What the FUCK is his problem?

What the FUCK is his problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jealous of Rey being the true chosen one and saviour of the galaxy

Based Hamill not bowing to the mouse

Holy shit this is so based

The line he was forced to read for the movie, and the de facto tagline for the whole damn thing. He says it ironically here

Based Mark. How long before Disney sends hitmen after him?

The twin lightsaber is absolute cringe based Luke telling it like it is

>Jealous of Rey

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But he did bow to the mouse.

Rather than walk out of TLJ he stayed. He didn't need the money. He could have just left and tied them up for years in court.


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The character that defined a generation, his career, and remained one of the most popular fictional characters of the last half century was unceremoniously killed off as a bitter little bitch in order to make way for a soulless Mary Sue. I'd be salty too.

I legitimately do not understand the point. It's basically Darth Maul's double bladed saber, but conveniently folds up to fit easier in storage I guess?

>what are contracts

But why would you ignite it in its folded form?

fucking based

The character luke is what everyone should be upset about. Reys light saber actually has more than one instance of precedent. 1st obviously darth maul used a locked one. Second, admittedly still a Disney creation, that dude in the tv show that I forget the name of uses one like reys that stores folded and flips out.

>he couldn't just sue for abuse after they recorded him crying on set
The McLegal system is retarded and easy to exploit.

Hamill being based as always

Mark's not dumb, he knows if he fucks with the mouse that would kill his career. He's done what he can without basically getting sued up the ass.

>The character that defined a generation
God all you redditors deserve genocide.

Someone should just hire him as a starfleet captain for whichever Star Trek show they are currently making.

he's lashing out because he has no reason to give a fuck


What exactly do you mean by that? You faggots shout that all the time at the slightest provocation. Sound like a bunch of frogs.

he took a break from crying about drumpf?

Dark Rey is pretty cringe. It's not even sexy or cool. Like some wannabe in a party city costume.

It's an accurate statement. pretty much every teenage boy wanted to be han or luke

all his life was been about star wars
ofc he feels shitty watching disney butchering it to the ground.


the american left literally destroyed itself with their hysteria. whats your battle plan for 2020 more crying?

Because your space kids movie did not define a generation. It only gave pathetic numales like you an escapist fantasy. Don't even deny browsing reddit.

He's a true hero. Based hamill.

he looks like brad pitt in his twitter pic but he doesn't look like that in any actual footage or other photo
He has bleary sick-person eyes irl but for this photo he has tight hunter eyes

>It's a zoomer exposes his retardation episode

Mark reclaiming his based status before losing it again when another screenshot of his retarded prog opinions is posted on Yea Forums

I'm fully aware of what reddit is, I just don't get why you clutch your pearls at its very existence, to the point where you consider the invocation of its name to be an insult. Seems oddly childish for someone who's accusing someone else of childish behavior.

Attached: hamilled.webm (1920x1080, 1.8M)

>Ever signing a contract

>what are contracts

Mark Hamill is Star Wars. They can take him to court but it would be a PR nightmare.

wasn't part of that him mourning over carrie fisher's death?

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god i remember before that came out and we were so hyped for his return, he was looking great he was on top of the world.


The only thing most people remember from Star Wars Is Dark Vader and lightsabers

why did they even bother having him lose all the weight when they wanted him to be slob?

>Mark Hamill is Star Wars
not if anything to say about it disney has

Disneys track record with the handling of star wars is abysmal. They managed to fuck it up more than george with the prequels despite having access to the best writers / directors / personal out there

> the american left
cry more trumpcel

Leave george and mark alone faggot

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>tfw even though he's luke irl he doesn't have a vader in his life to give him an assist

George sold toys. No one wants sequel toys.

>Still falling for the chosen one meme

Current Year Star Trek is as awful as Star Wars if not worse.



Yeah. Outside of JJ's first one which is sorta fun to watch once, the rest of Star Trek afterwards is the worst shit imaginable; STD deserves to be considered one of the worst shows ever made, let alone the worst ST one.

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based

Star trek edge of universe is better than first trek

>starts badmouthing the new trilogy after being killed off
Hardly based. He's just being petty at this point. If he actually had a career other than being Luke Skywalker he'd just move on like Harrison Ford did.

It's like when Becky the cheerleader thinks it would be cute to dress up as a goth for Halloween

Why do you seethe whenever property of the mouse is scrutinized in anyway? Pavlovian response?

what is the ring shaped one used for?

He's pissed in what they did to the characters.

How long before he "passes away"?

Magnifying glass is the only one I can think of from one of the SAKs.

Why do you automatically suck someone's dick along with the rest of Yea Forums when they scrutinize Disney in anyway? Can't think for yourself? Need to fit in with random people on the Internet?

Luke was his career. Why should he have any loyalty to the new ip holder when the original just wanted to make movies for everyone to enjoy, something KK is incapable of understanding?

Harrison Ford hasn't given a fuck about Star Wars in decades. He wanted Han Solo to get killed off in ROTJ.

I thought maybe it was a jewish thing

happy days are here again

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Weird that he didn't have that issue when they were paying him.

>no you

>bottle opener

That's the basic SAK pattern there along with the 2 blades (1 long, 1 short). There's sometimes a luggage puller/hook thingy, but some have a magnifying glass.

He did, though. He literally told Rian he was totally against it completely, but ze show must go on and all that.

He doesn't need the money.

why would you need a magnifying glass when you can just use the force to bend light?

They should introduce a rifle that shoots mini light saber bullets.

>no argument



>sorta fun to watch

Like all of JJs work it's full of non sequiturs and ripoff "homages".

Kill yourself shill

He looks high.

Hamill was badmouthing the sequels since before Force Awakens got released. Ford is the worst example you could pick because the only reason he even agreed to do Force Awakens was as a fuck you to the fans and character of Han Solo.

People bitching about lightsaber mechanics again?

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We are way overdue for a Galaxy Quest sequel.

someone should remake episodes 4-6 with mark hamill playing an obi-wan figure training a chosen shitposter to take down the mouse empire. reveal vader as george lucas in episode 5.

eh. it's been done

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Lol I bet they fucking hate him

Based and redpilled, redditors totally BTFO. Imaging unironically being a Star Wars fan.

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Lmao could there be a more Reddit response

my love for you it like a truck

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But it actually makes sense for Rey's stupid flip blade

After waiting thirty years, we were finally going to get to see Han, Luke and Leia one last time, and Disney fucked everything up. How do you fuck up the easiest movie in history?
Making people hate Star Wars is like making people hate sex and pizza. That should be impossible.

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Based. As. Fuck.

Im actually suprised she gets a darth maul hand-me-down laser quarterstaff

was pretty sure she would up the anté on everyone and go two-weapon style

desu, senpai,

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>Making people hate Star Wars is like making people hate sex and pizza. That should be impossible.

Dont worry. They're working on it.


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shameless samefag

It folds in half so it very well could be detachable. Or it could be a part of a vision that lasts half a second. Or it could be pure desperate marketing bullshit and not even be in the movie. They can just lie now.

Darth Maul already had a double edged saber what the fuck did they make a retarded looking hinged one?


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Still waiting for the Kingdom Hearts shoop. It's not like the writing isn't on par these days.

>shills starts spamming kylo edits in the hopes it will justify darth reysue
>it doesn't, people still thinks it looks ridiculous then and now


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People think I'm a shill? I should stop preposting shit from my 2014 folder then, until I gets me some Disney shill bucks. I didn't even see that Solo crap.

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Nah they'll send some roastie slut to #MeJew him, and suddenly you'll be seeing him being digitally edited out of the old movies like they did to Kevin Spacey.

>tied them up in courts
Even disregarding that Disney has the most absolutely petty and malicious legal team on the planet, there is no way in fuck that violating a contract could tie even one lawyer up for longer than it would take to start proceedings.

B-but how can he hold such a thing?

Hardly original youtube.com/watch?v=JkqO6YygHhw

That was Gandalf, you retard.

It’s also a term from the advert itself in reference to Rey you sperg.

Because when they told him to lose the weight, they still had no idea what they were going to do with his character. I'm guessing that originally they thought he would be a cool Qui-Gon Jinn mentor character.

Then Rian Johnson came along.

The Revolutionary Army of Baby Constanza

with his mind

Hamill does nothing but suck limp tranny cock on Twitter all day.
Fuck that faggot! He alone made me drop the franchise entirely.

>Mark's not dumb, he knows if he fucks with the mouse that would kill his career.
>his career
they wouldn't stop there

>battle plan for 2020
The moderator asks something about bathrooms which Trump says is retarded and everyone claps, then the Dem candidate starts sobbing about being unsure.

You tell me

Attached: Rise of Streetwalker.webm (1920x804, 1.42M)

Our battle plan is to elect Biden and hope for the best.
Because we certainly aren't going to win moderates and centrists with the rest of our candidate lineup. Maybe with Tulsi that could happen, but we both know the DNC hate her guts.

Ass to ASS.

he's morphing into Shatner
he just needs to give up on the progressive politics


>the mouse
Why do so.ypeople call it like that

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Micky Mouse, the mascot of Disney.

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God damn Star Wars is gay as fuck and for numale faggots

May the Porg be with you

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Force powers

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When ep1 dropped there weren't many starwars toys in stores. It was actually a good refresh for us kids at the time.

Luke was never the chosen one, tardo.

Looks like one of those girlfriends you have to ask permission before you touch.

Looks "cooler" that way. Might accidentally chop your arm off while it unfolds.

>they want evil Rey
>okay but how can we market toys off that

Goddamn. Disney, kids don't fucking play with TOYS anymore. Watch your own fucking movies literally about that.

I can't wait to find you and curb stomp you nigger. I'm not even kidding

3-Sectioned Staff would be epic.

In an unrelated note...would you?

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I remember the theory about this.

Supposedly the shock on Hamill's face was real because, having just seen the premier of TLJ, they had surprised him by showing Luke fade away, and that he had no idea Luke was actually supposed to die. (I mean why would he, all he did was fucking astral project and have a fake fight with Kylo)

No idea if its true or not, but it hurts to think about it even as a possibility.

>Watch your own fucking movies literally about that.

Uh oh looks like milk murder hobo isn't happy about his apprentice besting him at everything, what a pathetic sad little failure xxd

Worse than how Kirk died.

Didn't mauls twist at the middle to unlock it to two normal ones or am I thinking of someone else

Asajj Ventress, although Obi-Wan sliced her slightsaber in half pretty much immediately, and she never used it as a dual-bladed one ever again.

Yes. Jedi Knight Pong Krell also used lightsabers like this, except it was justifiable because he was a big guy and really did need his folded so he could put it on his belt or whatever.

In the case of Rey, im pretty sure it was just for the "cool" shot and to have her 1-up Darth Maul, but JJ can go fuck himself for thinking he could 1-up the shot of Maul igniting his second blade. This is the second time he's tried it too, lets not forget the lame dramatic reveal of Kylo's lightsaber.

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I can't wait until the mouse decides to remake the OT in 10 years and see the shitstorm

Looks way cooler here.

Guess because its part of a uniform, and ignites effortlessly behind him, instead of Rey looking like a cosplay girl about to blow out her kneecaps.

Based Filoni.

would she fisto my kit?

I remember buying a pewter statue of that scene to commemerate Captain Kirk's brave sacrifice.

Kylo's saber is actually cool and iconic, Rey's saber is boring and will be forgotten by the time the next trailer comes out and people are done making fun of it.

bottle opener

Mark, stop it!

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kill the past user

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The question is, if you would kit fisto hers you clueless retard.

the bottle opener is the bottle opener shaped one user

Checked. I love you both.

But Anakin was the chosen one, Hell, even the OT said that Luke was replaceable (by his sister) Wtf are you talking about?

>I legitimately do not understand the point
Toys. That's it.

>That fucking moment where he looks like he's going to fucking murder Ryan



That is fucking hilarious. I love Mark so much.

He should have. They could just enter TLJ as their one and only exhibit for the defense. No jury in the land would have convicted him.

Too bad we aren't getting a kino duel for the end of this last trilogy

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I bet Bloodstinger 2 is a better movie than Book of Henry.

would you like to making fuck?

Sounds fucking epic bro. Fuckwit

Any images of this?

Look at this way. You’ve had a Democrat in the WH for 11 years already and you’ll have one for the next 4 years regardless of who wins in 2020.

Smooth like a switchblade vs clumsy like lawn furniture. I find it hard to believe that the shot they used for the trailer was the best take. Put some wd40 on it or at least try to make it cool.

Is this one of those "trump is a democrat" memes that were always wrong and stupid? You would think after almost 3 years of seething everywhere to the point no one could escape it that people would realize hes not a dem. But more power to you if you can brain stunt that hard. Serious cope

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I mean...


It destroys the lightsaber powering it after a single shot. So you have to make a bandolier of lightsabers.


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He genuflected to get paid, now that they killed off his character, he has no reason not to fuck around twitter and endlessly shit talk.

I still haven't even watched TFA. Why are they so bad compared to the original trilogy?

>Why are they so bad compared to the original trilogy?
because Lucas wasn't involved

Attached: george-lucas.jpg (680x458, 41K)

Sauce pls?

Did you just say “making fuck?”

TFA and TLJ is like a group of kids visiting a war memorial while cracking jokes at each other and wearing baseball cap on backwards.

That's an edit though? How's that insulting to the brand? Darth Maul had a double bladed lightsaber as well

The only reason mail had a double light sabor was because the actor playing maul was actually skilled in bow staff fighting and could perform much better with a bow staff than a saber/sword. So George said yeah let's give you a double sabor/bow staff because it will look cool and it adds to the mail character.

They couldn’t even make Dark Rey sexy. She looks like some burnt out prostitute looking for her next fix of meth.

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>They couldn’t even make Dark Rey sexy
that would be sexist. liberals don't like sexism in their movies

George did pretty great considering he did everything himself. What you brainlets don't realise is that if you "fans" got your way when George was in charge it would've ended up exactly how it is now if not worse. You only have yourself to blame.

the mouse fucked him in post

But the prequels were worse

This guy stole this joke off a post I made here today, but I said Paul Poutine should have the swiss army sabre. Good for him looks like it worked out well for him. I wonder how much stuff normies steal from us.

He's not wrong tho. Based Mickey has nothing to do with this. (((They))) hurt , and control Mickey just like they hurt and control Star Wars.

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So, how long until Lightsaber-Chucks become a thing?


He was a mailman?

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big if true

Previously Lightsaber-Sneeds

based hamill

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No, he was cheerful before the screening


I haven seen any New Wars, why is her saber red? Is she evil sith girl now?

She wasn't in the last two movies, it's probably going to be a dream sequence, a clone or a very short lived sith career before she turns back to the light side.

Anakin was the chosen one you fucking retard.


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>why is her saber red?
It's red because she is having her periods

>trying to go into a legal fight against the walt disney corporation
user, you're very brave and must be rich beyond belief.

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based luke

>actor filmed crying
isn't that, you know, their fucking job?

Do you think they made the saber like that because they knew it'd get meme'd or they are just that dumb?

Berkley Breathed is a gift.

It's an easy mistake to make, but actors are paid to PRETEND to cry, not actually cry when they realize their soul is being crushed.

>actors are paid to PRETEND to cry
not if they're any good

The way he goes from sadness/distress to utter disdain always gets me.


TFA is a remake of a New Hope, as in they stole the storybeats essentially 1:1. (it is a worse movie of course, especially if you re-watch it)

Its world-building is garbage tier, and it undoes all the OT achievements, resetting the conflict with no explanation. New Order Big and Strong, some-fucking-how, and Government-run military called "The Resistance" small and puny. Aka Rebels vs Empire. Death Star 3.0 is destroyed again.

The main Hero is a complete blank slate Mary Sue of the highest caliber. Every single fight and conflict results in her effortless victory, including against the "main villain of the story." Yes, she BTFOs the main villain in the first episode of the trilogy. She is the most powerful force in the galaxy with no training for no reason. She has no motivation to do anything. She is so fucking boring that no one can even pretend to be excited "to see what she does" in TRoS, where she will BTFO the main villain for the 3rd time. Not even shills.

TLJ is an incomprehensible mess for which basic cause and effect and scene to scene continuity in the same room is far too much to ask. 60% of the movie is completely and utterly wasted on impossible to follow "logic" (Director: I want this scene in this place is the reason) and none of the scenes lead to anything nor are sensical on any level. It breaks the rules of the universe, destroys ant setup of TFA and shits on all characters, including sequel introduced ones. On top of this it manages to be boring, and brings absolutely nothing to the table. There is so much wrong about TLJ it can't possibly be summarised accurately, so I wont even try. Different director btw, and 3rd movie will be impossible to make good due to the middle part being sabotaged.

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An actor who pretends to display emotion is a bad actor. An actor who brings in real emotion is a good actor. That's why there's a separation between the Vin Diesels of the world and the Daniel Day Lewises.

How much of an asshole do you have to be to get that kind of look from Mark Hammill?

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This man is a subversive genius. A true believer. He knew that Disney wanted to milk the SW brand for all its worth. He had to do something to stop them. But he couldn't help from the outside. So he lowered his head, dropped on his knees, and he kissed the ring. (And probably something else) They thought he was harmless, and so they gave him the kings to the kingdom.

And that magnificent bastard did the opposite of what they expected. Of what anyone expected. He subverted all expectations, burned everything to the ground, delivered a movie so terrible that nothing can be built on top of it. He did the one thing thought impossible: He killed Star Wars.

It was a mercy-kill, swift but not without pain. Yet it was the best that could be hoped for under the circumstances. Only a future of endless pain and misery awaited Lucas's baby after he sold it to the slavers

No one will ever know his true reasons. He will be hated for all time for what he did. But he is a true hero. And I, for one, salute him.

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>I just want to crush this little man's skull

If the Rat can't take the banter then sell the IP, lazy self-righteous schlock merchants

Yeah, she needs it to fight the patriarchy

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He's worked as the joker for far more combined hours than he has Luke Skywalker. You guys need to realize that just because all you see him as is Luke doesn't mean that's all he sees himself as

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Even if this was the case, how did TLJ get released?

Surely any exec or anyone with the say on the movie would've stated "No, you need to change like... everything and then come back to us with a completely different movie."

Huge. Fucking huge. Edging on collapsing within the boundary of your own event horizon.

He was locked under a contract he signed under GL, you retard.

he was based in this show too

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Bait 'n switch because they have absolutely nothing to work with.

You’re giving him WAY too much credit. He’s a confirmed retard who can’t even spot flaws in the argument that he himself introduced. He can’t even see how dumb his own explanation is, and why when applied in both directions, it completely falls apart.

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mark hamill is the voice of every animated joker youve ever heard


>better, smoother, choreography
>effortless feel implies how good he is with his saber
>no anger, just confidence
But that's easy, let's just show the whole clip.
>same dilemma as Luke with Kylo Ren
>Kanan fights to protect his little shitwan
>gets knighted for it
Luke couldn't even do that and he was supposedly a master. He just wanted to murder the shit while the temple ghosts only pretend to as a test.

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Sadly he didn't get to voice Joker in Batman Ninja

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>him being digitally edited out of the old movies like they did to Kevin Spacey

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you Americans are such big nerds

That would require someone to give a shit.

Has to be.

Are you fuckin kidding me? There was SO much star wars content being dropped between the special editions and the release of the prequels. I bet you had poor parents, that sucks. I had all the good star wars toys

You missed out on the best star wars toys ever

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No one could be as retarded as he pretends to be. This is all obviously just an act, an act that he can't drop until his death or the Mouse will realise what he's done.

Wow I never realized this. Thanks for the ingenious insight.

...that's a really good point

Fucking awesome.

>Is this one of those "trump is a democrat" memes that were always wrong and stupid?
He was a card-carrying Democrat for 35 years, and his policy on everything is basically a word-for-word copy of Bill Clinton's.

This or Luke is continuing his training of her as a force ghost.


Why is everyone saying that's Rey? That's not Daisy Ridley in the pic.

If you’re suggesting that Johnson’s deep into some real-life kayfabe like that Chinese magician in “The Prestige,” I suggest you go back and bask in the sci-fi retardation of Looper again. He legit can’t even follow his own rules or see how they’d apply, let alone someone else’s rules.

This shit still fucks me up. Has anyone ever asked him about it?

>But why would you ignite it in its folded form?
to sell toy chopsticks to the chinese

That actually would have been dope though

It also actually made sense for Kylo's stupid mini blades

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Is this actually Daisy Ridley and is this actually, minus the dildo, from the new movie? I just thought it was real and that it was a porn parody.

Yes. It's her evil twin.

Where is this from?

damn, that's brutal

That is exactly what I'm suggesting. The Looper was his first trick, the prototype of his plan to put Star Wars out of its misery. His devotion to his plan was that great.

Just ask yourself what is more likely: A literal retard that cannot form two coherent paragraphs of a script was given free reign over what was the most profitable franchise in history and no one stopped him from crashing the plane with no survivors?

OR it was all the work of a Machiavellian genius, who manipulated everyone and everything until he could free his darling in the only way he could?

Unlikely. Carrie died a year earlier.

Not buying it.

He looks fucking shellshocked. No mentally healthy grown man is that invested in some fictional character. Maybe he got bad family news, or has health problems himself. It's possible he signed on for some nasty loan and just realized he won't be getting a third paycheck. But it's certainly not about Luke's fate.


I don't expect to convince anyone of the truth. Rian's performance was masterful. But I have glimpsed behind the mask. I know, and that's enough.

Do u want a fuck?

>not actually cry when they realize their soul is being crushed.
What incident are you even referring to retard?

its a rey clone, reyy

>not Reey

Attached: my man.jpg (509x371, 34K)

Slutter Rey.

I always felt that there was a bit of sarcasm in the way hamill delivered that "your fight" line. It was too corny and unmerited

noooooo yo blocking my screen mannnnnnnnn

He started bad mouthing it before he even realized that his character died.

He did, he told everyone including the production teams on the inside and interviewers on the outside that he didn't like it. There's lots of material in this thread that shows that. You either haven't bothered to read it or just haven't listened.

The source you gave directly states that it could fire at least five shots before the saber would be destroyed

>The movie event of a generation
I don't even like capeshit and I'm laughing at the idea anyone would think this shit show is more relevant than something like Endgame

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They ruined his legacy, and he took the paycheck. You can't reverse a bow by tweeting snark, sowwee. That's like Jesus Christ admitting he wasn't the Messiah to the demands of The Rat to escape crucifixion, and then making jokes afterward from a safe distance.

>How long before Disney sends hitmen after him?
That would cancel put their success at tarnishing Luke Skywalker as the sci-fi Jesus Christ. It's much better to let Mark become a sour drunk on social than to kill him and make a martyr, defeats their entire reasoning.

It could have been. If it had anything resembling a compelling story.

Jews killed Luke to troll white Americans, and Yea Forums can never top that shit, let's admit that. And then one day for no reason at our Hitlerchan rose to power.

>implying The Last Jedi doesn't The Hobbit 2

'Star Wars' is culturally more significant than the 'MCU'. Both of them defined the time that they were made in, (Endgame much more than NuWars, I agree).

Star Wars success was replicated by the rest of Hollywood though, giving us high concept action pieces with innumerable sequels, driven by marketing. I don't consider this a good thing myself, but it is the way that the market turned.

The MCU was as much driven by Star Wars as the rest of Hollywood, and is in many ways, its successor. No other studio has been able to capture the shared universe formula like Marvel though, which makes it a successful anomaly rather than a defining trendsetter.

So whilst the MCU has eclipsed this trilogy of Star Wars films (Rightly so, whilst they are both the fast food of cinema, the MCU at least is mostly faithful to is source material and desires of its fanbase), and they will both be remembered as cultural events, Star Wars effects on the rest of cinema make it the more remarkable of the two.

>the MCU
>mostly faithful to its source material

No. Hell no. Not even in the same ballpark. I agree with everything else you’re saying though. I measure an IP’s cultural impact on how deeply it becomes integrated into the language. By that metric alone, the MCU fails to measure up to Star Wars. It’s all but unquotable by virtue of how derivative and referential its dialogue is. It doesn’t live and breathe on its own, and practically every semi-memorable line was either borrowed from some extraneous source, or said earlier and far, far better in the comics themselves.

Interestingly of course, outside the NuWars trilogy (Which will be remembered as a nadir of the franchise, though possibly fondly remembered as time goes by), Star Wars is making its own attempt at an interconnected universe. Whilst I don't expect to see the Mandalorian, NuSolo, and Obi-Wan go on an adventure together, I think it is clear that the intent is to bring elements from each that are more rewarding the more you have viewed.

If Star Wars can reclaim some semblance of relevancy with its own attempt on a shared universe, by shifting away from a dying format, it might well retake its place as a cultural phenomenon rather than a yearly chore.

Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains the Same

>No. Hell no.

I admit, I stopped following the MCU after the first Avengers film, but I though the characters were mostly well done up to that point. I thought about picking it up again after Whedon left (I fucking hate Whedon), and have seen a few here and there, but not followed religiously.

What I mean to say though, is that Captain America is a brave hero who stands for American Ideals of courage and against facism, Iron Man is a great man with substance abuse issues, Thor is apart from earth, but compelled to protect it by love. NuWars did a 180 on all of the Star Wars characters character development, by resetting them back to ANH.

MCU is technically more faithful to the source material because multiple alternate universes is in the source material. It's basically a blank check to do whatever you want and chalk it up to an alternate universe. In addition to that, the characters in the MCU are mostly faithful to their counterparts in terms of personalities and traits, though they all have their spider man styled quips maxed the fuck out. This is partly whedons fault since it's the only way he knows how to write and probably partly a conscious decision because of the initial lack of spider man.

Let me save you the trouble.

>Iron Man: no struggle with alcoholism, just bullshit, plot-convenient “PTSD.”
>Cap: Fairly accurate
>Thor: idiot dudebro who quips to Surtr, quips some more while a guy dies horribly in the chair next to him, shrugs off the death of his father the death of his brother, decapitates a defenseless Thanos(who’s threatening no one and offering no resistance) in pure anger, abdicates the throne of Asgard(what’s left of it) to the deserter-turned-slaver “Valkyrie” so he can get fat and talk shit on XBox.

i see your schwartz is as big as mine

If believing that will get you to buy a ticket, then yes.

>When ep1 dropped there weren't many starwars toys in stores. It was actually a good refresh for us kids at the time.

Wrong, Zoomer. The toy push started in 1995, four years before Episode 1.

star wars meets heavy metal

Whedon is the culmination of everything wrong with this generation of media.

she looks qt desu

There are worse things you can do to people besides kill them. You only need to take out targets when they pose a risk to a given power structure (threatening to release information, changing policies, fomenting rebellion, etc.) Hamil isn't a risk, he's just a nuisance.

Yeah didn't they pull the same thing in the TLJ trailer?

desperate for attention.
and being used by Disney to score points with all the former fans.

make no mistake, hamil is a shill for Disney. he pretends to be against them but 1 call from the mouse and he's on the his knees

Attached: evil mickey2.gif (480x270, 454K)

I dunno, it’s pretty fucking sexy. She’s got her body back into peak physical form like in TFA.

Haven't watched the latest movie. Is young Obi Wan still considered the strongest jedi and force user?

>murders Darth Maul single-handedly
>murders prime Anakin "the chosen one" single-handedly
>beats Grevious

They did, in anticipation for the Special Editions. They were nothing like as prominent as the TPM figures though. Star Wars went from a shelf at the toy store, to an aisle, with marketing everywhere. The toys were able to stay prominent until the mismanagment of NuWars forced them into a pit.

This isn't even about how bad the films are. They have their fans, and are as popular with children as ever. My daughter genuinely does care about Rey, for example. The problem is, for parents that can buy their child one toyline, Star Wars has nothing to recommend itself over over a Barbie, or a Captain America figure.

TFA did well to begin with, because the designs were somewhat appealing, especially the one figure that continues to sell well, Kylo Ren.

Of course due to the misleading way the film was marketed, retailers were overloaded with Finn action figures which they thought were heroes, but were actually the comedy sidekicks.

Then TLJ came out, without updating character designs at all. Why buy a Rey when the only appreciable difference is that her outfit is gray instead of brown? Finn is literally exactly the same for the majority of the movie, and the stores already had too many of that which was not selling. The only new characters were an older lady with purple hair, and a character deliberately designed to be as frumpy as possible. Who the hell told people that was okay for a toy line driven series? When all you can market is your cute little alien (which did okay, but not enough to prop up an entire line) and a droid with a literal half a second of screen time, you know that you have fucked up.

RoS seems to be addressing these mistakes by moving to a different style of figure. More articulation and a more stylized design might well address some of the issues in a failing market. Certainly the poor quality figures with limited articulation were not helping their case when placed up against the bright comic book action of Marvel, or even DC.

Obi-wan has never lost a battle...

Added to that, that classic characters have been seen in the new designs, (Including a series of stylized shorts perfect for the youtube generation), and I think Star Wars stands poised to take itself out of the bargain bin, if not place itself back at the top.

>And then one day, for no reason at all, the Galaxy elected Sheev to Emperor.

Obi-Wan for me, is the classic example of skill and patience over might.

The prequels make no bones about telling us that Anakin is more powerful in raw potential, but he is unable to equal his master in terms of willpower and determination.

Never give a movie to a redlettermedia fan.

Bubble wand

Rey is a sith now?

He loses as an old man to Vader, no?

He didnt lose, he gives up to do the force thing.

bet she fucks him badly

yep. and the ending is going to involve time travel. Rey is Anakin's mother. Sheev is his father.

God I hate fem mullets.

Lol, her kyber crystal bleeds every month.

Based Lucas!


That is just regular ass retarded. Thanks for the giggle though.

>mfw the inevitable swathes of dark rey sfm porn

Attached: CytLK2TWQAA6tKa.jpg (453x304, 15K)

Toucan Sam going 1v1 against Vader was the best fight in the whole series.


based mark

Retarded shit like that remind me of this
Fuck Disney and Fuck Marvel

Attached: han-solo-princess-leia-and-chewbacca-wielding-lightsabers-2.png (705x1024, 1.06M)

It's her mother.

>first episode she beats him when she turns on a lightsaber for the first time
>second episode she beats him again and gets away easily
>third episode trailer they tease another duel between them
literally why? the writing for this trilogy is absolutely retarded

USA != world. KYS

kind of shit the bed with his teaching skills early on though

You would think that would happen but Star Wars porn never uses the obvious corruption angle they have going

Luke is the only character Mark is famous for. His only film work outside of SW was Corvette Summer, of course he would be disappointed.

Anakin was the strongest
He lost to Dooku twice and then to Vader
He only beat Grievous due to luck

Not really. He taught Anakin very well. He just couldn't contend with the corruptive power of Sheev.

>Grandma Jedi who ran the library tried to kill Darth Vader with a gun that shoots light sabers.

You can't make this shit up.

Attached: Jocasta_Nu.jpg (595x752, 67K)

>Only due to luck
>Cuts off three of his arms, before losing his saber
He outskilled Greivous