Other urls found in this thread:
WMBF is underrated (and not to mention, underrepresented in the media)
How do I get a nigger girlfriend?
Source me before the mods delete the thread again
But, not calling her a racial slur.
Real talk, just treat her as you would any other woman.
How do I cure my jungle fever?
post tuxedo pepe in every thread
Interesting career choice for moot
lucky bastard
is that Idris?
This is what Danny and Misty should have been.
>tfw no thicc black gf
They're exactly the same as any other woman: A handful. Just stick to your own race, ok?
>kissing a monkey
no thanks
Because finding a black woman you actually want to be around makes her an instant keeper. Black men run from black women for a reason.
Why is it always so obvious that a video is porn?
Who’s the cute boy?
Hey Arnold:
>Rhonda needs money and has to work as a street walker to help her family out
>Rhonda and her boytoy force Phoebe into a threesome
Resident Evil:
Teen Titans:
Scooby Doo:
www.archiveofourown.org/works/9908669 (Same story but futa)
Sonic the Sissyhog:
Mortal Kombat:
www.archiveofourown.org/works/9800783 (Futanari)
King of the Hill:
"Spending Mother's Day with Mrs. Parr" is my latest work, which also has a futa on male version
Sauce me.
black women tend to be a lot warmer in general
btw if they're exactly the same it wouldnt make any difference
fuckin retard
Hidden ;)
>this actual retard again
does she have a pinus?
How is even possible to accomplish it today? Racemixing is gone too far today, there's no turning back.
A lot them can have attitude problem bit i think that is more of ghetto black girl problem.
Be white
so i guess no sauce?
I try not to fetishize them but I can't help myself, they're the only types of girls that make me legit cumbrained. It must be hell having a thing for them and living in some eurotrash country.
That's a load of bullshit. I tend to find black women are some of the most obnoxious women around, which is hilarious given their relatively low SMV. When an attractive white woman acts like a bitch, at least to some degree you can understand why.
imagine the nose on their kid
Looks like Chanell Heart
This. Black women are high T, that's why they act like men and look like men. Even black guys don't wanna fuck them.
Like a lot of fetishes, the fantasy is better than the reality. Much easier to have a thing for black girls when you only see model-tier photoshoots. Even at 18 most black girls have zero sex appeal.
I don't know, user. I used to date a girl from Zim and she's legit the only ex who I still think about.
>be white
>go on Tinder in Africa
Someone made a fake profile for blackops2cel and he was matching almost every girl.
Deeply disturbing video, had to pause it several times.
Just remember to wear a condom.
t. Lives in Africa
any stories?
the thing is most of us here are either average of slightly bellow average. You can't expect us to match with anyone that hot as the one in OP
Congrats on finding the top 1%. I live in a heavily black area of London, trust me, on average they're ugly as fuck. I have a black girl fap folder but I'd never date one irl.
Who is this?
>tfw wouldn't mind black gf but would be afraid of the relationship going into the long run and her wanting kids
I don't want black kids
This guy was matching with absolute qts, they were even messaging first. JBW is real in Africa.
Bee cute.
We're all gonna make it brahs
if you put his nostrils on her nose, you've still got a nose 40% larger than it needs to be
You mean the hot big breasted girl from the Magicians? Doesn't quite look like herself here.
Olivia Dudley 99%
Who is that girl?
This is a comedy sketch right?
>Racemixing is gone too far today
Outside memes on Yea Forums, race mixing is extremely low. People do not date outside their race often.
netflix is trying their best, user
Nah, there's gonna come a point where she wants you to say it, usually during sex.
Not really. Just living life on hardcore mode but at least girls here think I'm cute
>retards on Yea Forums will take this advice and use it when the time cums
Pepe has done nothing wrong, relax
I've slept with two black girls, one when I was in high school, the other years after. Both wanted me to call them a nigger and a slave at various times during sex.
The first one hinted at it, the second one literally screamed "call me a nigger!" I don't think it's the most uncommon thing in the world, especially if they mention liking white boys and that kind of shit.
I just want to be the slave boy to a black goddess so she can make me pay for the suffering of her ancestors.
This is fine. Just dont open with it
user, most of people are ugly.
I prefer white milkies but you know, its all preference, user
I'm not saying I don't believe you, it's just that it needs some context in most cases. You can't just shout it out randomly with any black girl. I mean you can but...
Anything wrong? He's pretty much my best friend!
Sometimes, when I'm sad, and everyone is yelling at me to GB2REDDlT, I'll start posting pepe's and then tell THEM to go back instead! And then I feel like I fit in! He's the best meme ever!
>It's all preference
B&R. My personal preference is sexy women in general.
So anyway what are some kino with cute black girls?
Yes, but it's like anything else, you can usually tell if a non-white girl appreciates the fact that you're white or if it's not a concern at all. Women typically aren't inscrutable, and mostly I was replying to that post because they said "treat them like any other woman" which would imply "like a white girl" and that definitely isn't good advice.
cool story faggot
Lupita's new zombie movie is probably awful but she looks cute with straight hair in it
It's still baffling that they decided she was best as a CGI old lady alien in the new Star Wars movies.
Why does this particular coupling make everybody seethe?
Simple marketing because of the "trendy" crowd. Most people do not date outside race. We have literal laws saying it was illegal up until recently so, of course it's not going to be popular in reality. Not for another few decades.
Everyone hated Jesus, because he spoke the truth.
Everyone hated WMBF, because they were the truth.
because unless an attractive black girl gets molested by her uncle or an older brother/cousin when she's 12 like most normal black girls do, she'll transcend the life of the average negress and find a white dude
>ancient laws are obviously a good thing because they are old
Yeah, No.
these are all cuck bait stories
no one cares about your take, tranny
A waste to be sure
I'm just saying that it's a meme that let's anyone fit in no matter what website they come from. And I think that level of openness and acceptance is hard to achieve in most cases. What's not to love?
Any kinos about real men trying to restore order in the world?
does that really happen?
Just stay away from black girls, man. They don't want to be fetishized and those OK with it are very rare.
Because in reality, black men w white women is super low. And the white women dumb enough to fall for it get btfo w a nigglet kid/absentee father + their value plummets as a result.
Black women know this better than anyone & those who have taken the white pill who aren't hood rats make the nigger men seeth.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
No black girl is gonna wanna date a racist, hunty.
Her skin is perfect. I want to creampie her so fucking badly.
Remember it's only because they are trying to get the fuck out of Africa.
the average inner city black community has completely unchecked levels of preteen sex and incest
it's a contributing factor to the levels of sociopathy and mental disabilities that lead to the rampant level of crime, more so than the racism everyone blames
He does though. You were ""lucky"" you ever encountered ones that wanted to be degraded by a white guy like that.
rayyan.ovo btfo
everyone is racist, even twitter trannies like you
We're all racist you dumb fucker. Even those liberals going around making sure to tell everyone how not racist they are, yet having knee jerk reactions based on skin color, are racists.
>lucky to find women who want to be degraded during sex
thus sprake virginity incarnate
Based cuck white knight loyal_guardsman defending m'lady's honor kek
>Jordan joining the tribe
He knows.
But how do they handle the fact that white penis is inferior and small?
No, there's a serious inferiority complex black girls carry around with them everywhere daily. I speak from a place of experience. Stop giving people on Yea Forums shitty meme advice you saw on /pol9k/
They haven't fallen for the Blacked Jew
I never implied such a thing.
>he is into racemixing
>he plains to mix with a black woman
It doesn't make sense. Just go for a latina if you like sassy women. They're way better looking and less retarded.
most black girls are ugly and gross but the mixed ones from the caribbean (like rihanna) are top tier for the white male....
Your "experience" is obviously being a tranny, and your wants and needs are not normal and you should kill yourself.
Women date interracially for fetishistic reasons the same way men do. No human is race-blind. You're deluding yourself if you think otherwise.
>my opinion is law.
>if you don't find what I find attractive, you're wrong.
I know this is an anonymous site but c'mon man.
That's pretty accurate
Friend of mine is dating a Filipino girl for that exact reason
black women love being called nigger by their white boyfriend
black women dont like feminist pussyboys like you
You're literally retreating to your imagination, using buzzwords and putting words in my post. Am I supposed to take what you say about race relations seriously?
I didn't know i would fell in love with black woman, user. It just happened one day and i am surpised her family was fine with it.
Do you actually "love" her though? I hope so.
unlike black men, black women are loyal to their men
black men are the times more likely to date out of their race.
black women are most likely to be single.