>Fucks both of his co-stars
>Is continuing to date the one on the left who is madly in love with him
How is this manlet such a fucking chad???
>Fucks both of his co-stars
>Is continuing to date the one on the left who is madly in love with him
How is this manlet such a fucking chad???
>Got fired from his best job
lol, not a chad at all
The masses are bitching about him losing him job
That's pretty fuckin Chad to have millions cry about you losing your job
That doesn't change the fact that he had two hot black women call him the slave master
I thought he was gay?? Or was that just a Yea Forums meme?
Serious question
The ugliest white dude in the world could get a nigger gf. No-ones impressed.
I got that vibe as well.
Something about him. He looks way to fucking clean.
>fucking some mutt with the body of a prepubescent boy is chad
neck yourself op
also, his contract has always been with sony and he's not fired from shit
What job was that because spider man 3 and 4 are still a go
>choosing left over right
Most likely is, or maybe bi. He's trying to keep a good image.
He is
All of what OP said is a narrative created by Disney
He's not gay, just wishful thinking from a few fags
There's no actual evidence, it's all conjecture
>How is this manlet such a fucking chad???
Hes a queer. If you werent one yourself you could spot it from a mile away like the rest of us
No, I’m saying I very clearly remember him being openly gay
Never happened
Also he put the moves on Marissa Tomei
He has a live in best friend who he used to take everywhere with and never shut up about. So everyone assumed they were fucking They still share a house but the friend has other shit to do so aren't seen together as much. He also jokingly hits on most of his male co-stars. So yeah he could like guys or just be your average flamboyant British twink actor
That’s what it was
That would be some /ss/ kino if true.
LItterally NONE of the people in your pic are straight.
Both of the two actors on the right fucked a dude and chick respectively to get their roles.
Girl on the left is getting pounded out by some black rapper guy who kjnows some people.
Is there a pic where Zendaya isn't mirin?
She seems like a nice girl and I hope she fucks a lot of white guys.
Crazy Days and Nights was the one claiming he was gay.
Am I the only one to think Holland is going to look seriously goofy when he'll be 30 and can't play a teenager any longer ?
He's not going to age well at all, just like Chalamet
And Michael Cera
This unironically
He fucked Jake too?
>a true slav squat
He’s a flaming homosexual
Bitch on the left looks jealous.
looks like she wants the dick.
Looks like she's taken the creampie and wants to have his babies. She's looking at him like she wants to marry him.
>coping this hard
he's a qt twink
He can't horse around with the girls because of #metoo and if he's pounding on that Zendaya pussy casually... he's probably not gonna make a big deal out of it. To avoid paparazzi and harassment.
You're joking right? He didn't fuck either of them and he's not fucking Zendaya
Mixed girls of any race are obsessed with white guys. It's actually kind of creepy.
>could have had a chance to lose my v-card to a qt 3.14 hapa girl that was crushing on me hard, despite me being 150 5'8
>instead lost it on some rave skank, and I ended up cucking her bf (I think they were bf/gf at one point but he was orbiting her), then I stole all their eggs and milk after she went to sleep
he can feel it grow
>fuck negress
OP a faggot as usual. Sad!
He's fucking her but he's very white and British. He's probably shoving his dick up her throat and fucking her like Manuel Ferrara but he's acting cold and British in public. But she has the love dovey doe eyes on his ass like she wants to suckle on his dick for eternity.
Pictured: Peter regrets having Ned's head grafted to his neck but puts on a brave face.
He's still playing Spidey, it's just that Spidey isn't connected to the MCU anymore you dipshit.
They're still in negotiations. Very possible Disney may buy the rights to Spiderman back.
How much are the movie rights worth? How much cash would Sony take?
So what's up with Sony anyway?
he a gay bro
I mostly lurk on /biz/ and there's so much pajeetery. It's obviously not just an isolated problem. every damn board here is completely compromised.
Feige won't be producer for the next Spiderman film and someone leaked the news. Sony is still in negotiations with Disney.
Profit sharing squabble. Disney may be trying to buy the film rights back.
Spiderman's value is strictly dependent on his inclusion in the MCU. The Garfield Spiderman movies underperformed. MCU tie in injected Spiderman movie franchise with new life.
Yeah but what if Sony rebooted the franchise though? Cast a new actor, get a fresh start.
They'd probably lose money. Disney would probably release an X-Men movie against Sony Spiderman.
Sony can probably cash in and make some profit on 1-2 more Holland Spiderman movies but they won't make as much money as MCU Spiderman and they'll be right back where they were with the Garfield series.
Highly doubt it would work out for them. People are already into the current Spidey. Especially with the way things ended in Far From Home. Even if they went on without Feige, I think writers would fuck up the third film
Yes but what if Sony wanted all the money? Why shouldn't they get it? Disney should do all the work and pay for production and distribution and give all the money to Sony. Don't you think that's fair? Disney would be nothing without Spider-Man. You understand what I'm saying, right?
But fans may react negatively and not watch the films at all. What if the first non-MCU one is bad? COuld be one and done.
Disney probably thinks it has leverage. Could buy the rights back for a lot of cash.
Disney don't need Spiderman film rights. Sony agreed to share Spiderman because the IP was losing value.
Sony could sell the film rights back for cash. To make money off Spiderman, Sony has to make a huge investment in each film. And Sony can only make cinematic movies out of Spiderman.. no TV shows, cartoons, etc. And they have to pay Marvel royalties on movie merchandise, I think.
>Sony rebooted the franchise though?
Zendaya is my MJ
Have a look at Sony leaks though.
They probably still think that they can hotwire their own MCU through the Spiderman license so in that sense its 'worth' a lot more than just Spiderman films in their idiot imaginations.
The right one is better
>How much are the movie rights worth?
You didn't read the Sony leaks? Amy was asking for 8 billions after amazing 2
They had some Great Expectations for their Aunt May solo movie.
How long can two actors play lovers before developing real feelings for each other?
The execs are fucking delusional. Warner is about to do another big DC push after regrouping. Disney will be pumping out even more capeshit movies and TV shows.
Spiderman can't survive on his own. Sony is limited by how they can use the Spiderman characters.
Disney has incredible leverage this time.
He lost his job in The Avengers movies
He will lose millions.
Stop posting cropped pictures OP
God I wish that was me
>Fucks both of his co-stars
Favreau and Keaton? kid's a fag, everyone knows this
>fucking mixed race women from BMWF relationships
nothing chad about this...everything about this image is disgusting.
She's perfect lads
>tom holland
>not gay
Not in this space/time.
lower faggit
>a girl wants to date a rich person
Thanks OP for enlightening us to this brand new concept.
Based twink