What are some good kinos for when you're high on opiates?

What are some good kinos for when you're high on opiates?

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I miss heroin. I used to snort 3 bags and catch anime on some random winamp channel. but the real answer is anything you feel like at the time its all good in cloud city.

Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas

For me? Its nodding out to late 90s anime while chewing on gummy candy.

Tylenol gets me really high. I would die on anything stronger.

t. had never used any drug harder than caffeine in his life

If you're actually on dope you won't give a fuck about movies.

I'm deathly allergic to all pills my mom once tried giving me one when I was a baby and it almost killed me

Dude if you want to get high and watch movies go with DXM. Although get it in powder form because chugging cough syrup is fucking awful.

The absolute state of you.

Somebody with your weakened immune system should have been culled.

DO NOT DO DXM. DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS user. DMX is a bad drug with a bad trip. dissociative are NOT FUN.

>tfw on subs
don't do it anons, it is not worth it, well, if you can do it once a week, power to you.

Its hard to imagine a more fun time in my life than watching the Madoka films and fapping to tranny porn while on 700mg dxm. Other than snorting fentanyl nasal spray and listening to Chief Keef I guess

Requiem for a Dream

>fapping to tranny porn
fucking gross, kill yourself you broken deviant

The really dissociative stuff happens only at higher doses.

Just because you're a pussy doesn't mean you have to ruin life for everyone else.

my friend recently almost died doing opiates he passed out on his leg and they had to take a chunk of it because he cut the circulation off

You try taking dxm and not masturbating to degenerate shit for 5 hours

Angels Egg, Dawn of the dead (OG), Fritz the Cat, Alien, Picnic at hanging rock, Shivers, Beyond the black rainbow, Aniara. Off the top of my head.
t. abused oxy for over a decade before the restrictions

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Saturday night palsy, rookie mistake

orange box, drink 2 in sprite.

he was no rookie hes been doing that shit for years

If you're going to do delsym you might as well do the tec to extract the powder from it. All it takes is a plastic bag and water

Sad that they're seeking to curtail these drugs when they're secretly they are excellent anti-depressants. Bupe especially, given its profile.

Bupe only half works when using other meds ontop of it though. Personal chemical traits are a bitch and always will be.

*when secretly they are excellent anti-depressants.

Bupe works perfectly well at half milligram doses. Some retards will escalate the dose, but that shouldn't stop people from receiving the best anti-depressant medication available aside from psychedelic therapy.

jesus user sort your life out

He is pretty much gone. He destroyed his dopamine receptors and will either OD or kill himself. He will never be normal again that's for sure.

If I was ever normal to begin with I wouldn't be getting my kicks this way

Despicable Me

>based dxm poster
i watched galaxy quest high as fuck on DXM and i thought it was all really happening, one of the greatest times of my life

>watching a movie while having your eyes involuntarily shut for half the time
stop wasting opiates, listen to music


getting fucked up on opiates while listening to music is better than watching film/tv

>taking DXM Polisitrex instead of DXM HBr

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pics bro

>ye man show me pics of your friends fucked up leg at some ungodly hour in the morning

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I used to shoot a balloon of dope and watch Dragon Ball, Cowboy Bebop and Tri-Gun. Well not so much watch as nod off to.

Who /heroin addict/ here

Not me. I'm addicted to poppy seed tea
>tfw couldn't even get addicted to a real drug

>poppy seed tea
how do you determine dosage? You can easily OD on that stuff

don't patronize me for wanting to see a huge chunk scooped out of some dude's leg

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You realize that you're taking a huge dose of morphine from that tea right? Seriously be fucking careful.

>how do you determine dosage?
By weight
>You can easily OD on that stuff
Not really. Almost every case of OD from poppy tea involves other drugs

Why do this to yourself?

>this thread
Goddamnit, heroin? DMX? Jesus guys just smoke weed.

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First time i ever watched breakfast club was on dxm (coricidin)

I thought that whatever happened to the metalgead kid by the end of the movie would happen to me in real life

Drugs confused my life so bad lol


Weed is a shitty drug. It was fun as a teenager but it lost its magic. Also started giving me anxiety and I didn't figure it out for a long time since I was smoking it everyday.

>tfw I heard benzos get you high so I go to the doc for some and all they do is put you to sleep

Don't take so much. For me, they don't get me high so much as make me feel normal, but that's GAD for you.

yeah. weed was awesome until all it did was give me panic attacks. seems to be a common sentiment

They only get you high if you are stressed.


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how many fucking pills would we be taking if we were living in the wilderness. people who should have been culled are fat fucks and people who can't run fast


whats up with the admins deleting better comments?

oh the innocence

Luddite niggers please go.

GAD is a term of deception used to deny how shit modern reality is.

Just listen to music and watch trippy music vids. I also used to watch old OVAs and stuff like Fantastic Planet without subs because it felt trippy and hilarious as fuck.

Get clean, man. I threw almost three years of my life to the garbage because of opiates and to a lesser extent acid.
Same for me. Tho benzos go really well with other stuff.
I've been smoking weed for a long ass time and thankfully it hasn't had that effect. How long did it take for you anons to induce anxiety?

have sex

9-11 attacks footage.

>music videos

When was the last time you tried

People who cross over to other drugs because weed gives them panic attacks are dormant schizophrenics anyway, they shouldn't be taking any drugs but at least H will potentially kill them off a lot faster. It that sense it's a great antidepressant, especially for the people around them.

Shame. Weed only makes me laugh and hungry.

just dont smoke alot, once a week max. i smoked for like 3 years heavily and 5 years off and on before that

that's not what that word means

>weed gives them panic attacks are dormant schizophrenics
It's in every set of side effects for weed described on the internet, you moron.

im someone who has panic attacks from weed and i smoked it for years and never had a single paranoid thought or delusion in my life. just anxiety, schizophrenia has nothing to do with it

I can't try it will kill me why would it be any different now

have you ever seen a drug in your life? if you've tried THC you'd know it's psychoactive

Goes well with what?
I have lozerapam or some shit and apparently if you take alcohol with it you'll die in your sleep

Not from one pill and a couple of beers. It's still not a good idea to mix them though as it can be hard to tell how drunk you are. They go amazingly well with opiates in moderate dosages but you also have to be careful with that.


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this movie isnt good or funny at all

ive drank alot of alcohol and alot of benzos together. ime its pretty fucking hard to die by this combo, i don't advise it though, you might be unlucky

This user knows how to nod

I think the main issue isn't respiratory depression, it's vomiting while passed out

Why would you make this post when you KNOW that you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about?

have sex

A bit difficult with opiods running through your veins

For me, getting hard was never the issue, cumming was. So many frustrating nights.

jacob's ladder

But heroin is like really strong weed with zero anxiety and makes you feel so much better, smoke or snort some one time, you won't regret it

>dude lmao just smoke weed


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kinos with this aesthetic?

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Dope addict for 20 years here. Clean now going on 4 and working at a rehab. It's really not worth it anymore. Most shit you get isn't even heroin anymore. It's fentanyl cut with other garbage. Most bags you buy don't even contain heroin anymore, at all. I'm glad I got out when I did, because pretty much everyone I used to run with is now dead or a vegetable, and this is since I stopped.

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>those photos
Kensington is no joke. Literally a lost city.

redpill me on fentanyl, Yea Forums

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I watched Escape From L.A. and thought I had slipped into an alternate dimension or some shit, because I couldn't believe that got made in the same universe that made the first one.
I usually just watched Adventure Time from the beginning while sipping one bottle mixed with Sprite, then after I finish that and I start to feel it coming on I drink half of a second bottle and wait until I'm feeling super fucked and can't focus anymore, then I finish the bottle, cozy up in bed, and put on something ambient. It feels like floating in the ocean.
I don't recommend trying to get to 4th play though.

>dat shirt

Chinks doing for heroin what gutter oil did to cooking.

>this is someone's daughter

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>ywn give up the ghost while standing like Raoh from Fist of the North Star

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