Wait til' you see the...
**deep breath**
Wait til' you see the...
**deep breath**
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so disney jew likes money
wow thank you for this information
Who gives a fuck dude?
they want all the Shekels but dont want to invest money into a quality
>giving a shit about a movie poster
What happened to let the past die?
>he thinks that they based the design off of the toy and not the sample model that they made both the toy and the poster from which are specifically made to be used in posters and to provide a reference to modelmakers
It's like you know nothing about the film industry and you're just here to circlejerk
>Damage controlling at 2 in the morning
user, this is sad. You really should consider taking up a trade.
have the spoilers leaked for this pile of shit yet?
>hey dude let's take this ultra premium franchise and turn it into a never ending series of low budget movies
I thought the jews would've been more competent.
3/11 replies directly mention or imply mentions of Jewish people or people of Jewish ancestry. This board needs serious, serious help. Go visit your local holocaust museum, you might learn something.
the whole world isn't where you live you fucking dumb ape
what's the acceptable quota for ignoring kikes?
It's a subliminal message to make you buy toys, they're going all out with their kikery.
Investigate 311
>your local holocaust museum
now thats funny
keep going senpai i love your work
>Go visit your local holocaust museum
If anything, it's the toy who is well made and looks like the real thing.
Same, bless you user for making the world slightly brighter
>implying the US isn't the world
>local holocaust museum
>visit your local holocaust museum
lmao dude you are cool
>visit your local holocaust museum, you might learn something
Like what? Getting rid of them?
yea god forbid the nazis would have won, ohhh goood noooo think of all the things we'd miss out on ohhhhhhh the horror
>First Order has conquered most of the galaxy a year after TLJ, Kylo Ren is supreme leader, still has some thoughts about turning to the light from time to time, has replaced General Hux with someone else as number two
>General Hux is not happy with this, his secretly leaking intelligence to the Resistance, hoping they would take Kylo down so he could be supreme leader
>Knights of Ren return from a journey to the Unknown Region, they report a secret arsenal of superweapons built by the Emperor, but in order to find this they need a thing called the Wayfinder. The arsenal is a fleet of star destroyers each equipped with a small version of the death star superlaser
>Resistance is clued in by Hux and they set out to find the Wayfinder before Kylo Ren could
>Coordinates to the Wayfinder is stored in C3PO's old memory unit, which is located in an abandoned imperial blockade... for reasons
>The heroes recovery the memory unit first, but they need to take it to a decommissioned droid factory to unlock it
>While attempting to unlock it they are ambushed by the First Order, but some bounty hunter and her droid bails them out
>In the process though, they upload the wrong memory unit into C3PO, he becomes aggressive because the memory unit is that of a combat droid, he steals chewie's bowcaster.
>Resistance finally find the Wayfinder located on a desert world, another one
>Meanwhile, Kylo Ren consults an oracle, who reveals the same information about the Wayfinder
>two sides clash on the desert planet, Rey and Kylo Ren fight it out, during their fight their force bond allow them to experience past events
>It's unclear if Kylo defeats Rey, but he and Knights of Ren make off with the Wayfinder, they use it to unlock the arsenal's location with Resistance on their tail, Kylo turns around and wrecks them again, but thanks to some alien the Resistance escapes
>But as it turns out Kylo Ren and Rey discover that the Wayfinder actually contain the spirit of the Emperor
>In fact, the Knights of Ren are actually loyal to Palpatine and manipulated Kylo Ren to free the Emperor
>Once Palpatine's spirit is free, he possess one of the Knights of Ren, he announces his plan to retrieve his arsenal and subjugate the galaxy, he also reveals he's the force behind Snoke
>At that moment, Luke and Han Solo appear as force ghost and urges Kylo Ren to join the light. He does reluctantly
>Kylo/Ben and Rey fight to stop Palpatine together, after they defeat the possessed Knight of Ren Palptine then jumps body and possess Kylo Ren instead.
>Kylo resists the emperor, and urges Rey to kill him
>Rey kills Kylo. Palptine tries to jump again into Rey, but because she's too...pure? He's not able to possess her and his spirit dies for good
>Rey destroys the arsenal and escapes. She mourns Kylo Ren's death. During her mourning Luke appears as a force ghost again and resurrect Kylo Ren
>Skywalker Rises
They are killing it right now.
>local holocaust museum
>Han Solo force ghost
I hope they use the manlet jew.
>having a dedicated twatter account for shitting on nuwars
>Go visit your local holocaust museum
Don't have one, and my first world country allows us to say it's a hoax.
I want to go to the holocaust memorial in a Godzilla suit.
Ladies and gentlemen, here we have someone unable to take a joke.
ESL here, is "Disney have" grammatically correct? Shouldn't it be has?
Either one is fine. Sometimes proper names of organizations or corporations can be construed as plural.
Thank you very much, user!
We love jews, many people here voted for presidents who gave and continue to give Israel billions of US tax payer money for free. They got 4bill last year.
Pick one.
Imagine having one for defending it
Well said fellow white person.
>Go visit your local holocaust museum
If I wanted to watch fiction, I'd watch the Avengers.
We're not outraged, we're just laughing at them.
>go visit your local holocaust museum
yeah and the reason why its being brought up is because the poster looks so shitty.