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>anything before 5

there's a lot of things wrong with this order but that's the most egregious

Prequel fags are the sorriest group of Stockholm syndrome sufferers ever.

Return > Empire > Hope > Revenge > Phantom > Rogue > FA > LJ > Clones
Didn't watch Solo


Definitive Yea Forums ranking

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There's only 6 SW

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>6 above 4
6 is prequel trash tier

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6 has the best scene in all star wars with Vader/Luke/Emperor

4 is the most boring of the 6, and the movie aged very badly

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Half of 6 is shitty bike racing and Furbies
4 is perfect and timeless

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5 > 4 > 3 > 6 = 1 = 2
The other films aren't relevant

You know not of what you speak, mortal

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Who are you trying to impress? Don't make me laugh

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the others arent actually star wars

1>4>6>2>5>3>huge gap>7>R1>8>Solo

Holy shit nigger what are you doing?


>le bad guys win
Literally babby's sci fi trope. Congrats on being a complete normie fuckwad and unbearable faggot. No wonder you have no friends. Kill yourself.

I used to like them as a kid but now all of them are bottom-tier thanks to George's retardation, Disney's retardation, and the sheer levels of $ 0 Y dispensed by the fanbase these days. /swco/ and /swg/ are cesspools and everywhere online is full of shills. Fuck Star Wars, let it burn.

6>5=4>sizeable gap>1>3>2>R1>bigger gap>7>8

Without looking at anybody elses rankings


imagine being this fucking poof cunt