What did we think of Mindhunter season 2?

Was it everything you dreamed of?

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Houston, we have a problem!!
The show its too white! I repeat! TOO WHITE
>b-b-b-but s-sir it's the FBI in the 70"s is totally gonna be racist, white and homofobic
>pls, its gonna ruin the best show about murders

Fuck Atlanta, worst city in the world. Full of disrespectful niggers.

Fuck off. Atlanta is better than your shitty flyover state, midwest trash.

got to episode 5, and gave up.

Georgia is also flyover trash so calm down

>Holden's a psychopath plot
>Holden's got anxiety
Seriously it's like there was a different writer each episode and they didn't communicate at all

>We out here trynna find out who keeled our keeds
>Fuck you mean it was a black guy? That's some honky bullshit
>Fuck you mean we should thank you for catching him? Fuck outta my diner white boi

The anxiety one was really jarring.

>Holden's a psychopath plot

>he felt for the Holden is a psychopath plot

Fincher played you like a little kid

>Holden's got anxiety

Nope, I’ve read the book, it only gets worse for Holden from now on, the anxiety attacks will make new apparitions in the next seasons

Based retard

It sucked. They stopped the interviews almost completely and the ones left weren't very entertaining.

I don't know much about Manson, but he just seemed like a manipulative lunatic that would only convince literal retards or teenagers.

The worst part is that we got to focus on one serial killer the whole fucking season, some boring nigger that nobody gives a fuck about.

At least we got a scene with Kemper that was kind fun, and the sub plot with the little kid was cool too, but I was hoping that they would go another route with that.


Very entertaining for the most part, all the interviews were amazing and that actor that played Manson was god tier. The only bad thing about the season I could say is that retarded killer kid subplot. Like the writer of the show was just like “lol you are one of the pioneers of serial killers research so I’m just gonna five you an adopted son that happens to have all the signs of a serial killer in the making please don’t call this lazy writing lol”

Overall slightly better that the first season. 8/10.

Atlanta is garbage. Not only is it a hotbed for negro crime, apparently the negros there are so fucking stupid they don't even know they're the ones doing it.

They replaced those with "Holden gets woke"

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His son is most likely just autistic, dude.

The book covers the Atlanta murders, you do realize that right? They'd have to cover race relations to some extent on a case with 30 dead niglets.

Atlanta Murders was a legit historical thing, though. What I really didn't care for was the lesbian thing.

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Yes. And the series definitely showed your average black person to be an ungrateful, racist retard.

That’s what I thought but the writer keeps hinting at him being a proto psychopath, in that conversation that the kid had with Tench in the ice cream shop the kid only paid attention to what Tench was saying as soon as he started to talk about how he killed the fish (or something related to the killing of the fish I can’t remember very well)

Especially since the woman Wendy was a based on is a happily married mother and decent person, not some muff diving dyke whore.

Do you not see all the foreshadowing they're setting up with the serial killer signs?
>Continues to piss the bed after a certain age
>That weird scene where he stares at the little girl
>The other scene where the only time he talks to Tench during ice cream is asking him "Did the fish die?"
>Was probably abused or some shit before being put into adoption
And not to mention he put a dead baby on a cross.

I wish my mind was as simple as yours

>when you get lured in with implied sex and all they want is a honky to find their kids

Blue balls for Holden.

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>southern states think they aren’t flyover states either
If you’re not California or New York, no one important gives a shit about you. You all are the filler states to us.

Honestly, I would've preferred if they kept the show like season 1 and interview one particular killer over the course of a season, like how they did that with Kemper instead of it turning into a detective show. It would've been interesting to see that play out with Son of Sam.

I know, but I think they are all just false flags

Dude is just a retard the girl was pretty clearly hiding something when she asked him about going out. I honestly thought she was a black panthers member and she was going to “gift him” to them or something

>What is Miami, and Orlando
>What is Texas
>inb4 no one cares about Texas
Yeah, that's why all the Califags are moving there right?

Why does everyone give Holden's character shit for autism when she's so far along on the spectrum she can see uv light
>I'd like you to move into my spare room, because that's what cohabiting couples do?

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her plot was so boring and pointless i was always rewinding it

Why didn't any of his co-workers ever call him 'Tenchy' or the 'Tench-man' and so on?

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>'Tenchy' or 'the Tench-man'

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For some reason I found that lesbian to look kinda disgusting like I could tell she smelled mad by just looking at her

I prefer "Tenchcoat."

His hair transplants looked better this season than the last

I hated that she always made this disgusted looking face 99% of the time through the show. It was like she was always smelling a bad fart

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It fits though. You have to be somewhat off to do that shit and not phased by it much. Tench is kinda balanced by family life, but you can see him cracking as that goes to shit. Holden and Carr are both weirdos.

>that stakeout montage

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The kid is autistic. Twice now he has displayed that he DOES NOT UNDERSTAND DEATH AS A CONCEPT, he's not a psychopath. He tried to bring the toddler that the older kids killed back to life, and he needed to ask if a fish out of water would die. Fincher is rusing everybody and you're falling for it.

Seethe harder Disneyworld resort. I would imagine many retarded people would prefer to move somewhere cheap and where you have literally nothing to do.

>and not phased by it much

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I told my psychologist that the writers were contrasting holden's behaviour in the fbi to that of a serial killer/psychopath in season one, he said it was interesting, but that I was wrong.
Was I wrong?

i was fine with the lesbian thing until that scene, what a fucking waste of time

>People are retarded for moving somewhere cheaper with more job opportunities
Wow, if those people are retarded you're a literal genius.

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Can you explain a bit more?

There were definitely some parallels, it was pretty obvious that Fincher wanted to make us believe that Holden was a psychopath (even though he isn’t)

Because he would beat the shit out of them.

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The real victim is Bill Tench
>Wife is a sociopath
>Son is a sociopath
>Co-workers are mostly sociopaths (wendy and ford)
>Spend most of your time interviewing sociopaths

The only bright part of his day was fraternizing with local police departments

Allow me to cut in here- I love Texas user, but for a white Boston transplant like myself there really is very little to do unless you like to drink... like, a lot.

If raking up dirt and tumbleweeds are job opportunities then please go for it, farmer boy.

There are subtle redpills throughout this season.
>homosexuals aren't normal
>almost all black people are retards (only Jim was portrayed as competent or rational, all other adult blacks were portrayed as inept buffoons, perverts, histrionic ungrateful retards, or just plain retards)
>single motherhood is a bad idea (Tench's wife is clearly an unfit mother, and many of Williams' victims' mothers were shown to be able to provide food and shelter but allowed their kids to run free despite their kids TELLING THEM there is a pedophile actively HUNTING THEIR FRIENDS)

I wonder how many of those mothers actively pushed their kids into working, or even whoring themselves out.

It has been so fucking long, bro, but I will try.

Holden basically does a lot of the same things the serial killers did, but in a different context. Things that are explained over and over again in the show.

He starts breaking some small rules because he wanted of the psychology thing, but as time goes, he goes deeper and deeper with his disregard for rules and shit. His behavior escalates as the show goes and he gets more and more reckless. It's a lot like how the serial killers start with their murders, they start doing something small as a child, this fetish grows and they start doing worse things, until they fuck up and get caught.

Like the principal(except he got fired before doing anything) and the shoe guy, remember?

He finally gets caught because of the tape and snaps at the board.

Maybe I was just being retarded.

>homosexuals aren't normal
Sure, but in the scene where Greg says it's deviant behavior Wendy goes on a "HOMOS GOOD" rant saying it was removes from the psych books as a mental illness and Tench essentially says "fucking based". I just thought it was sort of out character and forced for this dude in his 40s/50s to praise homos.

Tench's response was definitely out of place, even liberals hated fags til the late 90s. Wendy's repeatedly saying "there is no correlation between (transfaggotry, faggotry, etc) and deviant behavior" serves as a redpill that homosexuals must never be allowed any power because she IMMEDIATELY tries to obfuscate the fact that homosexuality is ITSELF a deviant behavior, and she intentionally fucked up what they learned from the Shoe Killer in season 1.

The principal was definitely a fucking pedophile. He went so far as to SCOLD THE PARENTS rather than to simply stop tickling children.

watching any other tv show after watching fincher's episodes always drags me down.

Why do people think the little boy is serial killer? He cealry has some sort of auts going on. zero social skills, almost no eye contact, focuses on one thing.

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Why can't Tench be the singular main character goddamnit every other character is absolute shit

This. And he isn't obsessed with death. He tried to bring a boy back to life after OLDER KIDS killed him, and was clearly traumatized. He also asked a question about whether a fish died when his dad was TELLING HIM A STORY ABOUT KILLING FUCKING FISH. Tench looking concerned after this question was shit writing.
>"my old man and I used to catch fish all the time, scale em, but em, and bone em. Mom would fry em up, smelled just like ripe cunt. Why the first fish I caught..."
>"d-did the fish die?"
>"Did it die?!! (Sob!) Oh, son, why are you so obsessed with DEATH?!"

The poor are moving out of california, its citizen population is still going up

You mean illegals?

I said the same thing

Holden knew what to say, but he has no awareness of his lack of charisma. He'll tunnel vision on one point with out realizing the reactions he will get. How he knew the profile of the Atlanta killer but told the mayor in such a blunt way without clear evidence first that he got pushed out until more bodies dropped.

You're wrong you can look up Fincher and the actor who played Holden that will tell you more about the character actions.

>this nothing but polite fbi guy comes in and finds the murderer of my and 15-20 other children, i better act like an ungrateful nigger

Black women, everybody.

Possibly the most obvious samefag of all time

I am talking about season 1. Je is a completely different person in season 2

tranny back to redddit

I guess late 70's and early 80's mild cases of autism were harder to diagnose. That's my case if they don't state in the next season it is clearly shit writing. Even in season one holden came over the house for dinner the boy didn't look up at him.

>internally:"Ugh, MEN. I can't believe I have to be around these creatures. They think they're so great just because they're stronger and can think RATIONALLY. Overrated if you ask me. So proud of their disgusting DICKS. I just wish my bartender gf could knock me up with her tongue. To be pregnant...to feel a life growing inside of me...why am I denied that? It seems cruel. Why am I thinking like these things? Ah, must be ovulating. I'll have to have my bartender lover use the big dildo tonight."
>outloud:"Um, no, Holden, sweety, there is NOTHING abnormal about homosexuality ..."

it was obviously stated there was a massive cover-up going on for a pedo gang, black guy only responsible for some of it

I understand that autism was difficult to diagnose back then. But everyone thinking this kid is death obsessed I'd retarded.

Centered out of a house that everyone including Tench and Jim simply decided not to investigate, and that just stopped when WW stopped. I could maybe buy that they moved, but a pedo ring or cult powerful to control the cops wouldn't just dump bodies like a serial killer. They would have resources.


Holden being a psychopath is what gave him the anxiety attacks. don't you get it?

Except that a psychopath would have less anxiety...

Hmm, I never really thought of it like that, but it's a really interesting take that was probably intentional. When I was watching I just assumed they were doing the main character gets way too ahead of themselves and it backfires cliche

And absent father + overprotective/smothering mother. And the kid seemed more happy when Tench spent more time with him

No, a psychopath wouldn't truly care. Like when he got an attack because he realized he fucked up his bosse's career. He felt guilty because he was probably seeing the effects of his behavior fuck with someone.

Bundy helping Green River case when

>asked about a fish dying
While being told a story about fishing.
>put a baby on a cross
After older kids killed it, to try and bring it back to life
>staring at a blonde girl
So? Little kids do get crushes. Everything else can be chalked up to trauma from seeing the older retards kill a baby. Sure he started pissing the bed again, but he's not setting fires or torturing animals.

>all those female writers

really makes sense why some many filler bullshit is there

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huge fucking yikes

This, a psychopath would shrug and walk away whistling, or have a good laugh.

why are black people either extremely shiny or not shiny at all

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Why do people praise Charles Manson so much?
He isn't even that smart, he is just a good talker and manipulative. Any person with any sense of self would see his bs a mile away.

You are 100% right. And when Holden realized that that is when he started getting the anxiety.

They had to nigger it up, didn't they?

>what is sweat

IRL the Atlanta Child Murders case did help legitimize profiling and cement the BSU. And there were tons of retards, including cops, blaming the Klan. IRL though Williams has been conclusively tied to almost all the killings by DNA. Every decade or so some liberal or BLM type pushes for reopening, they look at all the evidence, and arrive at the conclusion that WW did it.

Yes, i am not saying he IS one, he is realizing that he has SOME of those traits to a small DEGREE and that is fucking heavily with him.

Read what i am saying dude

no but i dream mainly of shitty dicks
in my ass

So...you're a faggot.


I get what you're saying now. I don't know that it entirely fits, but I get where you're coming from

this part was pretty funny
>in reality 99% of niggers killed are killed by other niggers
>niglets start dropping dead

It was fantastic. Apparently Fincher made sure there would be at least five seasons of this show.

it's your shit

This. And this happened IRL too, there was no way they could write the blacks and not make them look like retards.

ok honestly how bad is the sjw propaganda? season 1 was not that bad besides the shoehorned dike

I can't wait for the days when faggots are openly slaughtered again.

There is 0% SJW propaganda, unless you're a retard full of ressentiment.

met the netflix quota but didn't detract too much from the material

me neither. the straight acting faggots like me will sustain no harm while the camp queens like you will be the first to die

>person is a nurse irl
>married to a man and has kids
>netflix turns her into a doctor
>turns her into a lesbian
>there's no sjw propaganda

Sure, I get what you mean now and I agree.

I was feeling like shit, coming back here and actually discussing a show for once makes me feel a lot better.

thx, Yea Forums I missed you

Just looked up some of the killers, turns out Richard Speck was given tons of estrogen pills, grew boobs and became the prison whore.

Oh the irony.

I just found out Wayne Williams said he was in the CIA and this was 1981 before people knew the CIA was a pedo ring to make that up

I was thinking when they investigation was being stonewalled and some was covering up evidence in the show that it was probably some CIA thing

Explain then

Yes fucking this

>she's so far along on the spectrum she can see uv light
Holy fuck. KEK