>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW that think Rocky IV was a superior movie
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that think Rocky IV was a superior movie
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Mr. T is kino but the Russia vs US dynamic is stronger
theyre both pretty kino you dont need to start a fight about it
Eye of the Tiger is a better song
Rocky V is underrated. IV is the weakest of the entire series.
God tier
Rocky 1-Balboa
Literally the white fan fiction version of the Homes-Cooney fight.
>Rocky V/ Creed - Top Tier
>Rocky IV - Low Tier
Get the fuck out
4 single handedly ended the cold war.
Goddamn, why didn't we get more movies with Mr T playing a villain? He should have been the go-to heel for 80s action flicks, instead of a milk-drinking milquetoast on TV.
I will never not lose my shit reading the "original" Rocky 5 script.
Rocky 4 is only 60 mins long if to take out all the flash backs and mintages.
Why do Americans think that two men standing in kissing range is manly and not completely homosexual? You don't assert dominance this way, you just look like a total queer.
It was Holmes vs Cooney you dumb nigger
Time to go back to your tranny containment server
It was a typo, but the tension around that fight was the obvious inspiration for the film.
all rocky movies are shitty campy messes, 4 just happens to be the shittiest and campiest which makes it the best
I know it was a typo, I just wanted an excuse to call someone a nigger
Mr.T should have won.
>do you think I beat him the last time?
>you got the decision
>man I won, but I didn't beat him!
Apollo's ego just wouldn't let it go. Also, would prime Apollo beat all of Rocky's other opponents?
prime Apollo would not have beaten Drago. Mr. T for sure but not Drago. Drago was Rocky's true fight, the itallian stallion from poor America vs the Russian Machine, built and trained in a lab. The culmination of the Rocky 4 fight is what makes it the best film.
It all breaks down into hamfisted hands across the world, break barriers nonsense. I'd rather climax on the ultra victorious, hyper Lang fight and end on the feel good buddy moment in III.
Even 5 is better than IV aka reddit: the movie. 4 is a shitty Clapistan propaganda movie with shit-tier training montages. If you liked these watch a legit kino montage movie like Cobra.
>Childhood: Hating Rocky V
>Chadhood: Appreciate the life lesson Rocky V teaches you about the impact of your socio-economic upbringing