Is Fear The Walking Dead a good show? I might watch it for Alycia.
Is Fear The Walking Dead a good show? I might watch it for Alycia
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>Is Fear The Walking Dead a good show?
Hit and miss at best but she is fucking hot so it's kinda worth it.
She doesn't do anything lewd enough in it to warrant watching.
You'll have a more pleasurable experience of just googling pictures and searching fap material of her than watching this trash of a show. Don't even bother.
Wouldn't it make more sense to NOT add more people to a show about zombies?
it's good up until nick dies
oh weird that chick looks just like the girl im with
>good show
It's better than TWD but that isn't saying much.
>watch it for Alycia
While she may be hot, it's cable TV which means no nudity or anything really. Besides her retarded ass decision making in the show will be enough to turn you off wanting to fap to her retarded ass anyway, at least in the show. I know it's the apocalypse but goddamn everybody on that show looks like fucking heroin addicts besides the mother and father.
It's kind of like the walking dead if you removed the zombies and only kept the worst, most forgettable plot lines and characters.
i watch 2 seasons or her and a definite no. Her character is an annoying cunt too, even in a show where all the characters are brain dead.
>It's better than TWD but that isn't saying much.
Literally NOBODY thinks this you intentionally contrarian poo person
agreed. the show is wayyy different after season 3 and it sucks so bad now
Season's 1 and 2 were nothing special, but season 3 was incredible. Then season 4 puts it back into mediocrity. Haven't started 5.
season three was arguably the best f the series
It was before Season 4. Season 4 was the beginning of the end. So damn boring.
I got through the first 2 episodes before I started to lose my will to live. I chose life.
I stop watching when she literally got blacked in first episode
everyone dropped this show after episode 1
literally everyone was excited. I remember the hype. but then this happened
all the hype disappeared since that. really makes you think that a small thing like that makes everyone drop a show.
fuck she was so hot in the 100
Season 3 us the best of wither Walking Dead show
Post more lewd pictures of her faggots.
can't believe she'd rather do than suck face with eliza taylor
You've been reposting this picture for four years you dumb cuck.
And that scene isn't even in the show.
>And that scene isn't even in the show.
where the fuck do you think I got this pic? from the fucking show. it happened.
holy fucking. so much hope
also somebody said that the other bitch is getting blacked too. Charlie I think? I don't know. I don't watch this show anymore. Disgusting.
ffs there's a table just on the left
the first two seasons were really retarded storywise, but the setting was top comfy. the characteres are beyond unbelievable and they killed the only two characters, who were actually interesting and worked well together (junkie and soldierboy) to make it a show about strong women, (gay) black studs and journalists. dropped it during season 4.
There was no blowjob in that scene you retard. It was literally just quarter second moment as she was standing up. Which explains why you are only posting a pic and not a webm.
Lexa is a queen
>It was literally just quarter second moment as she was standing up
Four years later. Still in denial. So much cop.e
Your waifu is a whore. deal with it.
Post webm then