This is how Yea Forums(nel) dies.
This is how Yea Forums(nel) dies
Other urls found in this thread:
> a bald cancer patient
lmao base
>tfw - that feeling when
>mfw my feeling when
this triggers me
>You have to go back - insult to Mexicans
>Yea Forums has a friendly rivalry with Reddit due to the latter's greater popularity
>my feeling when
Who the fuck made this? Christ
checked and kekked.
>Yea Forums has a friendly rivalry with Reddit due to the latter's greater popularity with faggots
missed the racial implications of gibs.
That's what they call it? I see it more as Yea Forums being a bastion of free speech and Reddit being the antithesis of that.
>tfw I've been using tfw and mfw wrong this whole time
>internal tech theory
remember everyone don't clarify anything, the nigger who made that is ITT, and is a tourist.
>you have to go back.
>something is happening - something is occuring
good job, detective Reddit
>Kek-reference to Egyptian god of chaos
what did xer mean by this?
My feelings on reddit are very friendly. So much that I think 99% of the users of the site should die horrible deaths due to aids and that the world would be better off for it.
Yea Forums is the bastion of acting like an ass cause anonimity, and reddit is the bastion of cuckoldry. Neither have been valuable in any way, and they will be rightfully canned in the near future.
Neither are
>tfw - 'That feeling when," usually accompanied by a phrase
Wow, did you know that conjunctions usually precede a sentence?
>Yea Forums being a bastion of free speech
how's high school so far?
It's true tho
Kek, get a load of this badass
he's internal tech theory? oh shit
election refugees will always be newfags
EDIT: Thanks for the gold kind stranger! You sir are a gentleman and a scholar!
They can't even get their Dark Knight Rises quotes right.
it's cool bro, he'll never catch me, I'm behind 7 proxies
>Based - Used to imply that something is based in reality and therefore good
It's a much better description of what it actually is, since it elevates it to a deity and makes sense. The original pepe is gay cancer.
nope, it's gay larping. kys
exploding vans?
>Neither are
Are what? This is exactly why you don't have your posts on autopost or else the autopost boogeyman will
t. Reddit
kek didn't originate from or because of pepe, faggor
Spoonfeeding stagnates your organic personal growth, you've just ruined your 4channel experience newfags.
i don't give a shit about reddit in general because it's basically the same as channel 4 but with usernames and a slightly different hivemind but what bothers me are these faggots scrambling to their keyboards trying to right every wrong in the world like it makes any difference
How do they get so much wrong?
They didn't lurk long enough.
Kek redpill
>lurk meme
I seriously hope you didn't fall for that.
>Yea Forums has a friendly rivalry with Reddit
>tax posting gets a mention
Based reddditor paying his dues
>implies that all black people falsely protest their innocence when accused of thievery
>especially of bicycles
And my sides are gone
It is generally accurate, but then they mess up shit like mfw and ITT.
>Friendly rivalry
what did he mean by this?
Some underage newfag who lurk on Yea Forums for about 6 months then went back to his Reddit hive to give "intel" of slang of Yea Forums
i know lol
>Internal tech theory
What does he think this means?
That's unironically my post
What does "AMA" mean?
>It's happening - Something is occurring
gripping stuff
kek is just a "typo" when writing lel which was a sikrit club way of saying lol for insecure people
(I) Am Moderately Aware
Reference to centipede kino
Kek didn't originate with Pepe you retard, It's from World of Warcraft
this is just a /pol/ pamphlet and i agree no one should go there because it's far and away the worst board, its all country generals fake happening threads and WHAT WILL YOU DO IN CIVIL WAR 2/WW3 spam threads full of brainlets who actually think either of those things will ever happen
if tourists want to waste their time there all the power to them
What does kino mean
Yea Forums is a bastion of bots and brainlets and cumbrains
there are plenty of (better) forums that wont ban you for wrongthink as long as your comments are more intelligent than FUCKING KIKES
It's a real word
>redpill - racist
>bluepill - not racist
Stopped reading there.
Wojak doesn't have cancer he just has the blues
>January 18 2018
Hour can /pol/ be the worst board when Yea Forums is the worst board?
They are here, they are reading your posts.
You're literally seeing the results of not lurking in the OP you fucking queer.
how il /t/v/ ever recover
at least it's not exploding vans tier. But it isn't as funny either
"lel" was a bastardization of lol specifically poking fun at reddit's cancerous use of "le" at the time, i.e., in unfunny ragecomics.
Then whence comest jej?
you'd think this is a edit but I've actually been on a lecture made by a person working at the police who specifically mentioned incels as a threat.
It's a shame there's so few places on the net where this can be discussed so that a imageboard for Malaysian mural paintings becomes the go to place for mentally deranged psychopaths
>Bill just cucked Jerry out of a cream latte
>Yea Forums claims jews are 2% of the population but control all of the economy, but if you go through Forbes Richest you can clearly see they are only at 40%
is this bitch serious?
way less than 40%
yeah 32% is basically nothing it's all just anti-semitism
>34.32 of Forbes top billionaires
>way less than 50%
And that's not even accounting for the small fish like the multimillionaires, millionaires, actors, bankers, corporate executives, media workers and all that other bullshit in which they have a large control of.
kek comes from the way that koreans write lol, they write ㅋㅋㅋㅋ, which is a gook letter K. so i assume because WoW is big with gooks or whatever they changed lol to kek to be funny
I'm just correcting what she was saying
jej is no more
the time of rir is upon us
>I'm just correcting
Fuck off kike. Go correct the record else.
Yea Forums isn't a circlejerk spamming the same 4 threads endlessly
also most anons outside of /pol/ are here to shit post and generate laughs while polfags mostly take themselves very seriously
That's just a terrible research. I thought scholars were thorough with their analysis.
>Yea Forums isn't a circlejerk spamming the same 4 threads endlessly
Sneed for you
>implying everywhere isnt objectively less free speech
That makes no sense why it would come to a japanese imageboard when the japs use "wwwwwwwwwwwwww" which comes from "warau" (笑う), Japanese verb for "laugh"
but that could be the origin of wew
Feel free to fuck off at any time.
don't spoonfeed the new fags
6th post is mine lol haha
You haven't
i'm proud of you user keep it up.
Logical explanation, but still factually incorrect. It was spammed by a Turk on [s4s] after a candy called Top Kek when the top lel reply was common.
Soijack was barely spammed even 2 months ago and will disappear in 2 more months. Yeah when fresh content comes out its spammed endlessly but it disappears pretty quickly. Last month airsoftfatty threads were every, now where are they? Where's all the captain marvel kvetching?
Yea Forums constantly evolves and moves on. Besides a few stale boomer memes the threads being posted today did not exist 3 months ago and won't exist 3 months from now.
>Soijack was barely spammed even 2 months ago and will disappear in 2 more months. Yeah when fresh content comes out its spammed endlessly but it disappears pretty quickly. Last month airsoftfatty threads were every, now where are they? Where's all the captain marvel kvetching?
>Yea Forums constantly evolves and moves on. Besides a few stale boomer memes the threads being posted today did not exist 3 months ago and won't exist 3 months from now.
Okay, so the same 4 threads daily on a 3 monthly rotation basis.
>the latest discord-organized cancer complaining about cancers
ironig :DD
It descended from Dziga Vertov's postulate of Absolute Kinography for his 1929 movie Man With a Movie Camera, but it only got picked up when a pasta distinguishing between films and movies started circulating, then got extended to more tiers: Absolute Kinography, Cinema, Films, Movies, Flicks and Joints. You can search for in on the archives.
>Yea Forums discusses video games
surprised Yea Forums still gets recommended by redditors for certain /trash/-tier generals despite the constant deluge of cunny, FUCK NIGGERS, blackedposting, gore, everything, really
Daily reminder that every popular culture general is filled with redditors
Top kek wouldn't have been a meme if it wasn't a thing in wow, which got it from korean starcraft players.
that comment was made when /got/ general was still a thing
>Internal tech theory
honestly that kind of junk is all but extinct (thankfully) I even recommend this place to my coworkers who absolutely love it
the janitors here don't get enough credit for their work I think, they've done an amazing job
I thought that was reddit slang? How the fuck do you get that wrong when you browse retarddit enough to write out several paragraphs about your visit to Yea Forums(nel).
Why did you type that out twice?
>mentions taxposting
>doesn't realise it's a jab at GRRM
Well, if it gained traction only because people here knew kek from Wow, then that might have been fortunate for the thing. I only described how it started.
>all these literal actual newfags thinking kek came from Pepe OR World of Warcraft
few will ever know of their cause, but they do great work for the sake of many people
at least the anons they serve know the value of their volunteering
All off you are a fucking joke in hollywood.
despite all that, it's still a very accessible board
pretty much all there's to it
[comment was deleted]
they like blackedposting and the mods target cunny threads specifically over any other off topic thread because it's the one thing next to gore that makes redditors mad
People actually stream? For what reason?
they come here for marvel shit and /got/