to want to torture me to find the rebel plans right? Well I won't tell you!! Even if you slap me and spit in my face, you'll never guess which part of my body I've hidden the plans in...
>W-wait, aren't you even going to try?
Our bold feminist hero. And execs wonder why no one likes her
Too deep of a lore pull. The shit about the ring being from Sages of Dwartii and the rock from Vader's castle is all added in the visual dictionary by Pablo Hidalgo to make it seem cool and relevant when the actual filmmakers didn't put a second if thought into it. And it's well known JJ doesn't give a shit about Pablo or the story group, Pablo has spoke out about JJs lack of cooperation even.
Literally. JJ didn't realise the game at first, so he was completely blindsided by the schlockmeister Johnson himself.
Ep9 is JJ's attempt to bring the big guns now that he knows the score
ugh. disgusting
Why was Palpatine's spirit in Darth Vader's mask? Doesnt he have his own magic object to live in?
looks like an older ben shapiro
How is Snoke's sister then?
You mean to tell me Palpatine, Darth Sidious, the fucking emperor, got fooled by Kylo's shenanigans when he turned that lightsaber and killed his host body (Snoke)? I dunno mayne, doesn't sound like my boy Palps to me, unless you wanna compare it to Vader's turn at the end of Jedi, but that's a different ballgame altogether. Those two Sith ruled together for two decades or something.
Fucking hell.
This unironically sounds okay.
Then why the fuck is he identical to a dozen other protocol droids?
The book's writer never saw Empire Strikes Back.
>Then why the fuck is he identical to a dozen other protocol droids?
Parts availability
Based and checked, dubs dont lie
Because they realized he was the only interesting 3-dimensional character they had.
i cant believe im starting to miss seeing a son of the mask thread every single hour on this board
You must be talking about someone other than Kylo Ren.
not that bad desu, huge upgrade compared to tlj
cuban pete?
well you have to admit, those slippers look pretty good
Where did the wife put that originality?