What are some good Christian kinos that destroy Atheism?
Looking to pop a tape in for the family this weekend.
What are some good Christian kinos that destroy Atheism?
Looking to pop a tape in for the family this weekend.
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cringe. most Christ flicks desperately try to justify belief when they should just be honest and show what religion really is, faith. you can't destroy atheism, because it's impossible to make a case for religion that doesn't rest solely on faith at the bottom of it
>still being Christian
>not muslim
Join the winning side.
why instead of making trash movies they don't use that time and money helping the poor,the homeless and the sick?
Holy shit. Is this jesus reborn?
can't compare to the original guy himself
Allahu akbar
WARNING: this film does have nudity! But although it may sound strange it destroys atheism through it’s treatise of the logical movement of mirth-irony in the 3rd dimension. It’s called The Saragossa Manuscript.
>As the Napoleonic Wars rage across Europe, two officers from opposing armies meet by chance in Saragossa, Spain, where they're mutually bewitched by a book they find. It recounts the story of Alfonso van Worden (Zbigniew Cybulski), a Walloon Guard captain, trying to reach Madrid via the Sierra Moreno Mountains. There, he is at every turn thwarted by concupiscent princesses (Iga Cembrzynska-Kondrati, Joanna Jedryka), a cunning hermit (Kazimierz Opalinski) and an unrelenting Spanish Inquisition.
atheists btfo
If god really existed it would be obvious to everyone.
If god didn't exist there would be many groups of people trying to find meaning in a meaningless void and coming to different conclusions.
Either god doesn't care or doesn't exist.
>Christina kinos that destroy Atheism
Like God, there isn't such a thing that exists. The only thing God's Not Dead did was show how dimwitted and uneducated Christians are. It was quite a Comedy.
It’s obvious to anyone who isn’t a brainlet
Can't wait until they get a hold of a nuclear bomb.
The proper punctuation and and snarky wannabe high brow ending sentence really make this a quality shitpost
Great rebuttal, brb going to confession
Imagine still having imaginary friends as an adult and talking to a blank wall on a daily basis.
>posting the worst possible example
GND was literally made by Jewish producers to make Christianity look retarded and represent it with a spindly cuck tier beta male.
If you want true Christian kino, go with Crusades films.
Christianity is also obviously false to anyone who isn’t a brainlet
Not that one then.
Any kinos about the 4th crusade?
actual miracle incoming
Doesn't look like a kike to me. Will Christfags ever take responsibilities for their actions and failures? No, of course not.
Are the gods not dead movies good for a giggle at least?
>producers and writers
> Zielinski
> Solomon
The Jew. The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
Pick exactly one
There are movies with great Christian characters but I have yet to see a great movie that is strictly promoting a religious message
It's almost as if the production crew focuses too much on their agenda and not on making art. Very similar to the forced diversity nowadays
Only documentaries so far like Borderless.
The Seventh Seal
The best Christian kino comes from non-Christians who can't help but acknowledge truth and beauty when they see it. Like David Lynch.
Okay that's the sole exception, though I would also argue Seventh Seal had more going for it than just the Christian allegory - it was also a very beautiful historical fantasy
It had soul and a compelling story to tell, which is really the best way to honor one's own religion - to give it a fitting vessel, instead of expecting the religion to carry the movie on its own
Jesus Christ Superstar from the 70's
recommend me some orthodox movies, already watched Andrei Rublev and Ostrov
When Nietzsche said god was dead he meant that Christianity killed itself
I'd argue that The Virgin Spring is actually a much more Christian film than The Seventh Seal.
>guy defends god in class
>professor dies, meaning no passing grade
>atheist professor gets run over and killed
>girl turns christian and it destroys her family life
>woman defies christianity and dies of cancer
>"muh christ is savior"
I guess if the movie teaches one things it's that if you piss off god you're just fucked.