>Palpatine during his fight with Vader în RotJ, when he electrocuted Vader he transferred his consciousnes în Vader's mask. It's Canon that there was a Sith Lord named Momin, when he dies he transfer his consciousness in his mask. Palpatine possesed Snoke when he retrieved Vader's mask for Kylo Ren as a gift. Palps talked with Kylo through the mask letting Kylo believe he talked with Vader. WHEN HE KILLED SNOKE PALPS RETURNED IN THE MASK BUT THE DEVICE CALLED THE WAYFINDER WILL FREE PALPATINE. KYLO REFORGED. HIS MASK TOO BECAUSE PALPATINE TRANSFERRED HIS CONSCIOUSNES IN KYLO'S MASK TO GET HIM TO THE DEATH STAR RUINS AND HIS ARMY OF STAR DESTROYERS WITH DEATH STAR TECH
Rise of Skywalker SPOILER
It's all so tiresome.
just like the ramblings of a madman, getting louder and louder as he slips deeper into insanity.
>tfw no glitchy zombie robot slasher villain vader
Is OP going insane because of how shit ST is?
>force ghosts
Who you gonna call?
Kek,zombies are canon though
>Palpatine possesed Snoke when he retrieved Vader's mask for Kylo Ren as a gift
That's kinda sad. Non possessed Snoke sounds like a bro.
>tfw Snoke owned canto bight before he got possesed by Palps
Wasnt all the EU made non canon by Disney? Also why didnt palpatine go into Luke when he took Vaders mask off?
What eu? Momin is new Canon made by disney
so why did Palpatine (as Not-Voldemort) tell CryloRen to take off the mask in Last Jedi?
we horcrux now
He didnt need it because he got a new body
ok so what is the point of repairing the mask in this abortion of a movie?
So all of Snoke's autistic lines in The Last Jedi were from Sheev?
Sheev isn't autistic, that would be bullshit
Because he needs a vessel to transport his soul to the death Star ruins and activate the Wayfinder and his Army so he can be Free and rule the universe again
lol do you think they care?
What autistic lines? They sound very Sheev to me
Kylo Ren is confirmed to be a Sith Lord in The Rise of Skywalker
this sounds really contrived
could be true because Jar Jar Abrams is a hack
If this is true I'm glad I didn't invest any time in Disney Wars.
A Sith... Lord?
Star (Destroyer) Forge
he fucking CUTE
false spoilers aside, darth momin was kino in the comics