Dude, I almost had you

Dude, I almost had you.

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you never had your car

Is that you Candy Cane?

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Too soon

If you're talking about the road beside the tree you hit, then yes.

>it's been a looooong time

why is this posted on Yea Forums constantly? i dont get it.

>nothing personnal, kid

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He almost had you.

You never had your dubs

It's a good movie

>i dont get it.
You don't get it?
You NEVER got it.
You never had your CAR.

Did he blow his piston ring?

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I think it was the damage to the manifold.
Good thing he told the laptop to shut up. Seemed to fix it. Spilner was actually a racing god.

>this user doesn't know the meaning of mi familia

Nice meme.

Hope not, cause if he did me and the mad scientist got to rip apart the block.

>danger to manifold
>floor blows up
what did they mean by this

The guy who tuned the cars for series wanted just the engine management light to come on but the studio thought the audience wouldn't understand.

I mean, it took them over a minute to do a quarter mile in that same scene. I think reality was kinda fucked at that particular point.


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ask any poster
any real shit poster
it doesnt matter if you shit post for one post or a thousand
shit posting is shit posting

Posting a classic

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I wonder if FatBurger is really better than crustless tuna sandwiches.

>white behave like a nigger to integrate a group

It's an awful and racist movie.

>Nobody likes the tuna here, asshole!
Was he referring to Mia's crotch?

>implying street racing is for niggers
You're a dumbass. Niggers can't race at all. They just bounce along in their chrome rims getting jiggy with it.