Witness your company pump out shitty fan pleasing flicks twice a year for 10 years

>witness your company pump out shitty fan pleasing flicks twice a year for 10 years
>they are all profitable and some are the highest grossing movies ever

>purchase the most popular franchise of all time for 4 billion dollars
>new movies are earning less and less with every release, culminating in an actual flop just 3 years in
>even though your other franchise is profitable for over 10 years and a ton of movies, you think that your new product is failing because of "franchise fatigue" and not due to gross incompetence of the people you hired to work on your 4 billion investment

I am genuinely baffled as to how a person this clueless managed to become the CEO of a multi billion dollar company. Is he a complete idiot or is he truly so busy that he doesn't have 2 hours to sit down and watch one of the movies his company produces? Surely if he watched his product he would realize that they are alienating his core target audience and that is the reason for the lack of profit, and not franchise fatigue?

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Do you really think you are smarter than Bob Iger?

Franchise fatigue is a result of gross incompetence

Apparently not, else i would not be posting on an Ethiopian basket weaving forum while he is making 65 million per year.

I just can not understand how a smart man can attribute the lack of profits to "franchise fatigue" when your customers would eat a turd every month if you named it star wars.

they're not trying to make money
they're trying to push an agenda
they're going to keep pushing it until it becomes accepted
disney has basically infinite amounts of money already

Just fuck off with your jew paranoia, they care about money that is all

Everything he says is aimed at investors. He needs to say that everything is under control. If he said "whoopsie! We really screwed the pooch were gonna replace directors and rework shit while i think about firing kathleen." Investors would have shit a brick. Blaming it on fatigue, which was part of it, made it seem like they retained a position of power by having an easy solution.

>people have literally not stopped talking about Star Wars for three days straight INCLUDING the contrarian dipshits of Yea Forums
You are a fucking moron

He's much better than his predecessor

>Blaming it on fatigue made it seem like they retained a position of power by having an easy solution
That doesn't make sense, there is not much you can do about franchise fatigue other than wait, and waiting doesn't bring in cash. A much easier solution is to change your product based on what your customers want to spend money on, like they do with marvel crap

Marvel had Kevin Feige, who actually gives a shit about Marvel, while Lucasfilm has Kathleen Kennedy at the helm, who how no fucking clue what she's doing on the creative side, and doesn't give a shit about Star Wars outside using it as a platform to push her feminist bullshit. Her failing was believing that Star Wars was too big to fail, and that dissenting fans wouldn't make a dent on the bottom line.


Nu Wars bombing isn't really on him, it's more on Kathleen Kennedy's mismanagement of Lucasfilm. Much and all as I despise Disney, he has been a fantastic CEO in terms of generating shit loads of money for Disney.

shit actors doing boring characters in boring worlds, following boring plots.

That is exactly my point. It is not on him but the person he hired to manage his company's 4 billion dollar investment. Kathleen is obviously failing to bring in as much money as possible, so how the fuck does a person like him assume it is "franchise fatigue" instead of realizing that your EMPLOYEE is not doing their job right.

Let's say your business bakes cakes. The person you put in charge of one of your stores starts putting salt, pepper and ketchup into wedding cakes. After people stop buying your cakes instead of replacing the person, you say "oh well i guess people are just tired of cakes, we'll just stop selling them for a few years"

He’s not wrong.

If they merely wanted money they would listen to the fans.

They would make it right and not shit on an entire captivating EU just to make their own shitty canon portaying Luke as a space cow-milking psychopath, literally rehearsing Episode IV all over again only partly changed and going full on YAASS QUEEN SLAY and SJW on their casting, roles and plot.

>most popular franchise of all time
Disney didn't buy Pokémon

Fair enough. But he also put Kevin Feige in charge and he's made Marvel super profitable. I guess Star Wars is just that one fuck up that they won't be able to salvage.

Yeah just look at how popular that franchise is

Fucking dumbass

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>Kathleen is obviously failing...so how the fuck does a person like him assume it is "franchise fatigue" instead of realizing that your EMPLOYEE is not doing their job right

Of course he knows this. Everyone involved probably knows this. Theres probably this constant, glaring awkward atmosphere following her around that screams, "you fucked up". But he cant just straight fire her, especially in this era of #metoo. "Franchise Fatigue" is the bullshit public reason that saves everyone from admitting the emperor has no clothes. Because the second ge publicly acknowledges KK is a complete fuckup is the second he admits HE fucked up by putting her in charge

Protip: Men like Bob Iger are not allowed to admit they fucked up

Yeah, shame too, given how many billions Pikachu made on its way to becoming the highest grossing movie of 2019. The lines to see it were ridiculous!

He's overseen the most profitable movie franchise in history. He also had the good sense to buy Marvel and Pixar when he could.

Disney's real problem is being so dependent on ESPN, which is something like a third of their revenue and 40% of their profits, at a time when cable is dying

>those 2 chinese flicks i've never heard of

It makes sense if you're in charge and all you want to do is shift any and all blame away from you and your decisions, and foist it upon nebulous, unquantifiable concepts like "franchise fatigue" and "bad fans"

The corporations only agenda is making money you fucking /pol/ sperg.
If the wind is blowing in the direction of progressive sociopolitics, that will be rolled into the product but only in the pursuit of profit.
Swings and roundabouts.

You are correct about Feige which just makes his behavior in regards to star wars even more baffling. They spent more money to acquire star wars and he doesn't seem to care that it is under-performing. Why doesn't any of this cross his mind

>hmm Kevin is really bringing in the cash for 10 years straight
>how come star wars started flopping only 3 years in?
>who is in charge of star wars again? Oh right
>perhaps i should give Kathleen a call, i am the CEO after all

Yes chang he is wrong

>but only in the pursuit of profit
well I don't know. they can basically say good-bye to the asia market

Listening to fans isn’t profitable. As every fan has different opinions on what makes something enjoyable. You cater to one, you lose another.

The only thing that has ever been consistently profitable in entertainment is seeking new audiences.

Igor fetch me the brain

And has seeking out the SJW audience been working out for them so far?

why would believe a salesman, ever? he knows what's up, he will never say anything honest publicly. fucking gillette lost 8 billion dollars and they're still pedaling bullshit.

They don't always get it right but it is clear that the cultural pulse of the USA (the west) for the past 15 years has been progressive and more recently woke politics.
Entertainment companies just swing whichever way the audience goes.
>yo yo craze
>marble phase
>skipping rope craze
It's not complicated.

it's more like them deciding which way to go and the audience has to follow more or less willingly

That’s not what’s happening.

All audiences are dwindling, mostly because film isn’t the only source of entertainment. This has been a basic truth of film since the 30s. Normally, Hollywood would just target the youth demographics to boost revenue. The youth demographics are all about video games and youtube. So hollywood gets it into their heads that the female demographic is a huge untapped market (because it’s mostly men buying entertainment related things). So they hire women to tell them what women want. Women don’t know what they want, so they look at what trends on social media and say “the way to reach the female demographic is politics,” in order to keep their jobs. So they hire young writers out of college to write politically charged movies. The movies fail and everyone insists it’s because the movies weren’t political enough.

Thus, Hollywood is in a deathdive and they think women will save them.

Kennedy is learning by experimenting with the Mandalorian.

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>the wandering earth
>$5,9 profit
who is this chad

The thing is that they don't understand what makes Star Wars appealing to Onionboys and kids. I'm not a fan, but when I was a kid I loved how fucking stupid used to be, also how seriously it took itself. Nuwars films are bootleg marvel films.

Why Hi there little lady *sips goylent* seemsa yousa needa a man to fix yer wagon if you know what I mean *inserts aneros*