Hey Yea Forums look who I met

Hey Yea Forums look who I met

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I genuinely don't know who that is.

It's the guy who played Bane, duh.

Hey Yea Forums look who I met

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Who is it Mr.Wayne?

Holy shit it's dubs guy!

huh? is he that moot guy?

Hey, Bateman
Who's the fatty?

You met Brad Dourif?

Oh, it's capeshit thing, no wonder I didn't recognize him.

He was great in Interstellar.

tom green really let himself go

THE matthew mcconnahey

He was great in Hangover

Yeah, his nickname is Christian Bane.

Bradley cooper or C bale?

I wonder what actors think when they seem members of the public with these types of tattoos

>why don't you get a job?

You can see the answer on his face

He seems genuinely nice, I doubt he's really judging.

>if only you knew how bad things really are

Eddie furlong looking better these days


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he looks like a young Cosmo Kramer

>If I act ignorant of capeshit on Yea Forums you guys will think I’m cool right???

John Thomson from The Fast Show? NICE.