"I've given this a lot of thought...

>"I've given this a lot of thought, I don't see any peaceful way to disarm America's Whites *long pause waiting for audience applause* There is only one thing that will save America from itself. The same thing that always saves this country from itself. That is Africa Americans *applause* right. And I know the question that a lot of y'all have in your mines is, should we do it. Yeah, fucj yeah, we should do it, no matter how they say and how they make you feel, this is your country too and it's incumbent on us to save our country. You know what we have to do, this is a fucking election year, we have to be serious. Every able bodied African American must register for a legal firearm *audience applause*.

What did Dave mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


every American should have a gun desu.

An armed society is a polite society

Ok but the niggers who shot each other over sneakers should still have guns. Got it dave.

haha! Except no one would care because black people get guns illegally anyway


Who's gonna take the guns off the niggers tho


Why did you leave the punchline out?
>It's the only way they're gonna change the policy

he came to the only rational conclusion in the gun control debate. You aren't going to safely disarm hundreds of millions of people that don't want to be disarmed.


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The premise: everyone expects him to say to vote
The surprise: he says get a registered firearm
The slow burn: he’s saying that armed black people scare white people, the whites with guns are hypocrites

Blacks should start shooting whites with legal firearms. That or african americans should start doing mass shootings in schools. Not sure. He was vague on purpose.

Good thing Dave isn't a hypocrite
>haha faggots be thin skinned
>WHO LAUGHED?! WHO THE FUCK LAUGHED AT MY SKETCH?! THIS IS RACISM, I'm going to Africa to find myself!

Hey thats pretty fuckin good, acknowledges both sides in a funny and clever way

takes a jab at profiling and the idea that something could be pursued because minorities are doing it but also implies blacks would probably do stupid shit with all those guns. Based dave

weren't you in another dave thread earlier?

Except no one has ever said blacks shouldn’t own guns legally

He made up his own strawman one of the premier gun rights advocates in pop media is a black man

>felons can't legally own firearms


Were you? The point is still valid.


>blacks should make their legendary gun crimes easier to solve by using registered guns
>that will show white people

Haha don't sperg out and run to Africa, I'm just playing bro

They already do both of those things the media just doesn't give it coverage, most school shootings are black perps and black shoot whites more than whites shoot anyone

>armed black people scare white people
Only a nigger would think this

You would see black on black homicide rate it triple digits. That's about it.


Never question the Second Amendment you traitorous son of a bitch.

>mfw Blacks buying guns in droves will immediately compel the government to unanimously enact strict gun control
Lmao, fucking 4d chess here.

Dave meant that he is a stupid nigger

I didn’t write the joke, but it’s ok if you don’t understand. Maybe try watching Larry the cable guy or something.

To be fair, an armed black person is one of the greatest threats to white people.

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but even more so to other black people

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>thinking they have legal firearms


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Go fuck your sister cletus.

>implying guns can be legitimately illegal under 2A

to everyone*

Blacks commit half the murders already lmao.

Hes referring to Reagan enacting gun laws in CA after black revolutionaries started arming

That's wacist

What does this have to do with literally anything user? Hes saying if blacks start legally arming whites will be scared and legislate to limit gun ownership

And we're referring to the blacks that have guns and do mass shootings all the time. It isn't the 80s anymore

whoa finland has a pretty high homicide rate for a 1st world country

>whites trying to hide the fact they commit most crimes
Lmao gets me every time

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Because it's untrue. Blacks already have plenty of guns illegally and shoot people all the time. Having registered guns will not scare white people anymore than they already are

Why would whites be scared?

Never question anything. Just follow the dogma you were programmed with.

Pro-tip user, whites don't think about blacks nearly as much as blacks think about them

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Says you, but here you are, choosing to respond to this particular thread with your 2 cents about race and guns...

put more effort in to your bait satan

>register for a firearm


What does that have to do with anything?

I think everyone already assumes most niggers have guns on them.

I'm not the one advocating that whites think about blacks 24/7

This is a thread about a comedian being an idiot

What kind of person needs such a simple joke explained to them?

Always remember.

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>alt-right cucks whine about liberals getting butthurt about everything
>proceeds to get butthurt about a joke
What makes the incel do what he does?

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>agree with my based black man or you're triggered
lmao nope

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reagan passed gun control laws because of armed blacks you retarded pol zoomer

It was a good joke. Don't bait the /pol/tards.

In the 80s, since then everyone has been made well aware that black people have guns illegally. Sorry.

You should really look into where gun control started by Reagan in california came from.

Except For Ronald Reagan signing in to law to take away guns in California to disarm the black panthers.

black panthers were a criminal organization

Obviously he is trying to make up for the lack of edginess in his last special. All he said was extremely inflammatory shit meant to offend people and judging by the Twitter shit happening ITT he got what he wanted.

CA is rigged to be blue and has only enacted more gun control since then.
Take your narrative somewhere else.

this arm all and let the greatest lead Great America's Destiny

Zoomzooms discussing politics is like watching kids eat pixie sticks.

What crimes did they commit?


Gang vs gang violence doesnt count

>gun control
no open carry


dey dindu nuffin

those dont count
only whites can be criminals and terrorists

I mean, yeah. They killed people, called for revolution against the state (and white people), robbed banks, and bombed shit. They weren't just anti-racists running soup kitchens, they were also violent communists. Maoists and Marxist Leninists in fact. They were a party that lasted for like 30 years a evolved into some nasty shit. Lefties and modern bmday black identity fags can LARP all they want about it but after awhile they were no different from the Weather Underground or the FALN in Puerto Rico/ NYC

This is why Americans have the second amendment. So the people can arm themselves against a facist government. Blacks buying guns to deal with Trump and a racist police force is exactly what the founding fathers had in mind when they made that law.

>It doesn't count

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The Founding Fathers were slave owners who would cry if they were to see what this country has become.

Dam son it gets even worse

They literally bombed funerals and assassinated police officers.

Their leader encouraged his followers to rape white women and said doing so was a revolutionary act

Killing cops and randos frequently

You mean oppressors?

Weak bait. Per capita bitch.

>called for revolution against the state
I think this is protected by constitution right in there were the right to bear arms are mentioned. They go hand to hand you communist piece of shit


>The right to bear arms against tyranny means "bear arms to create a militia to violently overthrow a democratically elected government in order to establish an authoritarian autocracy"

Please stop committing most of the crimes. Spread the word in your White community, talk to your White family and friends. We can make this work.

>tfw cop
>tfw every traffic stop I do has me on edge because they could be packing
>tfw shit like surveillance cameras and facial recognition software is just making people hate me and my brethren more

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Perhaps the police force isn't nearly as 'racist' as everyone is told they are; perhaps black people have a higher rate of acting like retards.

>inb4 bootlicker
I don't really have a strong opinion on them, but both the cop worship and demonization is retarded.

>white people
kek. There is no white community. That's part of why they're going extinct.

that sounds unfinished. whats the punchline? comedians always explain their theories on stuff like this


>It's the only way they're gonna change the policy
OP left it out for obvious reasons.

it was a power move. some uppity white boy thought he could disrespect dave, plus i bet a bunch of other shit got on his nerves, so he put that incel out of a job, took his millions of dollars and fucking went on vacation, then lived the good life as a rich dude until he wanted to do specials again.

>tfw having your rampant racism, murder and abuse of power exposed is making the public you constantly harass and kill dislike you



inner city blacks count as victims too!

Guns are so goddamn stupid

I wish there was a live stream of cucks waking up and realizing black people hate them and it's not a joke.

Yes, in the literal sense. Don't act retarded and infer that I mean that in a decade they'll all be gone.

I like you, user, but fuck Bergeron

you mean applying the rule of law to the medias darlings?

>tfw when you make retarded blanket statments because you are unable to think critically

If a blacks, mexicans and muslims started buying legal assault rifles in droves, conservitards would change their tune about gun control.

>you mean oppressors?

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They never wake up, though.

Cops are stupid as fuck and ghetto niggers are stupid as fuck, that's the only real problem, racism and violence are just consequences of that stupidity.

The solution? Get a fucking clue, stop instigating and perpetuating. I swear to god dealing with cops and niggers is like running a fucking kindergarten.

>Frank, figure out where Kanye was last night

t. Retard who has never read anything about the Black Panthers

I stopped watching hockey years ago but isn't that Marchand?

Take out "of power" and you make an argument as to why so many people hate black people too lel

Yeah, it’s late. Sorry. Fuck that Jabroni, too.

Why don't you go fuck your mother?

Because i'm not done with yours

why did this narrative of white people being violent suddenly start becoming popular when niggers have been topping the graphs by a huge margin for the past several decades

You really showed him.

imagine blacks owning guns and cleaning house in Chiraq instead of just gangbangers

please go back from where you came

This country is finished. I'm illegally immigrating to Hungary right now.

whites are at a point where they're only at around half of the country and rapidly declining. groups on the way out always get extra shit on. similar stuff goes on in Europe when you see new arrivals complaining about XYZ country being 'too white'.

What are you still doing here, I thought I told you to go fuck your mother

Republicans are not going to change policies because of Blacks owning guns, they could care less

I dunno why niggers keep saying this

>said no one in Hong Kong right now

This is their tactic. They spam annoying threads to get you to hate that topic. Ignore bot threads.

felons can't own guns legally
niggers BTFO

Because it's one of the things we're (as a society) trained to think.

leftists are such limp wristed pussies

Look up Reagan's California gun laws, my dude. Right wingers are pro gun until minorities get militant

>tfw cop
get a real job you pussy

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Classic forum technique. Sliding. This thread and the other chappelle thread exists to distract you from the real shit. It's probably related to that Utah thread

Yes having autonomy and the ability to defend yourself, your family, property, community, and nation is so goddamn stupid. We should all just take the boot to our throat and a nightstick up the ass and worship our state masters.

Cool reddit spacing but Republicans actually want blacks to own guns legally because it will be so much easier to solve their gun crimes against each other which will absolutely sky rocket

>Piss off SJWs AND alt-right babbies
Based Dave

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Looks like West Virginia is the move.

You won't be saying that when the power goes out for a long time and people start getting shooty

/pol/ is cool with Dave

Not even remotely true. There haven't been any calls from the right to enact gun control in response to BLM or black nationalist in demonstrations in recent years. Your argument here is basically that because Reagan did something over 30 years ago that everyone you ascribe X label to conform to your delusion. Not to mention you seemingly only believe this because a comedian made a joke about it today. Brainlet post all the way.

>Finland that high
What the fuck?

I don't know about that, /pol/ can't seem to stop talking about blacks.

/pol/ was never 'alt-right'. A bunch of trolls circle-jerking over political meme's for sure but as much as any board can have a collective /pol/ has always skewed libertarian.

>/pol/ is remotely close to being representative of the average white person

Fucking love how leftist snakes said this doesn't count because it uses the wider definition of a "mass shooting" (the one they use to inflate statistics anyways).


Secret hillbilly gun culture. Their entire country is nothing but forest and they've been in a state of paranoid military readiness since 1918.

>black people hate them
Some of them yeah but not all of them. I got along with blacks just fine when i lived in ghetto.

Hold up here. Guns aren't the problem. Amercans are.

Chinese commit the most crime worldwide and they HATE niggers

Attached: empire of dust niggers BTFO.webm (640x360, 2.47M)

He meant to work the jabronie marks and indeed he worked them into a shoot brother

The population of Africa is 1.2 billion. Niggers by far commit the most crime worldwide.


*African Americans

I agree with this. Everyone should get an honorary pistol at birth and be trained to use it under school curricular.

Also honor duels need to come back.

t. Bald Eagle

Yes, as I said, Americans. It doesn't matter how mutted they are.

It's already 13/52, Dave. You don't have to make it worse. Not that anyone actually listens to a rich fake nigger living in Beverly Hills who had a literal psychotic break on stage

But i live in Finland and i though you can only buy a gun if you use it for hunting.

You're literally never have to talk to a cop in your entire life if you do things right

why you committing homicides with your hunting rifles?

Where did you get this data from? I'm from austria and I know for a fact that we have 0.5 homicides per capita (total homicides, not only guns). Is this data from a year where some boomer shot his whole family, inflating the number to 6 times what it was in 2017?

Doesn't mean all 13% of blacks make that 52% of crimes.

You are obviously not a cop

rich predators who work at places like wall street hate the idea of a armed society.
That should tell you enough.
Hence new yorks gay gun laws.

>all whites do this and that
>crying about racism
I swear the lack of self awareness is un-fucking-believeable. White guy gun owner here. I have zero fucking problem with blacks owning guns. I don’t hate skin color. I hate culture. I hate liberals. The more blacks that embrace the right to arm themselves the better. After all they’re at the top of the oppression pyramid and it’s going to be harder to push the anti gun agenda if the Zebu sacred cow of identity politics is engaged against it.

>gun control was started by Reagan
Imagine having an opinion on a subject you know dick about lol.

Hunting the most dangerous game of all...

>Assembly Bill 1591 was introduced by Don Mulford (R) from Oakland on April 5th, 1967, and subsequently co-sponsored by John T. Knox (D) from Richmond, Walter J. Karabian (D) from Monterey Park, Frank Murphy Jr. (R) from Santa Cruz, Alan Sieroty (D) from Los Angeles, and William M. Ketchum (R) from Bakersfield,[5]. AB-1591 was made an “urgency statute” under Article IV, §8(d) of the Constitution of California after “an organized band of men armed with loaded firearms [...] entered the Capitol” on May 2nd, 1967[6]; as such, it required a 2/3 majority in each house. It passed the Assembly (controlled by Democrats 42:38) at subsequent readings, passed the Senate (split 20:20) on July 26th by 29 votes to 7[7], and was signed by Governor Ronald Reagan on July 28th, 1967. The law banned the carrying of loaded weapons in public. [8]
This is your brain on CNN.
>muh Reagan

I though so too until i got pulled over for "driving suspiciously" and checked me if i had hide drugs in my car.

unless you accidentally and unknowingly violate some road rule and a bored cop sees you

but even more to other blacks

>actually believing this

wew lad gonna save this for the chappofags

>Members of the Black Liberation Army took over the aircraft in flight using weapons smuggled on board, including a handgun hidden inside a bible with its pages cut out to form a cavity.
thats cool as fuck

>146 “mas” shootings
What exactly constitutes a “mass” shooting? The FBI doesn’t even recognize that term. Sounds like “assault rifle” for a sporting rifle that’s all scary looking and black.


This but unironically

Based Dave. Assblasting libtards and conservaturds equally. I was cryimg in laughter and empathy when he talked about Louis C.K. What a badass.

St. Reagan opposed this.

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>hurrr assault rifles don't exist
Go walk down to the welfare office to collect your check, clear out some of those thromboses, Cletus.


what a retarded premise but blacks owning guns would be much better for their community

>/pol/ is one person and it's a white american

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that's not what he said, antiwhite scum

According to the image itself, Center for Disease Control, World Health Organization, and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Would be nice if it included links as well

Ayo freeze white boy

Attached: ayo freeze whitey.jpg (800x771, 126K)

>What did Dave mean by this?
This motherfucker is smart. This is actually the way these gun ho freaks would consider establishing gun laws.

That's the point idiot. You're already thinking of banning guns.

>Who's gonna take the guns off the niggers tho
Same guys who will take guns from crackers and rednecks

almost heaven

you wouldn't say that in person, faggot

>right wingers disarming right wingers


>this is how you will get gun control, when every nigger starts open carrying rifles instead of stupid BLM signs and flowers

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Binland at it again oh perkele!!

>I can’t into reading comprehension
Lol you’re dumb

because gang members are animals, not human

How so? It isn’t true dumbfuck.

do lefties really think touching a gun instantly turns you into a racist


I don't know what the guys at those institutions are smoking but I'm leaning towards "we just make shit up" weed
I looked at wikipedia which has data from the UN office of crime and drugs, here's the link and I highlighted some countries from the image user posted
The numbers don't even remotely add up, they're inflated by a factor of 2-3

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Yeah Reagan and the Democratic controlled house

I still find it hilarious that it was Bill Burr's laugh that set him off. Like they're still buddies!
Dude was just under a lot of stress and it was the last straw that broke the camel's back

>This motherfucker is smart. This is actually the way these gun ho freaks would consider establishing gun laws.
>believing we’re all actually racist
I got bad news for you Bernie Bro

Yes. Yes they do.

>1st row exuma I album cover
>2nd row hottie
>3rd row squinter
>4th row ghost
>5th row faggot
>6th kinda cute black chick

it's not about scaring whites you idiot

>people who hate gun control will suddenly do a 180 and support gun control
blacks already have the right to keep and bear arms like every other citizen. the only thing keeping them from buying guns is their shocking level of felony convictions; and even that doesn't keep them from just acquiring guns illegally

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Ugh, what an Am*rican attitude.


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America deserved 9/11

>the right to bear arms shall not be infringed!!!!!!!!!! we will RISE UP if you try to take out guns!!!!
>lol unless you're a criminal then we can take away your inalienable god given right

shooting russian infiltrators is a national pasttime



>violent criminals and murderers should have the same rights as good people!
great argument

>>lol unless you're a criminal then we can take away your inalienable god given right
It’s literally always been this way.


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It’s so odd that you think you are being insulting.

Who is this semon demon?

the average european and australian

>le white people are scared of black people using their 2nd amendment rights meme

shockingly hacky even for dave chappelle

Except the guy is saying all blacks are criminals and whites aren't which is n't true and once you did your time you're a citizen like any other. If all blacks start walking on streets carrying legally owned guns, I bet some NRA activist will switch sides.

I'm oddly sympathetic, actually. I'd probably love guns too if I lived in a third world shithole.

>Except the guy is saying all blacks are criminals
no he isn't
>once you did your time you're a citizen like any other
uh no you're not
>If all blacks start walking on streets carrying legally owned guns
>I bet some NRA activist will switch sides.
"muh nra!" stop posting idiot


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inshallah we will kill all the mutts


This is France, 100%.

Should I watch his latest special? My brother says that ResetERA has condemned and cancelled Dave over his latest offering. I tried to find out what the big fuss is but he didn’t divulge just to avoid it. I want to watch it but don’t want to expose myself to anything toxic. Any opinions?


was in Germany actualy

Kek, this is the most blatant inversion of correlation I have ever seen.

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>law abiding citizen pays for sneakers
>dirty criminal attempts to illegally take sneakers
>citizen fills them with lead as per the US Constitution for touching my castle

Seems like the Constitution is working friendo.

>but I'm not a nigger either
So, I liked the special (like pretty much all of his specials), I laughed, etc. But at the same time - and I say this as a white guy from an European country that barely has any fucking blacks in it, so I simply don't get it - why the fuck does he keep refering to himself and other black people as "nigga" this, "nigga" that, and so on?

If you hate the fucking word then why adapt it? And, like in the case of Kendrick, why put it into your music and then get mad that white people use it at your concert? Can someone explain this to me?

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He's more redpilled than the mind slaves that vote Democrat because 'muh civil rights', like the work of the 1960s erases the 250 years the Democrats kept slavery as an institution prior to the Civil War.

>tfw cop
kill yourself pig.

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Lmao, yeah just look at 'murica.

because they like the word. they just don't like it when anyone else says it. especially whites

Ow the edge

that's fucking stupid

>The institution of slavery is a wolf being held by the ears; we would let it go, but dare not out of fear it would savage us.
- Thomas Jefferson

Can anyone just answer the question if the special is any good? I enjoyed his previous two netflix specials.

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>[gets punched]

t. future victim of a Brexit you didn't ask for

>inalienable god given right
Anyone that's ever served in the military knows for a fact there is no such goddamn thing as this.

Yeah if you liked those you’ll like this. It’s a breath of fresh air hearing a comedian say faggot again. He pushes peoples’ buttons a lot but if you listen carefully he never actually says anything remotely offensive or untrue. He’s a master of offending people for no reason and therefore exposing that they’re upset about absolutely nothing. And it’s really funny too.

Fags saying "wait for the punch line dont be triggered" yeah the punchline is "white people are violent but also irrationally scared of black people."
Eat ass nigga.

>African American must register
doomed to fail before the start

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There were really only like 3 good zingers. The rest is just him blabbering about his opinions on controversial topics, like the last 3 of his netflix specials.

No it is not.

>The rest is just him blabbering about his opinions on controversial topics
aka 'stand up comedy'

God bless America

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when has that ever stopped them?

that was in iraq

its way better than his other two. no drumpf shit

So that way when they chimp out it'll be 1930s USA and will get exterminated.

The chances of this faggot actually being a cop are approximately 2%

Watching the special now. This guy is the best there ever was and absolutely at the top of his game.

>he thinks /pol/ is full of white people

black ppl are too stupid to not fuck anything up
the truth hurts and science doesn’t lie
the outliers of non retard level blacks are tiny in comparison to others
evolution is cruel Im done giving a shit about their problems
fuck off already you coon

if you’re black you know in your heart im right as well
it isn’t whiteys fault you suck ass at not being a violent reactionary moron

Good. Gang crime would go way the fuck down if every nig owned a gun.

I don't get it. All blacks already have illegal guns and cause a disproportionate amount of fun crime

no they would get into an argument over something like a parking space and start shooting each other then “not snitchin”
go live in north st louis if you want your armed black populace you dumbfucks

This. The founding fathers literally what you would call White nationalists today. They didn't believe in any of that garbage from the left either like feminism, gay marriage or whatever. I always find it funny when these people act like they would support them against muh ebul drumpf.

Even nigger culture would catch up to a polite society eventually if they all owned guns.
But you're right, I sure wouldn't want to live around them in the first few years. That will be a bumpy ride. I'm perfectly comfortable being a hypocrite on this.

there's nothing to get. it's just more delusional black pseudointellectualism motivated by antiwhite hatred. blacks are like children who think they're saying something smart and profound, but are actually too dumb to realise they're saying something embarrassingly stupid

Why? Because blacks would be afraid to rob other armed people?
>Implying they can think that far ahead
>Implying nigs don't fuck with cops every day (everyone know cops are armed)
>Implying nigs will ever learn how to aim
>Implying nigs are eligible to own guns and don't have a long list of petty convictions

So what should be done then in your opinion?

Dave doesn't hate whites.

Unironically yes.
If that'd be the culture, even the dumbest of niggers on drugs would think twice before chimping out.
Today they chimp out because the cultural norm is that everybody is assumed to be a pussy who's unarmed.

SJWs trying to portray lower-income Basketball-Americans and Taco-Americans as saints. It's all fake and they know it themselves. Same with how wonderful gays and trannies supposedly are.
Outside of Twitter and the media everybody knows it's nonsense. People wont cross the street for some Sam with a hoodie on, they will however do that for Tyrone especially if they have seen World Star and Black Twitter videos.

Jim Crow into slavery and eventual expulsion from the West

yes he does. he's just not overtly seething like most blacks. his views and "logic" are still driven by the same victim and oppression narratives that permeate society

Enjoy trying to find a job faggot

Reagan was anti-gun to begin with. He supported a ban on rifles.

Wasn't this the same dude who said bullets should cost 5000 dollars.

Their culture is a result of their room temperature IQ

This but unironically.

Yeah it's like only Black males under the age of 50 or 40 doing that mostly.

Any Rightwinger who isn't sucking the system's cock sees Reagan as another cuckservative grifter

Whatever, they could all benefit from this.

It's Brad Marchand you dense fuck. Don't ever compare the rattedt player of the NHL to my Québec Bro Bergeron

True, it's actually even more disturbing. The vast majority of violent crime is committed specifically by black males between the ages of 15-35, and of those most are repeat offenders.

So it's really closer to


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Me? The one who posted. Nothing they don’t need anyones help they figure it out on their own or don’t and continue shooting each others children over nonsense. The rest of us avoid and move away like always. You either can do it or you can’t. Get your own hospital and police office in the “hood” and watch how shit it will be because no one smart will work there.

Sad huh

He also signed an amnesty law but he got conned by the Democrats, they promised him better border security in exchange. He later admitted it was his worst mistake. I like Reagan as a person but he wasn't as right-wing as people claim he was nowadays. He would be called a RINO now. I also hate how people act like he wasn't very ''Trumpy'' himself, how he was a true moral gentleman. He referred to people on welfare as "welfare bums", African leaders as "monkeys", joked about bombing the Soviet Union within minutes on radio once, used the Southern Strategy to gain anti-Black votes, send in the police to strike down student unrests with whatever means they choose, etc.

But how many of those 6% of young black males actually do that half of violent crimes? Like you said a lot them repeat them so it could be a lot them are just repeaters and not all of young black males.

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given that 'black males' includes children and the elderly. who are less likely to commit crime, this means over 50% of homicides nationwide are being committed by less than 6% of the population

>Law abiding niggers buy guns.
>Love the 2nd amendment all of a sudden.
>Politicians will back off gun control because it's political suicide.

he means he wants a bullet in his face courtesy of whitey

>negros gonnna save Murica

now THATS funny

everyone should have a gun but only be allowed one bullet

>tattooing this on a leg
>instead of an arm so you'd be making the same gesture as Nolsie when you show your tattoo
I guess druggers aren't the smartest

nigg*ids btfo out

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I'm glad Dave is still making white people who don't understand comedy mad as fuck in 2019. You're literally who he makes fun of. Keep it up

thats so diverse it brings a tear to my eye

Yes that's why the cuckservatives need murder tools in case someone looks at them funny

im glad my shitposting still triggers weak negros

your muslim hero stinks












>y-you don't get it!
go kill another baby

They were always going to have guns, the idea is that if reasonable people have one too then they wouldn't be defenseless

its not worth it

what epilogue?

Hey racists, how's it hanging?
MMMmmm you white kidz sure do enjoy shootin' up dem schools huh?

Attached: davydave.jpg (630x517, 78K)

hahaha omg what a genius! 10/10

sent from my iphone

Did he really say this?

It’s true

Something the retards at /pol/ hate to admit is that America is just as much our country as whitey’s. Hell, it’s more our country than most of theirs since they’re mostly Spanish and Eastern European mutts and not Anglo, Dutch or French

get better fake hate crimes dumbass

jussie smollett went all out and your big thing is "pol is wrong"

yeah yeah calm down nigga
we've all heard some funny shit in our lives

*taps microphone*
*taps microphone*
*walks away*
*comes back*

Now why dey go shootin up dem schoolz huh?
Nigga you are white.
too cool for school wasn't mean for YOU.
*taps microphone*
hue hue hue
fuck dem niggaz I say fuck dem

Attached: davydave.jpg (630x517, 74K)

Attached: 1554872607816.jpg (1024x1024, 159K)

Foh real? FOH SURE?
*puts foot on speaker
*leans over*
*looks in camera*
black kidz dont shoot up schools you know why?
*breathes out of nose heavily*
cause black kidz drop out of school too fast!
play some ball nigga
*pretends to dribble*

Attached: davydave.jpg (630x517, 74K)

Why is prostitution still illegal? If anything it would just help that it would go legal.

america belongs to the Tribe whitey and darkie are both cattle