

Attached: 1651714315678.png (384x150, 91.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


that waterhead leaf is boilin'


>give up four goals to shit players
>it’s a mistake
Why are >rags like this?

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Wild Leafs broship


eighth for blues

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>gifted 6 minutes of PP
>no score

Waterhead spotted

Shant be posting anything in the Blues Wild gamethread because it’s dead as fuck and I will gamepost here

It's the same girl in every picture


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fleury desu

every game thread has been dead except leafs/lightning and rags/pongs

>rags fans unironically think Gary would rather have the penguins advance than the >rags

for me, it's the wild

I wouldn't blame all 4 on Igor. He got rattled yes but defensively this team shit the bed with Nemeth and Braun playing up now

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I thought the penguins had a shit defense until I saw the >rags

chad franchises

>t.zoomer who don't know


Blues pissed the game away not capitalizing on any of the penalties. Unless the Wild decide to be total hotheads and keep taking penalties expect the Wild to win 5-2

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There is literally a retarded phoneposting zoomer in this thread who think Katz owned the Oilers when Gretzky played for them.


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That girl in the food/girl pics is a natural girl. Please keep posting her rather than any plastic whore. Thanks

Try knowing what you're talking about before you post, dipshit.

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Being a mobilechad is the superior Yea Forums poster.
Imagine sitting at a “battlestation” like a fucking virgin


Gamethreads are stupid
Especially when there is only one game on


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Felgard are you in bud

now check early life

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i'll take a game thread for a good game any day over generalbabbies who blog and gimmickpost while the game is on

If I were an arena dj, I would put this during fights and major penalties stoppages youtube.com/watch?v=vmDDOFXSgAs

>generalbabbies who blog and gimmickpost while the game is on
thats the entire SOVL of /hoc/

Attached: 1651714381556.gif (396x400, 67.69K)

>bimbos with bouncy tits
Implying plastic tits bounce.. Jesus

I would play Enter Sandman

how can the mild have 0 injuries and shot +5% above career averages.
What children has been sacrificed to achieve this level of pretender

Tell me about finnish breasts

Your a faget

For me

Attached: 1646700963875.png (1280x720, 1.82M)

I've never seen a Finnish woman with big tits

I found the hipster who like hockey because "he's different"

For me it’s breast implants that look like big naturals

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I would put on this youtube.com/watch?v=7m7njvwB-Ks

No one would sit and count to 5/4 and understand what that means if you played Take Five.

I would play the heavy part from One because I'm actually the DJ at the Saddledome

Feel free to post some

He must be one of the very few canadian hockey fans

Attached: nreat.jpg (491x600, 23.91K)

i would put this on:


based and cyndi lauper pilled


Modern day /hoc/ is great because a lot of the stupid memes of yesteryear are no longer in fashion and the slow exile of tripfags over the years
I think only the cucks over in /nfl/ still tripfag like the manchildren they are

Would canadians even recommend canadian women? If there even is such a thing left…


you're welcome coomer

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jew bros... we've been exposed again

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Just did

He is the one from alberta who likes that habs and wears thick dark framed glasses

I'm not from alberta or a hipster, but the rest checks out

They are succulent like a juicy chicken breast

any chance we could get some scoring garebear?

You ever hear of how dudes way up north share girlfriends because there are so few women? That's a lie they actually share girlfriends (male) because the last canadian woman died in 1999.

You posted fake ones, yes, but they do not meet your other criteria.

thats a goal

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A local politician bought an ad on my 4chinkels

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What a shit goal to give up

Attached: blue pork steak.jpg (1332x1210, 694.33K)

Ke who?

>seeing ads

Attached: canadian seething session, feating the calgary phoneposting pedophile.png (720x259, 66.54K)

This TBS announcer is annoying as fuck

what board

>dude they look so fake
Sure thing my dude

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It's the Flyers regular announcer. He's actually the guy where SCAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRR came from.

nigga named Jason Silvis running for State House
phone fagging
I can see it at the bottom of my /hoc/

absolutely disgusting

It's fucking ogre. Enjoy the golf course mild


Damn. Who was prime-minister at that time? Has to be rough fucking nothing but assholes all day.

>that straight line in the middle of the right boob


Sounds based

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Kyrou is pretty sick ngl, but


>that dangle

Holy based

based knower


>24-9 in shots

Attached: 1492666274520.jpg (190x153, 9.52K)

>what is a clothing fold
Are all Finns this much of goobers



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Oh? I didn't realize the game ended with 8:02 left in the 2nd period? Last I checked, the wild haven't lost yet and they've still got plenty a chance to win. Don't be so quick to say it's "ogre". I know, haha, another great meme from "funny and addictive" Yea Forums. I wish I had never come to this website.

>has subhuman IQ
Yep. It all checks out. Has a serious case of being a nigger.


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Totally like blue will lose epic style

He's the one who likes all the pretty songs and he likes to sing along

Ya seethe

Butttt, he don't know what it means
he don't know what it means

>tech illiterate can't into ad block
most technologically advanced stage of human existence and your retarded, sad

Gary wants a shekel

Attached: it's over.gif (600x900, 861.4K)

>gary making the call to bail out pedosota again

Attached: pepe-cringe.gif (498x334, 56.48K)

Cardio or more back work,boys?

That's a silicone tit baby

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blast your glutes