How does Javier Bardem manage to look so unconventional, yet still attractive?
How does Javier Bardem manage to look so unconventional, yet still attractive?
maybe you just gay lmao! worldstar!!!
He looks unconventional but still has the conventionally attractive male traits, just in different propotions. He is in shape and not fat. Also, lighting and make-up in films and a girl who does his hair.
Not even that unconventional. Now Adam Driver on the other hand.
>Adam Driver
dude is literally goblin tier
This, he has a prominent forehead, chin and jaw, and thick neck. He definitely has weird proportions (no cheekbones whatsoever) but can definitely look attractive and masculine if groomed well. In a very different way than, say, Brad Pitt, though.
10/10 jawline. Nice eyebrows. everything else is wonky but yeah he's handsome.
by being himself
you can do it as well
He looks like a monster imo, like his head is one of those Easter Island statues
that's what you look like after fufucking penelope cruz for 9 years
He's weird looking similarly to Daniel Craig in that regard.
conventional isn't attractive
Sometimes it is.
He looks a lot like Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I never confuse them at a glance, but it's harder to tell the difference when you look more closely
at first i thought that Negan from TWD was him, would have been a better pick too
They do look similar from the front, their features are located in a similar proportion, but from the side they are strikingly different. Really weird.
Yet hundreds of thousands of roasties and gays are rabid fans who would let him go bareback.
Call it
Adam Driver looks REALLY fucking strange. But he has a good voice, height and hair. I'd like to see if his fans would fancy him if he didn't have those things.
Specially that voice, hot damn I wish I sounded like that.
he defined the 'conventional' type of handsome, not one of the example
If he didn't have those things he'd be a different person so I'm assuming no. Dude is really impressive though so he might still come out on top. I mean he must have been bullied and shat on a lot as a kid, he looked even more goofy. Good for him.
Take the neckpill
Eh doesn't have the standard attractive details to him and you ould even argue he looks ugly, but he has a manly fucking face. That shit makes you look good. Droopy eyes, big nose, no defined side jaw would make him ugly in theory. In practice he looks manly and can get away with all that. I think head shape helped tremendously here and him having a big (though non defined)jaw. Imagine his face but round with the incel shape. He'd look like shit then.
Mediterranean genes of course