Best thing about OUATIH was seeing DiCaprio outclassed by an actress 35 years in junior. Perhaps Hollywood will survive the Boomer demise after all?
Best thing about OUATIH was seeing DiCaprio outclassed by an actress 35 years in junior...
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dem ears
Happens quite often. Kids have no self-consciousness, so they can act naturally and without forcing. As soon as self-awareness and the capacity to feel shame and embarrassment develop, the child actor's acting skills can take a nosedive.
Before filming she thought DiCaprio was a musician lmao. Makes one feel old.
Except she didn't. Why are you lying?
you could cut the sexual tension with a knife
big ears
>those pointy little ears she'll almost certainly pin back
>those little arm hairs she'll almost certainly wax off
Why do they all have to turn into massive thots as soon as puberty hits?
>he likes imperfectionless dolls
big ears = ... ?
That’s not hard. DeCaprio is a massively overrated actor.
I’d say: fight me. But everyone knows it so I can’t imagine it....
>What was Luke Perry like?
>“We had a lot of scenes together, but most were cut except for that one scene. He was very fatherly. I was writing a script for fun, and the script blew away. He ran around the set catching every page.”
>being "a good child (((actor))) actor" nowadays just means imitating pompous adults
much act, very impress
worst part of the movie, even worse than Pacino
>DeCaprio is a massively overrated actor.
Plebian opinion
big ears = big hears
i shall now raid her insta for feet pics
>being a feetfag
>he doesnt appreciate every part of a lg
i forgot you can only upload one pic per post here
why is she so sexy bros
russian hackers
wud lick
hot, shame about it being speed up
yeah kids always ruin their stuff with shitty filters and effects
Is that an actual quote?
dumb kids, they should be taking cinematography classes from the age of 4 to ensure that doesnt happen and we get only the most kino quality of videos
wew gonna need sauce for that
comfy thread
Friends need more, care to point me in the right direction?
shes pretty average but cute feet, also do you get auto b& for linking insta now?
Wil DiCaprio fuck her as soon as she turns 181
brehs pic #6
you must go deep into the mountains and meditate for 1000 nights and nights on the meaning of cunny before you earn the right to the secret knowledge
>Instagram career already lined up
>long sandy beach probably minutes away from her parents villa
>that huge floating bouncy castle thingy to make long-lasting great memories on with her friends
Imagine having a childhood that immensely comfy. Mine was depressing.
>vika sok
lol is that your cousin or something? thanks anyway
brehs i need a little girl to ride my petrified wood
im sorry to hear that user, at least you can enjoy cunny with us here now
im just a pro ;)
I'll do what I must to learn the way
>petrified wood
wouldnt that be kinda pointless, cant imagine you'd get much sensation
Why do the tranny janitors keep threads like these up?
I'm sorry to hear friend
little girls have the ability to bring it back to life
>tranny janitors
why are you talking in third person?
Because they are pure
its very problematic indeed, do your part and report it
makes sense
>italy flag
>looks like a spic
i think youre confused user
last post brehs i gtg
see you around bro
cute tush
Doing god's work
Why do you think I'm one of these pedo trannies that makes these threads?
>pedo trannies
thats a new one
>subtle request
Best girl
but...she's no poet
for me? its val
missed you cunnybros
Wtf that hair. Fbi pls no
for me it's alissap