>arguments consist of cinema sins tier nitpicks
Why do people think his reviews are so great?
Arguments consist of cinema sins tier nitpicks
Their video on Titanic and Avatar were great, Cameron is a fucking hack
Brainlets will eat up any garbage their disney sponsored friend so simulator spews at them.
t. Moishe Mouseberg
Almost every argument they make is bullshit but you can't argue with it because then it's "nitpicking" the review. Even though the videos are all nitpicking the prequels
Hackfraudmedia is better. Watch him.
He is literally in character. A nitpicking psycho. You guys are fucking retarded. Serioisly.
Is delivering their reviews via Plinkett, a fat disgusting autistic basement dweller too subtle? They know their critiques are nitpicky.
But they also point out a lot of fundamental flaws in the storytelling of shitty movies. Pointing out that most of the obstacles confronted by the Resistance in The Last Jedi are self-inflicted stupidity is not a nitpick.
>every argument they make is bullshit
Yes, tell us how Lucas doing still, bland side by side dialogue shots with 99% CGI preluding a cartoon rabbit stepping in poopy is kino cinematography.
t .malacaih disneywitz
>haha it's satire bro
And yet, Mike still argues the same points.
>constantly rip and tear disney and their actual shills for being soulless sellout frauds
>DUDE my friends that love the OT can describe characters from the OT better than ones from the prequels!
>this proves the prequels have bad characters!
>dude this scene is so boring haha what is this George? How can kids play with their toys to this scene? Idiot!
>dude this scene has so much action, it's ridiculous! Wtf is this George? I want more slow fighting!
t.Ezra Goldstein
Because he does the exact same shit we do; cover all of his statements in layers of irony. The Plinkett reviews are all done from the perspective of a fat misogynistic manchild, because that's what the stereotype of movie nerds tended to be. Whenever he makes nitpicks, they're made by the lame-ass movie nerd guy, so you can either:
>1) Dismiss it, because the guy both looks and sounds like an incel, so you assume its all one big joke, or
>2) See the nitpicks as legitimate criticism, and take it completely seriously.
You can't really criticize any movie without having people telling you "don't take it so seriously", so he pretends that it's all one big joke from the start, so that all the detractors can seemingly do is affirm his beliefs, thus "not getting the joke", while people who take it seriously will see behind the ironic mask and find the actual criticisms underneath.
I dare anyone to re-watch his prequel video.. Everytime he says "it doesn't make sense", he speeds up his talking and plays goofy music. It's like he doesn't you want to catch up to his dumb Milwaukee brain.
Right, but he recognized most people wouldn't care about autistic complaints wrong vases being used as props so he made a joke about it.
>dude you can't criticize Plinkett, he's a character xD
He just uses the Plinkett character to avoid being called a manchild. He stands by every point he makes, that's why he still references his statement about wanting JJ to direct Star Wars.
>Dude lmao why the fuck is this autistic space virgin monk child soldier spilling his spaghetti with a prime Natalie Portman who is also an important senator and the ruler of a fucking planet
>He just uses the Plinkett character to avoid being called a manchild.
Why does he care in the first place if other people call him mean names? Why does he feel the need to prevent that? Is he an actual manchild? A real adult wouldn't even acknowledge their existence.
I still think this was a good idea. The problem is Disney let him co-write the screenplay. The dude knows how to direct an exciting movie but he can't write for shit.
Why is his avatar some fat ugly faggot? Does this man have no sense of shame?
Don't directors have to approve scripts?