whats the fucking point of this formation? why would you align them horizontally instead of vertically, it renders every ship behind the first row useless in combat
Whats the fucking point of this formation? why would you align them horizontally instead of vertically...
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You know why, it looks cool. You're not smart for pretending Star Wars is supposed to be realistic
Fuck off SHILL
This looks like the arrow rain scene from 300.
You could also hyperspace ram the entire fleet with one ship.
I don't think it looks cool, I think it looks awkward, like all attempts at creating "cinematic moments" in Nu Wars
kamikaze x-wings when??
Woah, they do indeed have a giant underslung weapon like the leak said.
It’s space, so they are vertical...From a certain point of view...
Because Star Wars has been rule of cool since it's inception.
WW2 dogfights in space with sound effects and people using laser swords in a universe where advanced directed energy weapons exist.
They'll have a scene in the new movie where they try to do it and then there is some critic-dismantling explaination how that tactic only works in one in a million cases
It sort of looks like they just copy/pasted after the first two rows
Why does that look so artificial?
There is no horizontal or vertical in space retard
>we could wipe out this galaxy spacing empire in one fell swoop but theres only a one in a million chance it will work
>works every time
I actually have a question about this. We have the asteroid belt, and people say it's really useful because it breaks up meteors and shit. So, we're safer. But what if a meteor comes from above?
the spaceships behind the first row can't fire without shooting at their own army. obviously there isn't a technical horizontal/vertical axis in space but you know what I mean asshole
Then we're fucked, because very few telescopes are looking in that direction
Or from below
Or out from behind the sun
Just fire in an arc like with bows and arrows, you dummy
Why aren't we looking in other directions? Who knows what we're missing.
It's clearly going to be a shipyard filled with the hidden empire fleet, except no one but sheev knew how to find the device that allows access to said shipyard.
>But what if a meteor comes from above?
asking the big questions
are they going to mount trebuchets on the roof to eh spaceships
*of the
resolution isn't great but I agree it looks like rubber and that lightning strike is so cheap
For complicated reasons:
Hard to look at the space on the other side of the sun because the sun is in the way, also it's really bright in that direction so it's harder to image
Not many telescopes looking at above or below the ecliptic plane because there are much fewer space rocks in those directions, better to concentrate the limited resource of Spaceguard (that's literately the best name ever, it's one of the very few times scientists picked a catchy name) in the most fruitful direction.
This would have provided much better coverage for Earth, but no money to fund it.
It's extremely rare. Due to the sun's gravity, almost everything in our solar system has a fairly flat/level orbit around the sun. You only get weird orbits that aren't on the same plane when you get further out and the sun's gravitational forces are weaker, allowing for a more sporadic orbit. You also need to consider the fact that most of space is made up of just emptiness, so the chances of earth being hit from above/below from an object outside of our solar system is extremely fucking slim to the point where you're more likely to win the lottery jackpot 10 times in a row using the exact same winning numbers each time than you are to have earth be struck from a non native object.
That's why most shit that is a threat to earth is broken up by the asteroid belt before it even gets to us, and why those things that orbit through it aren't a threat. Comes in on a level angle due to the sun's gravity, gets cucked by the belt, and is either so small it breaks up in the atmosphere, deflects away from earth due to our own gravitational pull, or just misses us because, you know, we're orbiting the sun and move the fuck outta the way.
>Because Star Wars has been rule of cool since it's inception.
Shame it looks uncool.
Very informative. Thanks a bunch. I got something good out of a star wars thread.
Kill yourself shill
Because it's meant of a parading display or power you retard. Combative effectiveness is not coming into play here. At least that's my assumption because WE LACK A SCENE WITH CONTEXT!!
God there's a ton to say is stupid in the new movies but this is hardly one of them.
What does it matter, the movie will be shit and the D&D trilogy will be even worse.
>But what if a meteor comes from above?
the sun will eat it up. get your mind off of that static model, pic related is more realistic
>it looks cool
It looks copy pasted, the opposite of cool.
This makes me uncomfortable
Here comes the hyperspace ram...
I watched the trailer lat night (Western European time zone), took a screenshot and posted a thread this morning, haven't seen a single thread on Yea Forums discussing this shot
>You also need to consider the fact that most of space is made up of just emptiness,
Burger education
It's the same thing, just with a different reference frame. Most Trans-Neptunian objects coming from above or below the sun from the reference frame of the ecliptic plane have a periapsis that's beyond the orbits of the 8 planets.
It makes you realize the chaos of space. The strength of the sun's gravity. The wonder of how our planet has been stable for millions of years so life could evolve, and humans could go on to destroy everything for nothing.
There's the "asteroid belt" which is what you're showing in that pic, that's NOT what people are talking about, when they talk about whatever shit you're babbling about they're talking about the OORT CLOUD, not the asteroid belt or the Kuiper belt
shut up faggot and go kill yourself if humans are such a fucking burden, do us all a favour so we don't have to hear your bullshit crying pissing and shitting when the sun explodes
so the rebels can hyper kamikaze the rows with a handful of ships duh
its a mothballed fleet, not active.
think of ships kept side by side in a harbour for refit and resupply.
You forgot to call me a nigger, it's ok do your best. I hope you get over whatever it is that you're dealing with.
> evolve
Think about killing yourself shill
IKR, imagine not believing in magical jews, like WTF. the biggest of BIG OOFs and DOUBLE YIKES
Who was maintaining the fleet?
that would make sense but Id bet whatever the currency in Star Wars is that, judging by how the lightning strike places the fleet in a dramatic tone, this is just before a huge showdown between the empire and rebels. Also, if they fleet were inactive wouldn't it be on some space station or planet?
>Hurrr its literally Hitler
Are the Kikes ever going to realise that shit like this just looks cool and not ominous.