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i thought black people could do no wrong

That's because you're another dumb Manichee for whom being a dumb Manichee is a virtue, user. On Yea Forums you're not even totally wrong.

Why can't women and wannabe women handle banter?

i guess he says some fucked up shit... so it’s a traditional Chapelle special

The whole world is extremely sensitive right now

the list goes
jews>women>blacks>muslims>>>>asian woman>white men>asian men

This means I definitely won't be skipping. Based Dave "Shit's Gross" Cappelle.

Watched it. It was funny. People need to lighten up.

I mean it's not like I was gonna watch it anyway. Everyone knows Chapelle has been phoning it in for a while now.

Sorry, trannies are more oppressed now

the beatings will continue until morale improves


you thought chappelle was funny?

you understand that chappelle show was written by someone else?


>Sticks and Stones may break my bones but white laughter will make me have a nervous breakdown
based Dave

>Now I'm not a pedophile...

Oh, shit

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Maybe I'll check it out.

Chappelle is "cancel" proof. A couple articles will come out but that's no different than absolutely anything else that's popular. We wouldn't even know this article existed if the same couple morons didn't post it constantly.

If he wasn't black, he wouldn't have been able to put these jokes in his special at all


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I think it's funny how the Left wanted to appear progressive by supporting blacks (and other minorities) without really wanting to. Just for attention. Eventually they realized they didn't need to pretend to support minorities, if they fag themselves up and make themselves appear as an oppressed class too.

The writer is a black woman.