So...who had the best card?

So...who had the best card?

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Van Patten easy

Paul Allen by a longshot. Van Patten's looks like a piece of fucking toilet paper. Bryce's font makes his look even worse somehow. Bateman's isn't offensive, but isn't as good as Allen's. Allen's is clean, makes excellent use of the space, and makes the genius move of splitting the address and contact numbers onto two separate lines, making the information more intelligible and makes it feel less cluttered.

paul allen

No one

The scene isn't about who has the best card.

It's about how shallow the world that Bateman inhabits is that they are comparing pieces of paper in what is essentially a dick measuring contest.

They are competing for status via subjective tastes on fucking business cards.

It's effeminate as fuck.


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While true, I have to deduct points for his last name being a size larger than his first name. While Patten still commits the sin of turning the building address and fax numbers into a run-on sentence, at least it's more clean and uniform.

Bateman’s is best. The embossing and typeface elevate it to a level of refinement that Allen’s simply can’t aspire to. To give it it’s due, Allen’s looks like it has better quality paper than the rag the other two are using.

Has anyone ever gotten Paul Allen's card tattooed?

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I mean, there has to be something tasteful about raised lettering, right? It gives me the impression that there was more effort put into the card. If it's ink against paper you could have printed those out yourself and cut them from a sheet at home. So Allen and Van Patten are eliminated on that alone. Bryce's font and texturing looks like shit so bateman really did have the best card.

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sloppy af

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Post your card then

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Holy shit they're all spelled that way

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Allen's Pierce & Pierce is kind of poor though. If he had Batemans, it would be perfect


the volume of dubs in this thread is seriously lacking

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The one with tasteful thickness

Excellent, now check mine

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Paul Allen, they literally committed gross errors on the others' cards to drive it home.

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Impressive. Very nice.

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nice, a real life psycopath next to a film psycopath

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Are these uneven number a symbol for Batman's mental state?

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those are even numbers

I really hope the posters here are in on the joke, but I am not convinced

What about the fifth card?

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You should read the book. It's really good.

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Dubs it’s the best
Singles it’s the worst

Bateman, obviously. He was just too insecure because of his tiny P.P. which is basically the point of the movie.

Post the webm

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Timothy Bryce's card is fucking embarrassing

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>starts an integers thread with integers

Stfu Bryce is the ultimate alpha chad. Dubs confirm

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checked. dubs and the holocaust never happened but it will.