How the FUCK do i watch this secret dave chapelle epilogue? None of the the shit said in twitter works...

how the FUCK do i watch this secret dave chapelle epilogue? None of the the shit said in twitter works. It's not in the trailer section either. Can anyone here start it and just post a link?

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It's too fucked up. Don't watch it.

>he doesn't know the secret button combo on his remote to hit during the credits

it's under the trailers tab ya dingus

Skip to like the last 10 seconds of the special, went the last 10 seconds run and the credits are over you’ll get a prompt to watch the epilogue. Its the same interface as if you were going to watch the next episode on a show.

Under the netflix menu hold play for 5 seconds. You will hear one beep. Then input down down up left and a cha ching will let you know you unlocked it.

This I've heard they hired Raimi as a writer, that's enough to know this shouldn't be watched.

You need a Game Genie, retard.

I thought it was down up up left

You motherfucker

>blacks and other minorities should smarten up and arm themselves with weapons before they are banned
>white people are getting uppity and shooting everybody
>it's better to shoot whites dead before they can act up

Chappelle hiding things from the regular viewing portion as usual.

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does he really say that?

Just fucking watch it, man. It's 22 minutes.


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I got the impression it was saying that if you want guns banned, have a bunch of blacks legaly own guns.

Smart joke

Comments on something being take seriously because minorities are doing it but also acknowledges they'd probably do stupid shit with their weapons

you need this

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He says that the discourse around gun control will shift immensely the moment black people start arming themselves legaly en masse

he's right
reagan as governor tried to ban guns when the black panther party showed up

It is a smart joke. Bit too smart for you it seems.

>ITT a bunch of netflix paypigs
Shame on you, faggits

lol that's what you look like if you like chappelle xD

yeah, gungrabbers will have to shut up and back off because they'll be called racist

In the 80s, now everyone knows blacks have guns illegally. It would change literally nothing

>doesn't have a girl he fucks in a city on the other side of the country who let's him use her Netflix and Stan accounts

Umm, sorry Nazis but Dave Chapelle has been #canceled

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How can I watch it? I torrented the normal routine. Any rips of the epilogue yet?

>even comedy specials have post-credit scenes now

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im starting to warm up to this nigger

Netflix blocks the epilogue from white people.

How old are you?

>I'm putting together a team

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Dave was based when u were a toddler. Watch his old stuff during your permaban.