ITT: Talentless Hacks

ITT: Talentless Hacks

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More like a genius. He united the entire white race again.

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Holy shit based

HoIy shit based

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he's pointing at us

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But Fincher makes pure kino

Add Tarantino.

>more like talented hacks

Kill it with fire!

Girl With The Dragon Tattoo sucked.

Butthurt chink

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Was just a post that said "he's pointing at us"

Why was it deleted?

because I got banned in another thread

>one film
He should be lynched, ottoman style, for such transgression

Gone Girl fucking sucked

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>can't even reply without trans in his post

Your Jew tricks won't work on me

Based double dubs


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based and checked

Fuck marry kill

I agree, but all his movies are also shit. Making it just kino is not enough.

I think this is a better description. If he wasn't such an arrogant shitheel that thought he was a genius for being the film making equivalent of your high school literature teacher, he would be the best director of all time.

Kutrzman and Orsci