Why are celebs such hypocrites? You don't see them taking public transport to save the environment...

Why are celebs such hypocrites? You don't see them taking public transport to save the environment. And I say this as an environmentalist.

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Because they are all a bunch of fucking degenerates doing their masters biding

They want to feel less guilt and figure the peasants will listen to them and counteract the emissions of their planes and boats

Because their existence is entirely based on public opinion. They pay lip service to get by, or milk the public for all it's worth to gain more appeal.

He's pledged $5 million, what have you done?

Not used private jets and yachts? Not worked on movies that caused more emissions than the average human will in their entire lives?

The burden of environmentalism should be on chinese leadership and indian leadership. Your vehicle habits do nothing. Everyone taking the buss would do almost nothing.
$5M for the amazon might be exceptionally significant. IDK.

Keep telling yourself that

Okay, I will. Keep dicksucking celebrities that destroy the planet and blame the peasants.

>$5M to Amazon

What the FUCK does that even do? Throw money into the fire?

post sneed on all boards. Not really, just tv & sp.

How on earth is him pledging money to help the rainforest a bad thing? If he had spent it on crack and hookers, you wouldn't say a thing, but because he donated it to an environmental group, you lose your shit? Right-wingers are mental.

Who cares about stupid rainforests lol? We must focus on the real (((problem)))

Leo wants to save the Amazon because he thinks that’s where the MGMT Electric Feel music video was filmed.

Because it's not saving the rainforest


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>If you really believed in x, you would destroy your quality of life
Why are retards allowed to live

>dude why do you expect people to live by the rules they set for others

How many "environmentalists" have ever taken the step to assess their own carbon footprint and take steps to addressing it beyond trendy bullshit like electric cars?

Leo is at least doing something.

I'm too poor to do anything but watch helplessly as the environment gets destroyed in my lifetime. I recycle but how much can one man do?

The amazon rainforest is 5.5 million square kms its really really big

Yeah, if we all donated 2% of our net worth to a cause, it likely would do something. That's what he did there. Maybe you're just poor and bitter.

Yet you're bitching about him for donating a little bit to help. If he had done nothing you wouldn't be bitching at all. There's a thousand other celebrities who didn't donate anything, and you're pissed at one that did donate a bit instead of the ones that did nothing. You just want a reason to whine. Go kill yourself.

Reminder to everyone that the rainforest fires are reoccuring cimmon phenomenon and it only became a problem the same year that leftshit socialist swines got booted out of the power in Brazil.
Reminder that rainforests do get actually cut down at alarming rate though, to make space for soj plantations and raising Western demand for soj.
Enjoy that latte cumrades.

Maybe Leo would stop going on yachts and private jets if he actually cared about the environment.
I'm bitching because it is a meaningless offering. It is nothing to him. It's all PR bullshit, and it clearly works because you people are brainwashed into thinking he's a hero for giving pocket change to some group that probably won't do shit. All while he sits in his yacht listening to MGMT.

If I was an A list celebrity I'd rather shove a fork in my than take public transport. That being said, there's no reason to not just go 1st class on a pleb jet.

The average person reducing their carbon footprint means jackshit if the atmosphere is anywhere near as fucked as they think. Environmentalists who flaunt their own greenness are retarded by default.

Sometimes Hollywood needs to act "moral." This fire happens every year and it's just farmers burning their fields for crops, but it coincided with the need so it's a big issue. Always the same shit.

Yeah, I am 'donating' 65% of my fruits of labor every month to gubment and their herds of gibmonkeys, what exactly is that doing?

>reoccuring cimmon phenomenon and it only became a problem the same year brazillian Trump rolled back every environmental protection the country had to let farmers set the rainforest on fire like a retard

Leo was caught in a massive tax fraud. I believe his charity to russian tigers was part of scehme. yes they are absolute hypocrites, they are acting, it'st heir job

Not only that the whole fire thing is bullshit, its mostly in farmland and done on purpose, sheeples just keep eating up like konye

This, leftist niggers were blaming bolsonaro(brasilian president) for the fires, he is the first rigth wing president in about 20 years if i remeber correctly

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>farmers getting more power
You cant stop sneed.


I don't think he's a hero for doing it. I don't think that donating $5 million is somehow a bad thing either like the mental gymnastics in your retarded brain seem to have somehow convinced you.

>guys save envrioment, use bikes instead of cars, take a walk, use public transportation.
>*hops in his private jet and flies to his superyacht*

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>rainforest were not burning previously with the most corrupt government on the planet in power
>m-muh brazilian drumpf

Wanna bet that the administrative and apparatus around this issue is the same as it was pre-Bolsonaro, cumrade?

>leftshits want to tell you how to live
>won't live according to their own shilling

Kinda explains Bernie and why he won't pay $15 to his staff and why he pays women less.

You expect world famous people to use public transport? They'd cause a stampede everywhere, you simple fuck.

i never fly

macacos should be exterminated

He has to say that because he uses the resources of thousands of people everyday. It probably puts his mind at ease... if he even thinks about it at all.


Pick one

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That's an argument a retarded 12 year old would make
Shut the fuck up you imbecile

This is terrifying.

I'm in environment, specifically in forestry and geotechnical engineering. The situation is dire, not regarding the environment, which has sadly taken a backseat, but regarding people's preconceptions about the environment. The environment is basically an ever-changing sum of ecosystems and the relationship between those ecosystems. The enviroment is relatively fine aside from some snafus, it will adapt. One of the most important properties of ecosystems is their feedback mechanisms, which basically is the reason for its adaptability. We, as a living, slow to adapt species however, are fucked.

All the problems stem from these two things:

1) People are tribal animals, this means that they tend to parrot ideas, even wrong ones, as to not be singled out. This forms wrong opinions that are perceived as facts simply because so many people are parroting them. There have been an infinite amount of times where, coming from a position of authority, coming with convincing arguments explaining why certain courses of action are wrong and why they aren't cost-effective, I get treated like I'm some 5 year old kid that should shut the fuck up. No matter who the recipient is..

2) A scientific issue has metastasized into a political and economical one. The environment has myriad, albeit solvable problems that can simply be erased in a fortnight, some smaller some bigger. The biggest ones are the ever rising sea temperatures and soil degradation due to desertification. Instead of coming up with solutions to counter those, we are throwing billions away to """""green energy""""", which is basically a feel-good measure for normal people to make pretend we are doing something. In reality however, we create even bigger environmental problems. All due to the fact that some guy is making a profit off it.

If we continue to ignore these, things will eventually become so irreversibly fucked up, any action to counteract them will be a little too late.

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I did not buy a car and opted into using public transit instead. I've been on numerous clean-up works back in the army. I've done way more to change my way of life than he did, Leo just spent a relatively tiny sum of his fortune to buy himself guilt-free conscience, while changing nothing about own lifestyle. That is the biggest form of hypocrisy.

No you havent't, you still buy products moved around in non-public transportation, made with fossil fuels and use electricity created with fossil fuels
You're deluded and jealous

Some kind of tax thing no?

Can anyone American calculate how much money he's saving from the taxman with 5 mil per year?

What part of "I've done more than him to change my way of life" do you not understand, you triple nigger? I don't claim to be 100% pollution free, but I've made steps that impact my life whereas he just wrote a check.
>No you haven't
This claim does not mean what you think it means, it means you doubt I've done more than Leo concerning my lifestyle, whereas you think you dispute that I've done any substantial impact to climate change.
Fucking illiterates 80 IQ subhumans, I swear.

>Not used private jets and yachts?
like you had the option