Say the name

Say the name.

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I own Apple stock and I want more because you idiots will keep that company alive forever.

globalization is the end of culture


Phone sales are down. People are finally not buying a phone on every release.

I hope these evil fucks all perish

Globalization is the end of wars. You can hate it all you want, but the world is only becoming more and more culturally and economically and politically woven together.


Apple, Nike, Disney, Starbucks, Intel, NIVDIA, H&K, Beretta, Browning

Those are the ones I can name for memony


Die communists

I'm sure people in the late 19th and early 20th century felt exactly the same way.

>wanting the world to cooperate and live in harmony is communism

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You can add Kalashnikov, ironically.

Not sure what you're getting at. Are you trying to make some point by referencing the world wars?

>Thinking Capitalism and Communism are not two sides of the same Jewish coin

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Moving to Africa. Its already pretty much done.

Being surrounded by insane negroids may be bad but this shit is worse. I cant take it. It makes me insane.


>tfw you work for a billion dollar corporation that pushes for brand loyalty and all that corporate BS, but your "loyalty" stops as soon as you clock out
Makes me wonder if companies really expect us wagecucks to give a single shit about them off the clock?
I know some people that do, and its the creepiest, most surreal shit i've ever seen.
Also, when customers insult the store or whatever in front of you,
and stare at me for that brief moment, expecting me to defend my workplace.
If only customers understood that I give less of a shit than they ever could

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Phones have gotten to the point where you have large flat slabs of glass, lots of cameras, and it does basically all the same stuff as the last one. Notches came and went, fingerprint readers are under display, and that's it, we're done. They still make the batteries shit by choice though, forcing you to upgrade or pay for a repair.

Idris Elba

I worked for a family business that stood by me through some real personal trials in a meaningful financial way. Way back when I was in college, they did way more than they had to.

I'd fight and die for those cunts even though I haven't worked there in ten years. I dont know how they are in business if they treat their wagies that well but whatever...its not always this soulless.

until people get tired of that shit and want their region to be independent

I dont think anything has been as inconceivable yet as inevitable as the coming rejection of technology and social media. Its so obviously right around the corner, people are so at their wits end with this stuff.

ok what's the best form of government then?

Being independent isn't intrinsically valuable. It's just something we instinctively want whether or not it rationally makes sense. An interdependent world is a much better option for long-term peace.

Nationalistic socialism

If we had globalization and universal basic income, we would have a realistic shot at world peace

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You think living under a military dictatorship is preferable?

Democracy with a mixed economy.

Not yet. The developing world still has a long way to go, and UBI won't be a realistic option until all menial jobs have been automated away (another 20-30 years).

>end of second shift, almost out
>hear a bunch of crashing and banging and shouting from the paint counter
>some lady pulling down all the paint thinner and spraypaint cans and anything she can reach on the shelf, throwing them everywhere
>laquer and paint thinner all over the floor
Guess she was upset that everyone over there had gone home for the night, and she'd been waiting for a while.
She just straight up started trashing the place, and I just sorta poked my head around the corner
>Ma'am. Excuse me, ma'am.
>Do you need some help, ma'am?
>I'll get somebody for you
After seeing so many grown adults throwing tantrums, you just get numb to it after a while.

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It's communists that are paying to see the latest Avengers movie a hundred times and buying piece of plastic shit funko pops.

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Preferable to living under a jewish-controlled military-industrial complex

that's in no way realistic

being against consumerism/corporatism is not the same as being against capitalism

If it means that society doesn't die in a cesspool of degeneracy and apathy then yes because it will mean the society in that system will be strong and moral

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I'm sure the citizens of Nazi Germany would agree with you. Things really worked out for them.

It actually did. Compare the weimar republic to the days of Nazi Germany. Hitler was a hero to the people, before the war went south.

yeah, im sure a broken neet manchild on Yea Forums owns applr stock

Would have if the (((bankers))) hadn't gotten the whole industrialized world to shut it down. We can't allow anything to hurt their quarterly profits.

How is a society that commits genocide moral? I just find unironic proponents of fascism bizarre. You seem to place a higher priority on "order" and "strength" than on the happiness and prosperity of the people living in the system.

"Before the war went south" is a key phrase.
>a hero to the people
I'm sure the 17 million killed in concentration camps felt the same way, inb4 holocaust denial.

How retarded are you? Life for the average citizens in NatSoc Germany was great

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guess what
most people arent logical
most people arent peaceful
your ideal perfect world will never happend and you are retarded


>being executed by a secret police just because you were jewish
ok retard

Arsenal FC

The war going south isn’t an inherent trait of such a society.

those weren't germans


Shouldn’t have overtaken the banks and lived off the blood and tears of starving natives who had to sell their daughters to survive if you didn’t want that to happen.

how horrible

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There are problems with the democratic west but I prefer to overhaul the system we have now rather than living in a military dictatorship.

>How is a society that commits genocide moral? I just find unironic proponents of fascism bizarre. You seem to place a higher priority on "order" and "strength" than on the happiness and prosperity of the people living in the system.
How can there prosperity and happiness where there no order, morality or tradition in a society? You think a democracy is best system for every situation or nation regardless of culture or ethnicity? I'm pretty democracy is working fine in African countries with little to no corruption at all .

It wasn't just the """bankers""" who opposed Germany waging war against all of Europe.

Fascism had little to do with the economy improving under the Nazis. Early on, they did a lot of privatization, and later, funded their military investments (which improved the economy) by going into debt.

It's already happening, brainlet. It's no coincidence there hasn't been a major conflict between developed states since World War II.

Fascist societies tend to be xenophobic, which tends to lead them on internationally aggressive paths, which usually don't work out in the long term.

Most of them were until the Nazis revoked their citizenship in 1935. The rest were from territories conquered by Germany.


citizenship doesn't make a jew german

Xenophobic societies are the only societies that last, otherwise they simply don’t exist in a few generations.

You keep saying that like we don't. Now go die for Israel, brave Amerimutt.

Family businesses are wholesome.

Nice list of rebuttal talking points. Where can I find the whole list?

>imagine being this much of a billionaires puppet that you believe jewish conspiracy theories instead of the blatant, out in the open ruination of the working class by billionaires of all types

>end of wars
aka slavery

Go jerk off to your parade photos NEETSoc cuck. Uncle Adolf won't fix your shit life

You have to get invited to the tranny discord. Easiest way is through /trash/ in the blacked thread.

Imagine seeing the money and not seeing who has the money or what they are doing with the money.

We literally just need another good war. Not one over in MENA or in Europe, but one right here in North America.
All of society's excesses would be swept away, if America/Canada just lost a war on their home turf

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maybe if you got rid of niggers and jews then youd be correct.

There's immense prosperity in America and European countries without fascism. Dictators aren't needed to encourage morality.
Should only be adhered to when there isn't a better alternative. Tradition in and of itself isn't good or bad.
Is a meaningless buzzword that we can't meaningfully talk about until you define what it specifically means.
>You think a democracy is best system for every situation or nation regardless of culture or ethnicity?
Democracy works best in highly-educated countries. As developing countries become better educated, it becomes more and more appropriate for them to transition to democracy.
>I'm pretty democracy is working fine in African countries with little to no corruption at all .
First, I would recommend you learn English. Second, like I noted, democracy works poorly in Africa because education systems there are still pretty weak.

It does. Nationality isn't intrinsically tied to ethnicity, regardless of what /pol/ has told you.

*cough cough USA*
*cough cough Nazi Germany*


>trading and not fighting with other nations is slavery!!!

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>oy vey! muh 17 million dead jews
kys faggot

>Compared to the United States, and after allowances were made for the difference in the cost of living and in social services, wages in Germany had always been low. Under the Nazis they were slightly lower than before. According to the Reich Statistical Office, they declined for skilled workers from 20.4 cents an hour in 1932, at the height of the depression, to 19.5 cents during the middle of 1936. Wage scales for unskilled labor fell from 16.1 cents to 13 cents an hour. At the party congress in Nuremberg in 1936 Dr. Ley stated that the average earnings of full-time workers in the Labor Front amounted to $6.95 a week. The Reich Statistical Office put the figure for all German workers at $6.29.
>Although millions more had jobs, the share of all German workers in the national income fell from 56.9 per cent in the depression year of 1932 to 53.6 per cent in the boom year of 1938. At the same time income from capital and business rose from 17.4 per cent of the national income to 26.6 per cent. It is true that because of much greater employment the total income from wages and salaries grew from twenty-five billion marks to forty-two billions, an increase of 66 percent. But income from capital and business rose much more steeply –by 146 per cent. All the propagandists in the Third Reich from Hitler on down were accustomed to rant in their public speeches against the bourgeois and the capitalist and proclaim their solidarity with the worker. But a sober study of the official statistics, which perhaps few Germans bothered to make, revealed that the much maligned capitalists, not the workers, benefited most from Nazi policies.

Oh wait
>anime reaction pic
yea makes sense. go read a book retard

Exactly. As soon as the United States stopped being Xenophobic around 1965, it became something else and is in the process of dying. The beacon of light is fading away.

The Nazis also burned books from renowed German authors like Thomas and Heinrich Mann, Lion Feuchtwanger, Jakob Wassermann, Arnold and Stefan Zweig, Erich Maria Remarque, Walther Rathenau, Albert Einstein, Alfred Kerr and Hugo Preuss


Globalization is also impossible and will always just result in rival power blocs.

literally the greatest human achievement was ancient rome and it was based on the notion that anyone who acts like a roman is a roman even if they were born in spain or syria or north africa. if you learned latin and accepted the roman way of life you could be a fucking emperor and that's what made all these distinct peoples work together to build the greatest empire in history. cultural assimilation is how the western civilization was built whereas obsessing over ethnic ancestry is the domain of spear-chucking tribals.

How’d that turn out for them?

There are no major conflicts because the jewish worldpolice (USA & Russia) are occupying the whole world with their military. Not to mention nukes, predator drones, etc. Thats why theres so much terrorism and ''mass immigration''(invasions)

Globalization is possible if there are no “peoples” no “religions” and no “homelands”.

Never going to happen.

We cyberpunk now


>the United States stopped being Xenophobic around 1965
>a society based entirely on accepting endless waves of migrants from all corners of the globe was actually xenophobic

Seething /pol/tard.

The US only thrived in the wake of World War II because we alone escaped it unscathed. That is the sole cause of the post-war bubble, and with the rest of the world recovering, it wasn't going to last.
>and is in the process of dying.
That's your subjective interpretation. You'd point to things like the percentage of whites in the population going down as proof, which most people wouldn't buy. They'd point to things like quality of life and the ever-rising economy.

Globalization has been happening for decades, and with the USSR fallen, the developed world is more or less at peace.

Oh, so the Jews are keeping peace between developed nations. Why again am I supposed to hate them?
>Thats why theres so much terrorism and ''mass immigration''(invasions)
That's incredibly naive. Terrorism is a problem that's trickled down from Middle Eastern conflicts prompted by the US and USSR. Immigration from Central America is largely such a big thing because of corruption in those countries, which came about as a result of the drug trade and US intervention (banana republics, CIA coups, etc). My point is that blaming all of these issues on Jews without actually looking at the specifics of each case is just stupid.

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>muh working class
>idiots too stupid to pick a career that has value so choose to live in squalor
Did you know that lower income families spend 2 more hours per day on the internet than >90k earners?
You have this infantile idea that at some point the "working class" was ever not a bunch of a squalor ridden proles who are too stupid to use the system to their advantage even when it's rigged in their favour (the UK has never spent more money on social welfare % wise at any point in its history, foreigners have to be imported in by the literal boatload in order to fill jobs that lazy cunts wont take cos "not my lif innit"

There is no such thing as race.
Just consume product.

Tolerance for everything that feels good.
Never be critical.
Just consume product.

>defending the worldpolice
bootlicking cuckbot

Nice job intelligently responding to my argument. You convinced me and I'm sure you'll convince others. You're really going to win this thing. Congratulations.

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>no citations
>read a book
>muh anime
Yea go back to leftypol

>globalization and world government keeps peace
>uh nuh immigration is only happening because of wars caused by world government
Imagine being this dumb.

Proportional percentages of immigration to allow the eurocentric worldview to dominate the culture, until it was changed in the mid 60’s and now we are a confused and battered society.

Remember, peace, love, beauty, duty, knowledge, ingenuity, discovery... these are dead concepts. Accept change. Ride the tiger.

extremely well. they built an empire that lasted one thousand years and defines to this day what the western world even is. unless you count the eastern roman empire, in which case they built an empire that lasted two thousand years.

how did it turn out for the nazis? twelve years in power and then all the german women are getting gangraped by russians in the smoldering ruins of germany.

Do i see any romans?

Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Why is it always the weebs who fall for the NEETSoc meme.

The US thrived because the government raised the taxes to +75%. Read a book retard.

>fantasizing about cuck shit
yea leftypol for sure

>implying the destruction of Nazi Germany had anything to do with nationalism
>implying the roman empire lasted because of diversity
>intentionally ignoring that becoming multicultural was the downfall of rome

That was actually a strategic move from apple they raised prices and margins and also stopped posting their numbers

Imagining misinterpreting my argument this willingly. The US, not some world og
government, is responsible for a lot of the corruption in South and Central America, and fallout from the conflicts between the US and USSR resulted in Middle Eastern instability that prompted extremism. The rising power of globalism discourages international conflict, which discourages things like those from happening again.

Sure, that too. My point is that xenophobia or fascist ideas weren't responsible for American prosperity.

>dude they raised corporate taxes loads during one of the biggest wars in history when america was making more money than ever before or since by selling guns and tanks for literal bars of gold to desperate nations trying to survive
>dude this would totally work in peacetime bro trust me
>trust me
>you can trust me, i know what i'm talking about

instead of wars for religion or nation, it will be wars for companies and brand names

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>bro forget it took the entire world fighting against a rinky dink country in shambles turned into a superpower in the course of a few years
>they lost so that growth means nothing, accept diversity is strength!

Your opinions are retarded and your arguments are complete bullshit, cuck.

it probably takes less than an hour to walk over to the customer service counter

>The rising power of globalism discourages international conflict,
>the "leader" of globalism is america
>america is the biggest war profiteer on the face of the planet
My noggin, is sprinting at this very moment.
You glow my friend

The spark of European culture and resources is what brought prosperity. The moral decay of society, the cult of the elite manipulating the masses into consumer automatons and demographic replacement is the seeds of destruction.

sales down doesn't mean profit is down

you see a world built by romans.

you are not as smart as you believe, and real life experience proves you wrong
follow the money on said "corrupt" systems and you will find the same familiar faces

spoiler: it's all bergs and steins

No they are not. You may get lucky and get a job with a family who will like you and treat you well, but most of the time you will end up working overtime and taking commands from every fucking family member.

>declare war on America and the Soviet Union
>get your shit pushed in over the course of 4 years
sounds about right

Factually incorrect, incel.

and where are they?

No user don’t you see, the court of public opinion created by the media I consume and the education I received (coincidentally all controlled by stiens and bergs) say that race has nothing to do with those nasty elites! So it must be true!

buy high sell low, cause its not going up again at this rate

>There's immense prosperity in America and European countries without fascism. Dictators aren't needed to encourage morality.
Because they were or are mostly a homogeneous society. That's why democracy works because you have an community of your people who understands mostly how democracy works. Society that are "diverse" tend to less stable and more violence as you have different ethnicities from other regions of the world who don't have democracies and don't understand the importance of it

>Should only be adhered to when there isn't a better alternative. Tradition in and of itself isn't good or bad.
How isnt not good? Isn't teaching the next generation how to act in a society and respecting your ancestors not a good idea or bad idea? Seriously how can you be this autistic?

>Is a meaningless buzzword that we can't meaningfully talk about until you define what it specifically means.
So should just allow orgies on the streets every Tuesday? Polygamy with multiple partners? Cuckoldy to be norm in a society or children to lapdance in front of perverted homosexuals? Why do I need to give you a specific definition of what "order" means if you should know there are boundaries you shouldn't cross?

>Democracy works best in highly-educated countries. As developing countries become better educated, it becomes more and more appropriate for them to transition to democracy.
How do make democracy work when the average IQ of most African citizens in their respective countries is what we consider borderline mentally retarded. It's like the equivalent of giving a chimp the keys to a car and expecting it to come back in one piece and clean.

I believe he is refering to the end of the world wars - ie - the establishment of new legitimate global orders

you type like a redditor

>globalisation prevents conflicts because it brings everyone together and nobody would start conflict that would cause harm to the global state
>but America, the most globalized nation, starts conflicts that drive illegal immigration

>America in the 30's wasn't fascist

Wow it’s almost as if the traditionalist nationalist ethnocentrist policy can be divorced from imperialism and the particular circumstances of a specific war, and that just because they lost an impossible war that doesn’t mean they weren’t literally a miracle of rags to riches.

>believing a single word of that disinfographic

Concession accepted.

you are the reason /pol/ is unreadable now.

you need to go back

>get your shit pushed in over the course of 4 years
>take paris, the center of the third biggest empire the world has ever seen, within 6 months
>would have been able to starve Britain out if not for a WHOLE CONTINENTS worth of resources from america
>literally only defeated by the russians because they used human wave tactics
>1-10 KD ration on the eastern front
>this is what you consider "getting your shit pushed in"
If the japs weren't a bunch of spergs they would have probably won the war


How do you intend to pay for seven billion subhumans who are a net drain every month?

you still need to go back

But no they lost so any validity to their way of life must be ignored. My socially engrained war propaganda says so.

>can be divorced from imperialism and the particular circumstances of a specific war
The militarism and expansionism of NatSoc is what led to WW2. It was the aggressive foreign policy of NatSoc that was largely responsible for it

>they lost an impossible war that doesn’t mean they weren’t literally a miracle of rags to riches.
The NatSoc economy was fueled largely by debt and rearmament it was a bubble that was going to pop had they not gone to war

by the way this is a citation from the premier book on the Third Reich - yet here you are spitting out falsehoods, memes and treating them like the gospel.

If you are an adult you are ridiculous and everyone you know thinks this. You really want to think about what you hold to be true and why.

reminder that libertarianism is the only logical form of government

taxes are categorically theft

Attached: shut the fuck up COMMUNIST.jpg (640x486, 50K)

muh hitler

muh taxes are theft

You don’t even read what you reply to. Imperialism is not the same thing as ethnonationalism. One worked, one didn’t.

>b-but they would have had a poor economy I swear!
No proofs. The FACTS: they went from Africa tier war torn shithole to borderline kings of the world overnight.

>worth of resources from america
And why do you think America provided material support to their long time western ally? Do you think it had anything to do with the Germans aggressive foreign policy which alienated America or did it happen for no reason?

>literally only defeated by the russians because they used human wave tactics
lmao imagine spouting literal debunked propaganda

>1-10 KD ration on the eastern front
KDs don't win wars kid this isn't like your Call of Duty

>this is what you consider "getting your shit pushed in"
Getting your country dismantled and occupied by your two worst enemies for over 40 years is what I consider getting your shit pushed in yes

>the premier book on the third reich
>spitting out falsehoods, memes and treating them like gospel
>everyone you know thinks this
>you really want to think about what you hold to be true and why.
typical leftist "im better than you, think about why" posturing. Weak and womanly, passive agressive at its most onions ridden

>Wow it’s almost as if

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Nah true world peace can only be achieved when an overwhelming force exterminates everything and everyone that doesn't follow their ideologies. There'd be no dissent and opposition because those who could are already dead.

That's nice and all but it's not like it would work today. It kinda requires that 99.999% of the population is made up of fairly isolated illiterate farmers who couldn't give a fuck about any way of life outside their tiny community, let alone some disembodied "roman way of life". If only 20% of decision making Romans actually had a traditional Roman upbringing it's not gonna be long until the Roman way of life is just gonna be whatever way of life of the most powerful group of people. And then you basically just have a regular old xenophobic society, only with more race wars and riots.

A diseased people cannot self govern.

>wanting world peace
Welcome to the machine.

>One worked, one didn’t.
NatSoc did not work it led to the destruction of Germany

>No proofs.
The German economy's reliance on debt and rearmament is well noted in books such as Wages of Destruction and Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

>they went from Africa tier war torn shithole to borderline kings of the world overnight.
Germany was the second best economy in the world during the Weimer republic they were not Africa tier by any means lmao.

>First, I would recommend you learn English. Second, like I noted, democracy works poorly in Africa because education systems there are still pretty weak.
First off my English isn't my first language you fucking faggot next time don't act like you some English guru if you need to spell check my opinion. We're not in English 1 class no more fag. Secondly it isn't because of education system was poor because a shining example of decent African education where is white rule Rhodesia where the literacy rate was 100%. The system only works where the few who can understand and they can lead the government. You want to know why democracy isn't working for Africans? It's because Africans have lower IQs on averages than euros do even with colonization Europeans still have higher iqs on average and it's been that way for thousands of years. You can't expect the chimp to understand how to drive a car correctly because it doesn't have the mental capacity to even do so and even with proper training you still have the possibility of the car being scratched or damaged, same goes to Africans and democracy


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To be honest, having wars is probably preferable to a life as glorified robots devoid of any humanity.

>No proofs
Here's your "proofs"
>AH of Schacht’s admitted wizardry in finance was put to work to pay forgetting the Third Reich ready for war. Printing banknotes was merely one of his devices. He manipulated the currency with such legerdemain that at one time it was estimated by foreign economists to have 237 different values. He negotiated amazingly profitable (for Germany) barter deals with dozens of countries and to the astonishment of orthodox economists successfully demonstrated that the more you owed a country the more business you did with it. His creation of credit in a country that had little liquid capital and almost no financial reserves was the work of genius, or – as some said – of a master manipulator. His invention of the so-called ”Mefo” bills was a good example. These were simply bills created by the Reichsbank and guaranteed by the State and used to pay armament manufacturers. The bills were accepted by all German banks and ultimately discounted by the Reichsbank. Since they appeared neither in the published statements of the national bank nor in the government’s budget they helped maintain secrecy as to the extent of Germany’s rearmament. From 1935 to 1938 they were used exclusively to finance rearmament and amounted to a total of twelve billion marks. In explaining them once to Hitler, Count Schwerinvon Krosigk, the harassed Minister of Finance, remarked that they were merely a way of ”printing money

Their economy was inherently unsustainable and would've crashed had they not gone to war.

>tying everything together
Did not read the rest. Concede the point that an ideology is made up of parts and that U LOSE WAR LOL is not a proof of failure in a black/white sense. Imperialism and ethnocentrism are not the same thing, see: Israel.

>Their economy was inherently unsustainable and would've crashed had they not gone to war.
Sounds like 1930s America to me

Spoken as someone who never once had to deal with war. You don't know what true war is don't talk shit on subjects you know nothing about.

>I have participated in two wars and know that war ends when it has rolled through cities and villages, everywhere sowing death and destruction. For such is the logic of war. If people do not display wisdom, they will clash like blind moles and then mutual annihilation will commence
-Nikita Khrushchev

>t. muh Zionism


thats all -- just get into the subject. Find the dominant literature- persue the texts. You are younger than me - you may be brighter and stronger - I hope so!
but for FUCK SAKES, if you have an interest, don't just go for the memes. You are limiting yourself and you have the sounds of someone who people are used to not listening to, for obvious reasons.
don't let that happen - good luck

Meant for

Imagine the face of the person that typed this.

muh jews

>Concede the point that an ideology is made up of parts and that U LOSE WAR LOL is not a proof of failure in a black/white sense
You are simply incapable of understanding that NatSoc inherently leads to war through concepts like Lebensarum for example. I urge you to actually read Mein Kampf.

imagine how little attention this person gets


Taxes are 100% theft

If I put a gun to your head and steal from you, it's theft

if I vote with 2 of my friends to steal from you, it's theft.

Taxes are theft. Taxes are theft. Taxes are theft. Taxes are theft. Taxes are theft. Taxes are theft.

Sorry sweetie, no. We should all be more like based Israel.

Wow you gave me a wiki article of a fucking war theory that has nothing to do with how things were conducted in practice.
Maybe if you'd spend less time brown nosing and more time accomplishing you'd be able to tell the difference.
You fucking reek of leftypol, your entire attitude, you lack of outright denial or confirmation that you are actually leftypol or not, constant use of the same repeated buzzwords and phrases like "read a book" ect.
You fucking reek my dude.

NatSoc as a whole is a shit tier ideology.

muh taxes x2

>implying the destruction of Nazi Germany had anything to do with nationalism
they could have won. they could have had the bomb first, they had the scientists for it, but advanced physics was deemed "too jewish" for germans to pursue so they didn't invest in it until the very end. not to mention hitler's retarded micromanaging of the eastern front was all based on applying horribly misguided nationalist ideology to warfare ("no, they can't retreat because true germans only advance! i don't care if they are sitting ducks and amazing defensive positions are right behind them, they will take the russian tanks in the middle of an empty field because true germans never walk backwards! oh wait they're dead?")

>implying the roman empire lasted because of diversity
it didn't "last" because of diversity, it had to deal with diversity to even exist in the first place because how do you build an empire if not by conquering foreigners? they handled the "diversity" incredibly well by allowing the foreigners equal opportunity careers in rome as long as they assimilated culturally. that way all the subjects of the empire were motivated to work for the glory of rome instead of starting rebellions. history's greatest conquerors understood this, see also: cyrus and his persian empire.

>intentionally ignoring that becoming multicultural was the downfall of rome
multicultural, not multiethnic. the success of rome was based on promoting a single culture across multiple ethnicities and the downfall came when mass migrations made cultural assimilation impossible. you're ignoring that becoming multiethnic was what made the roman empire an empire, otherwise they would have remained some obscure tribe stagnating in their backwater peninsula.

Apparently not, it created a world superpower overnight. Proof is in the pudding.

muh top class american education that I don't want tax dollars going into because its theft oh wait i'm stupid

mods delete this thread pls

You literally cannot disprove that taxes are theft.

muh mods delete thread

>that has nothing to do with how things were conducted in practice.
It's in the fucking article you dishonest little faggot

>and more time accomplishing you'd be able to tell the difference.
And now he cries

>You fucking reek of leftypol
>Gets BTFO
>Cries about leftypol
every single time

>Much like how russia has become a capitalist country and their old presidents sell pizzas on TV
Russia got fucked but never occupied by their worst enemy for multiple generations fucked

>obsession with READDDDDINGING BOOOOOKS and attention
I wonder if this dude has a specific lifestyle or not.

>it created a world superpower overnight
Germany was a superpower before the Nazis dude they were the second largest economy on the planet even during Weimer.

>muh war
Not reading the rest. We’re not talking about nazism in its totality, we’re talking about domestic successes of ethnonationalism. Bad ideas in war has nothing to do with ethnonationalism, ethnonationalism isn’t inherently imperialistic, see: Israel.

Why is corporate culture so fucking cringe? These people have no idea how they come across. What fucking tools

Oh man

>Soviet rifle forces penetrated German tactical defenses and pursued into the operational depths on foot at slow speed. They were, however, deficient in staying power. Soon, growing infantry casualties brought every advance to an abrupt end. Soviet cavalry corps reinforced by rifle and tank brigades also penetrated into the German operational rear. Once there and reinforced by airborne or air-landed forces, they ruled the countryside, forests, and swamps but were unable to drive the more mobile Germans from the main communications arteries and villages. At best, they could force limited German withdrawals, but only if in concert with pressure from forces along the front. At worst, these mobile forces were themselves encircled, only to be destroyed or driven from the German rear area when summer arrived.

>No encirclements ensued, and German forces halted the Soviet advance at the Mius River defenses. South of Moscow, the Red Army penetrated into the rear of the Second Panzer Army and advanced 100 kilometers deep into the Kaluga region. During the second phase of the Moscow counter offensive in January 1942, the 11th, 2nd Guards, and 1st Guards Cavalry Corps penetrated deep into the German rear area in an attempt to encircle German Army Group Center. Despite the commitment into combat of the entire 4th Airborne Corps, the cavalry corps failed to link up and became encircled in the German rear area. The ambitious Soviet operation failed to achieve its ultimate strategic aim, due largely to the fragile nature of Soviet operational mobile forces.

You're braindead

this reading books is for faggots the truth lies in infographics

Oh the 20 jews in the banks had a lot of money while the people starved in the streets and used wheelbarrows of cash to buy bread. What a superpower, such advantage!

well i understand that the state is one of teh most important developments of human history - associated with the enlightenment, modernity and the subsequent industrial revolution and teh formation of standing armies.
It is a an agreement from the populace to exchange some freedoms for collective security and social cohesion.

Or I could just misread hiostory complete and juts yell "TAXES ARE THEFT" until people stop listening to me.
I could even be jewish I suppose.

everywhere. every time you open your mouth you speak latin words and roman concepts. the biggest religion on the planet is a roman institution run in latin. they didn't go anywhere, they birthed the modern world and live through it. they achieved real immortality.

I'm not saying wars aren't horrible and should be avoided at almost all costs, but you know. People commit A LOT of sex crimes, is it preferable to chemically castrate every human and rob them of all romantic love and sexuality and have non-sexual reproduction? At some point you kinda have to wonder if some horrible things aren't worth it so the other 99.9999% of people can actually be humans.

Being pod-people with no sentient thought being used as batteries is pretty much the best way to end human suffering, but is it worth it?


it only gets worse the further down i go

>In fact, primarily due to Stalin's overriding his subordinates' suggestions, the Stavka fell for the German ruse. Instead of attacking the southern pincer of the suspected Moscow operation, they ran into heavy concentrations of German forces that were to strike southward to the Soviet oilfields in the Caucasus, the actual aim of Operation Blue.

Although the offensive surprised the Wehrmacht, the Soviets mishandled their mobile forces. Soviet infantry penetrated German defences to the consternation of the German commanders, but the Soviets procrastinated and failed to commit the two tank corps for six days. The corps finally went into action on 17 May simultaneously with a massive surprise attack by First Panzer Army against the southern flank of the Soviet salient. Over the next two days, the two tank corps disengaged, retraced their path, and engaged the new threat. But it was too late. The German counterattack encircled and destroyed the better part of three Soviet armies, the two tank corps and two cavalry corps, totaling more than 250,000 men.[41]

The Kharkov debacle demonstrated to Stalin and Soviet planners that they not only had to create larger armoured units, but they also had to learn to employ them properly.

Sure, but why does that matter?

Having a doctor shove his finger up my ass is sexual harassment but I still prefer it to dying of ass cancer.

Left Wing Redditors and T_D niggers detected. Next time Yea Forums don't reply to bait comments because it just derails the fucking thread

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"The Kharkov debacle demonstrated to Stalin and Soviet planners that they not only had to create larger armoured units, but they also had to learn to employ them properly."

>muh state
>muh collective security
Reminder that America had no income tax until 1913.

Taxes are theft. Taxes are theft. Taxes are theft. Taxes are theft. Taxes are theft. Taxes are theft. Taxes are theft. Taxes are theft.

>Romans built the internet
Hot take.


“Read a book” is codeword for “I can’t form an argument please leave”

>Oh the 20 jews in the banks had a lot of money
like who? can you name any names?

>while the people starved in the streets and used wheelbarrows of cash to buy bread
You realize the hyper inflation only happened immediately after WW1? Once the economy stabilized conditions were quite good in Germany it was even referred to as the golden 20s.

"Forced into premature action, the Red Army was able to concentrate enough forces to create a narrow penetration toward Kharkov. However, it was logistically exhausted and fighting an enemy that was falling back on its rear areas. The lack of diversionary operations allowed the German Army to recognise the danger, concentrate powerful mobile forces, and dispatch sufficient reserves to Kharkov. With the Red Army's flanks exposed, the Germans easily pinched off the salient and destroyed many Soviet formations during the Third Battle of Kharkov.

The concept of the deep operation had not yet been fully understood by Stalin. However, Stalin recognised his own error, and from this point onward, stood back from military decision-making for the most part. The defeat meant the deep operation would fail to realise its strategic aim. The Third Battle of Kharkov had demonstrated the importance of diversion,"

Literally learning "war 101" at the cost of millions of lives lol, god bless communism and its battle to save the world not from famine, but overpopulation

>Imperialism is not the same thing as ethnonationalism. One worked, one didn’t.

jews have been doing some rebranding calling empire "civic nationalism" and calling nationalism "ethno-nationalism".

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if conditions were good how come people were so willing to accept nazi germany retard?

world peace is literally impossible

Is there a single thing that "National Socialists" won't blame on the jews?

cringe worldview

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you tell me you seem very knowledgeable on the subject

t. corporate cuck
I hope you're typing this from your $10,000 computer in your 30 million dollar mansion, otherwise you're not working hard enough. :^)

It’s possible and we’re on the way, but you wont like it when we get there

Jewish propaganda. This never happened. Nazi Germany was very trans tolerant and Hitler was openly gay

>posts jewish propoganda

have sex plz

Because nothing lasts forever and scapegoats are easy when your government is incompetent.

proof it's all a big conspiracy?

>muh evil nazis killed the trannies! ignore that hitler was trans!
nice try JIDF

>blogs and wikipedia
nice sources

Aww, little baby gonna cry? You mad that daddy government is taking your lunch money and you can't do anything about it? Better take your ar-15 into a police station and get yourself removed from the gene pool.

Follow the money.

Have you warched hotel rawanda? Niggers genocide based on size of nose. AND ARE YOU SERIOUSLY ADVOCATING GENOCIDE OR RACES FOR WORLD PEACE?

Nice strawman but spend more time on it plz i know communists have a hard enough time finding food enough as it is without the crows getting to your crops

Well, he wants 1st world countries to get overrun by 3rd world masses, so yes.



Yes, this is why Hitler imprisoned any opposition and killed democracy. Because he was so popular (the nsdap was actually losing votes during the last elections before Hitler became chancellor, mainly because the economy was already recovering)

>we’re talking about domestic successes of ethnonationalism
crippling your nation's scientific progress because of ethnonationalism is not a domestic success for ethnonationalism and the nazis crippled their scientific progress with such vigor it would make lysenko blush. it's not just discarding entire fields of theoretical study as "not german" in character, claiming certain mathematical equations are "too jewish" to be used by germans and so on. did you know hitler and the leading germans backed weird pseudoscientific cosmology called the world ice theory, which literally came to a german mystic in a dream, over actual science? this has wide-ranging consequences both in wartime and peacetime because it results in replacing real meteorology with non-functional ice-world meteorology and the motivation is entirely to bring scientific pursuits in line with ethnonationalistic ideology.

also, bad ideas in war have everything to do with ethnonationalism if they directly emerge from applying ethnonationalistic ideas to warfare. you don't get to reject the negative consequences of your ideology. would you also be saying that bad ideas in agriculture have nothing to do with communism and the actual performance of the soviet economy is irrelevant to a judgement of communist ideology?

>word-forming element used freely in English, "between, among, during," from Latin inter (prep., adv.) "among, between, betwixt, in the midst of"
see? you can't even open your mouth without owing something to the romans.

hitler was installed in power by an emergency presidential decree that the senile hindenburg was pressured into signing by a caste of wealthy industrialists and bankers scared of the rise of communism. actual support for nazism was never higher than 37% in any free election.

>crippled their scientific progress

that's how it worked in the soviet union, any SCIENCE! that disproved their ideology was outlawed.

meanwhile nazis got america to the moon.

They were still the biggest party in Weimar you tard. Even a grand coalition of other parties(SPD, etc) couldn't beat the NSDAP.

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Yea Forums

See you in the trenches

Own Apple too but we should seriously get out.

Apple fanaticism died years ago-I own the newest MacBook Pro but everywhere I go I only see the old model without touch bar.

Most people these days don't remember if they have an X, XS, 9(doesn't exist) or XR, heck most people don't even know there is an XS.

Apple's decision to not change the design, features or even the fucking *name* has to go down as one of history's biggest marketing disasters.

Apple has almost reached the point of commoditisation, an Apple product is no longer a status symbol, it belongs to the 2010s which are soon over.

Nevertheless Apple has the largest cash reserves on the planet and might expand heavily on their services. But they desperately need a new CEO who can turn the ship around.

Not him but I own 10K in Aapl stock, they're like 200 bucks apiece you fucking mongoloid.

Get fucked

>Thomas Mann

>Mann's diaries reveal his struggles with his homosexuality, which found reflection in his works, most prominently through the obsession of the elderly Aschenbach for the 14-year-old Polish boy Tadzio in the novella Death in Venice (Der Tod in Venedig, 1912).[21]

>Anthony Heilbut's biography Thomas Mann: Eros and Literature (1997) uncovered the centrality of Mann's sexuality to his oeuvre. Gilbert Adair's work The Real Tadzio (2001) describes how, in the summer of 1911, Mann had stayed at the Grand Hôtel des Bains on the Lido of Venice with his wife and brother, when he became enraptured by the angelic figure of Władysław (Władzio) Moes, a 10-year-old Polish boy (see also "The real Tadzio" on the Death in Venice page). Mann's diary records his attraction to his own 13-year-old son, "Eissi" – Klaus Mann: "Klaus to whom recently I feel very drawn" (22 June). In the background conversations about man-to-man eroticism take place; a long letter is written to Carl Maria Weber on this topic, while the diary reveals: "In love with Klaus during these days" (5 June). "Eissi, who enchants me right now" (11 July). "Delight over Eissi, who in his bath is terribly handsome. Find it very natural that I am in love with my son ... Eissi lay reading in bed with his brown torso naked, which disconcerted me" (25 July). "I heard noise in the boys' room and surprised Eissi completely naked in front of Golo's bed acting foolish. Strong impression of his premasculine, gleaming body. Disquiet" (17 October 1920).[22]

Sell soon dude.

Apple is on its way out. iPhones continue to be archaic pieces of shit you have to jailbreak just to install better browsers, itunes is malware, macbooks are inconvenient pieces of shit and every company out out a better tablet thats far more compatible with educational apps, meaning iPads lose out in that sweet sweet school market, and kids will learn to buy non-apple products. And their cringey watch line has been an abject failure, no one but the uncoolest fatties wear smart watches.

Not to mention the whole scandal about the intentionally built in software that purposely ruins battery life over time while the company continues to weld batteries into its products so you have to buy new versions all the time because after 2 years it cant hold a charge anymore.

Apple was king of 2006-2014 with no leadership or plan to carry it through the next two decades. I'd just cash out my stock right now because it's just not gonna get any better outside of artificial pump and dumps manipulations

What's this pic from?

And they were right. War is down, death is down, crime is down. What are you even trying to say?

Would have called the cops and pressed charges myself. Out of curiosity, what color was this person?

except all those poorfags didnt have porn and video games and first world comforts to placate their restless young men. we are living through the end of history, from here on out its only capitalism and globalism while all the angry young men with nothing to lose who should be removing tyrants are drugged and introduced to addictive skinner boxes which stimulate their dopamines to fulfill their urges to fight and fuck with artificial substitutes

Disagree. You're projecting.

>no one but the uncoolest fatties wear smart watches
desu as someone who works retail I see hundreds of people a week wearing smart watches or airpods
>inb4 wagie
the only thing I can claim is that I see shitloads of different people on a weekly basis, and that evidence albeit anecdotal disagrees with you

Yea Forums - Disney
/g/ - Apple
Yea Forums - Reddit

any more bros?

>Nevertheless Apple has the largest cash reserves on the planet
too bad those reserves are tied up in thousands of offshore accounts and are basically just trustfunds for the last boardmember out the door

>but where will the jobs come from?!

I love how you types just can't wrap your head around the idea that there literally will not be enough work to go around in the future because of automation and there is no reason at that point to insist that everyone keep their conscious minds occupied with menial tasks just so they can "work". It won't be the paradise that neets think it will but it is not only possible to not have to work in the future, its inevitable. The real problem is all the bitterness the final generation to work is experiencing. That's you. Stay bitter faggot, and stay gold.

Oh the irony.

Reminder a fascist economy does work as proven by Park Chung-hee and South Korea.

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Star Wars
Just look at how fans are screaming just when company logos or things like the falcon appear, or how they parade ian mcdiarmid around, or how they fucking raise lightsabers after the trailer ends

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