What are the chances we see Qi'ra in a disney+ original series?

What are the chances we see Qi'ra in a disney+ original series?

Best character out of the disney star wars movies btw

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Qi'ra = Jyn > Hershlag >>>>>>>>>>>>>> powergap >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Young Leia >>>>>>>> Rey >>>>>> the gook

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Can we finally stop pretending that Solo is bad?

When the next one comes out and it's as bad or worse than TLJ people will finally accept Solo

Unironically the best nuwars

better than anything that came out after RotS

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*blocks your path*

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apart from Jyn no one can even remember who on earth anyone else in the film even was

>gets slashed across the back
>shirt rips perfectly around her waist

I'm onto you Lucas

I slept through this

She's a jew dude, automatically inferior to bunnyfu and strokefu

She has a nice bedroom desu

Attached: bedroom.jpg (620x411, 24K)

>makes arming noises
>alone? I'll call you solo.
>better turn on my lightsaber on hologram for no reason
>anything to do with the robot
Nobody is pretending user. It's actually not a bad movie, just extremely mediocre and a waste.

>be Darth Maul
>get a call from a qt that just took over the Crimson Dawn
>how to impress her?
>wave a double-bladed lightsaber around
>nailed it
Thus Rey was born

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Emilia Clarke is a poo in the loo and Felicity Jones is a pastanigger.

Maario Naharis

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Both better than the juden

>Felicity Jones is a pastanigger.
>1/16th Italian
yes she clearly is not white now

>1/8 aryan-indian
>poo in the loo

Emilia is 1/8th (possibly less) but that doesn't stop them


>Can we finally stop pretending that Solo is bad?
Social Justice bot and queer lando ruin it. The rest is ok at best

Dude its not like im saying Hershlag os bad or anything lmao chill

I'm betting that whatever they were going to do with potential Solo sequels is going to get folded into the Obi-Wan series. Qi'ra, Darth Maul, all that shit.

Was she the lady from Solo who’s performance was basically a redwood with how stiff it was?

Please don't let Ewan anywhere near Emilia

Would they cast Emilia in a Qi'ra series?

If Qi'ra were only appearing in another series probably but if it was a Qi'ra centric series probably not as she said she doesn't want to be locked into a long production again


>hologram rings
>check caller I'd
>afk from online sabacc game
>make sure horns are looking right and smooth out robe.
>sit on throne
>oh gungan! Forgot to leave lightsaber on night stand.
>drop it off and run over to chair just in time to answer
>force pull light saber
>nailed it Maul

maybe the charachter can make in appearance in the obi wan series? i doubt clarke will play her though. she wants movie roles.

It's basically between that and Rogue One, so not much competition. Also helps that I went in expecting nothing, and came away delightfully surprised.

She loves Qi'ra

Is this an actual clip or is it some deleted scene? Fuck me, she cannot act

sure thing

Literally ANYTHING is better than a jew.
Yes...even a nigger. Especially a delicious chocolate nigress.

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>a cropped soundless webm can determine If someone can or cannot act

"new star wars villain, what should we tell the costume department?"
"make him look like space tony montana, even give him a scar face"

She's playing Qi'ra again tho

At least it's aesthetic

this scene is awesome and awful at the same time

Qi'ra is QU'TE

Attached: 1557272745010.webm (600x544, 3M)

She's moving way too fast and there's almost 15 cuts in a 20 second scene

this is the smart user

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She's barely containing the caterpillars here, look at them twitch

Still a better choreography than Rey's

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>actress is hated on Yea Forums for years
>it's revealed she almost died twice when she was younger
>leads people to look up her public appearances and other roles
>everyone falls in love with her

heh what a bunch of losers
but seriously how do I reverse this

>leads people to look up her public appearances and other roles
>everyone falls in love with her
thats not how it happened

And thats a GOOD thing
It was

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It was literally a single webm from a behind the scenes video for Genisys and an Omaze video

Webm related was the breaking point

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is this on normal speed?

Jesus christ this is terrible, especially if you watch one of the red guys


Cmon we all know it was this on the 12th of may

Dany as a character being ruined only opened the path

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Who does? Seems pretty bare

Reylo is literally striking the floor



Freudian slip

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I had forgotten this shit even happened
thanks a bundle

Daisy is so fucking ugly Jesus Christ

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Dios mío, espíritu del Señor, espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada. Ángeles, arcángeles y santos del Paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor. Lléname de ti. Expulsa de mí todas las fuerzas del mal. Aniquílalas, destrúyelas, expulsa de mí los maleficios, la magia negra. El Ogro de Las Tinieblas. La Luz Extinguido. El Insecto. Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica. Todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia. La enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica. Destruye al Monstruo. A La Creatura. Quema este mal en el Infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí, ni a ningún ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente en nombre de Jesucristo salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a todas las presencias del Goblino, que me abandonen inmediatamente, que me abandonen definivamente y que se vayan al Infierno eterno. El Chupa-Chupacabras no puede triunfar. El Monstruo. El Abominación debe morir. Encadenado por San Miguel Arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado por el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada. Aleja a la aberración genética. Al Ogro del Norte. El alienigina.

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Is that real spanish?

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Unironically the best part of Solo

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jesus how can people hate this

Who lit this movie, Stevie Wonder?

>fire Lord & Miller for making the movie to silly
>hire Ron Howard
>tell him to make the movie darker
>he did

It's in space and space = dark duh



She will appear in Kenobi series for sure, it takes place literally just as he starts working with Maul and we know Maul and Kenobi have a thing going on.
Also KK has confirmed that Obi-Wan will be visiting many different planets in the series.

>Best character out of the disney star wars movies btw

That'd be Jyn Erso and Saw. Saw is the most interesting addition because of his methods and slow decent into a kind of madness and Jyn is best girl, fight me!

I literally do not recognize anyone here besides the droid (K2-SO I think?) and jyn erso. Absolutely forgettable with one good scene.

What if we combined bunnyfu and indianfu

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I liked Oberyn Antillies

>Jyn is best girl
literally how though, she shows no personality or anything?

it would ruin emilia's perfectness

Saw was a non-character in Rogue One. I know he's showing up in the game, and I think he might be in that Rebels show or something, so maybe he's interesting there.

She shows emotion the whole time especially when she runs into Saw then sees her Dad die. When they are both gone she goes full into the rebellion almost religiously and is ready to die to hurt the empire.

but that's just Emilia though

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Literally and unironically perfection

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What would Maul even impregnate her with? He might have a droid dong, but I don't think they make droid gonads.

what did she mean by this

>queer Lando

He only ever hits on chicks in the movie.

>uses human beans frequently
What did she mean by this indeed

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According to your ass?


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Unfortunately probably correct.
>risk a pg 13 so the audience knows the villain is super dead
>idiots still bring him back
There's like this weird aversion in star wars to original characters

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if you are attracted to this ugly cow and she isn't exchanging bodily fluids with you i'm afraid that is called mental illness


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>if you are attracted to this ugly cow and she isn't exchanging bodily fluids with you i'm afraid that is called mental illness

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>the only thing faggots here care about is emilia
>no one cares about anything in it in the real world

Saw was in Clone Wars pre-Disney. Then in Rebels post-Rogue One's release.

Being the least stinkiest turd in the outhouse doesn't negate you're still a turd. If Solo didn't take place in the Star Wars universe but was instead was called "Space Heist" it'd be easily forgotten.

Even i would want to fuck Ryan Gosling and Channing Tatum no homo

We're capable of making sperm and eggs from dead skin cells already, but only tested it on mice. Seeing how Star Wars galaxy is freely cloning people, it's not out of a realm of possibility.

At what point does he show up in Clone Wars? I'm actually in the process of going through that for the first time right now.

late very late towards the end and then again in rebels

>white woman

>Wants a threesome

Are you american?

turns out she's right again about americans not understanding sarcasm and jokes

How the fuck is that sarcasm

Are you autistic? Serious question.

thanks for answering our question


It's called banter

What should a Qi'ra series look like?

This is a massive yikes

Congratulations on the (you)s however

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Which is better? Solo or Rogue One?

The best character of nu-wars is Darth Maul's bitch lol

Solo imho
R1 was boring

Rogue One. Solo gets bonus points for Emilia though.

>another Emilia thread

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Solo was overall a better movie, but with a terrible protagonist.


this is a Solo thread, user

Kill yourself


This, where are the funko pops and mondo/minimalist film posters?

Lmao why

Unironically kill yourself you useless NEET tranny

Checked, nice trips

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I fell for Dany hard, still hurts


No shit. I'm asking why

Go spam another thread

Thanks bye

People are angry at the concept of her being doxed by people on Yea Forums

The guy is insane so don't bother trying to reason with him

>Why yes i am acting, how did you know?

How come?

Who are you calling insane bruh

Cute is a valid characterisation

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>Emilia Clarke can't ac-

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She is so cute ;__;

Green queen

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Rent free
Have sex

Cutest snarl

Cause it's wrong

How is it wrong? I have her address and I don't see anything wrong about sharing it

Imagine if Emilia was allowed to freely act cute in all her roles

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The golden rule

What is it?

>is allowed to freely act
>wins a emmy
Not even mentioning Me Before You success

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>looks cute while adjusting her spanx

How does she do it

Yeah that's what I mean, imagine if all her characters were just her with different defining traits

Kate is also looking kino

best star wars movie ever

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>I have her address
Lies. And journalists don't just give that shit out

What's that?

What a cute girl haha oh my god

While Lucas had his story lines steer away from pulp sci-fi adventures, he never really lost the aesthetic sensibilities of pulp design. That's yet another thing Disney wars hasn't quite understood, where the designs in Lucas SW movies come from.

Damn bros why couldnt we have had evil qira instead of rey

But what about protecting the Lar's homestead from Tusken raiders?

The only one I ever remember is the droid.

EH. I was sick of the entire show by the end. I'd have been okay with her torching the entire cast. I didn't give a fuck anymore.

Cope harder

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Because Qi'ra is pretty, so it doesn't appeal to the feminist demographic

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she was cucked by leia though.

I want to caress that belly