Post characters that are literally you

Post characters that are literally you

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This is me. But I've developed inner peace as a result of lots of free time thinking about my predicament.

Attached: D5bec4dWwAEthzk.png (680x644, 175K)

Why would you make this?
How do you know?

This was me a few years ago

Attached: 9c5.png (2626x1752, 624K)

Poor guy
What do broken Bloomers end up as?

this is me except i didnt even finish college and i abandoned my friends completely

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What changed?

Do you just accept your lot in life or did you actually change yourself

Serial killers.

Just a classic boomer

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No negative self talk user.

Attached: D5GkcFxWsAABDFa.jpg (702x676, 43K)

How did you know?

>the month-old bloomer

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I started going out to groups doing activities, meeting new people and flirting with girls, got a girlfriend who I'm living with now and all my old concerns are pretty much non-existent

>masturbates to his old high school teachers
Don't give me ideas user

Literally ALL applies to me

This one changed my perspective a lot. I haven't smoked or drank since seeing it.

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This sounds like a shit person. At least the broken bloomer is sympathetic, but this guy is an asshole AND a bitch.

lmfao this one is terrifying

t. fat loser college drop out

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this is pretty much me

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Why cant you just shower like a normal person bro

>t. fat loser college drop out
F-fuck you, I haven't dropped out yet

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based. most bloomers are posers who do it all for external validation.

Why bother? Not like I'm leaving the house or having guests over.


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>putting white text over grey/white clouds

If you call yourself any variation of "-oomer" you're part of the cancer and need to leave this site.

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This is me except for college, crypto and the Asian girlfriend. I don't find Asian women attractive.

I hope this faggot gets cancer

This one made me sad

>It's a hyperbolic queer episode.

get on antidepressants user
I'm not kidding go to therapy before you fall off the wagon
the price you pay isn't just in money

I wish i did that before the fall
>t. 31y old uberdoomer

Are you watching me?
not closely enough, I don’t use crypto and I already have a gf

Why? He had his own family at least. I've seen way worse guys his age wagcuckin at Walmart and they have no one.

Fuck, hilarious and sad how accurate

mass shooting drug

T. Faggot with cancer


All except runescape addict and I've never made memes ever

>t. 31y old uberdoomer
>memeing like a zoomer queer

where do you guys get the wojaks from haha

Oh God this is me. Right down to the azn gf I may want to settle down with. Fuck fuck fcu k

SSRIs will mess up your seratonin pathways so it's probably bad idea to fuck with those, ie zoloft, lexapro, prozac

try the other types though, MAOIs and bupropion and all that

so cringy it's painful

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this is painfully accurate

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