Movies dealing with the struggle of having a small dick?
Movies dealing with the struggle of having a small dick?
>One month before it happened
I Still can't believe it, the Supreme Gentleman cannot be dead.
how small? i only have a 5 incher, and after i plow my old lady we break out a back massager so she can finish up, been married 12 years and it hasnt been an issue yet
>Using you real name in a micropenis support forum
The fuck
I like escapist sci-fi and some fantasy because it abates inevitable suicide at least momentarily
God can only imagine how many black guys she's fucking while you're out at work.
I guess I'm god then because I can imagine it
his wife takes on an Amistad every day from 9 to 5
It's or something but only by guys complaining about their bodies in general.
>micropenis support forum
I was going to correct you and say it's, but then I realized you were right all along
dope image, user. Got a sauce or a name for the "art movement" so to speak so I can find more? Or just dump your folder ;)
It’s called fuck assism
How can a dick be 4 inches lmao.
>Cum Town dunks on reddit's "small dick problems" subreddit
step-dada, a branch of the Wive's Son school
Nigga probably didn’t have his foreskin too LOL
what size are you guys?
I'm a good 5 and a half inches with bone press
>bone press
7 x 6.5
literally micro penis tier when soft though
6.5 inches, maybe slightly more but now my dick doesn't work anymore so I don't know what to tell you.
Not that thick.
6,5" but at least I'm highly proficient with it. Imagine having a tiny penis AND being bad at using it effectively.
>national average is 5.5
>when asked on Yea Forums threads, everybody is a 6.5 inch
>conveniently big enough to feel superior but not be unrealistic
I'm 7.5, but got really fat, so I'm now about 5.5
You really think people with a small dick are going to pipe up ?
Also Yea Forums has less asians, Indians and blacks to bring the average down.
Deal with it, micro bro.
>it doesn’t work anymore
You owe us an explanation
4 inches isn't even that bad there are lots of girls who are fine with that size
5.7 x 5.5
About average for length, in the 98th percentile for girth. I love my thick dick.
I thought my dick wasn't too small and then i measured it with a tape measure and it was solid 5 inches. Fucking killed me, i'm a small dicked loser
I'm 5.5x7, It's not impressive looking but they feel the girth I tell you what
The man with the world's smallest penis and the electron microscope technician who loved him
T. Naruto
Not even myself what's up... I'm trying to recover by not watching any porn. Also, I might have a testosterone deficiency.
Otherwise maybe I accidentally jelqed myself (not on purpose) into ED, since I remember as a teenager I'd masturbate without being fully hard.
That’s big for an asian. Just nail Asian women.
Always subtract 2in from whatever someone says
maybe for tiny dick america
average dick size is 6.4 in the uk and probably similar in europe
my dick is 6.5 but way too slim so its technically a micro penis like yours
ok then i'm 9 inches
I am 7.5" wtf, am i a monster?
There literally isn't a single one. Totally unrepresented demographic.
I’m a grower as well. It’s like a big surprise
You're a Magnum man
That's big and average for well over 50% of women.
Hope you weren't sexually abused by docters and had your foreskin ripped off.
It means you are blessed, you need to stay comfortable when not using it
Never felt like big, just average, I think I am dating sluts and I don't have Asians friends
>tfw 5'11 top with 6 inches and thick
>date a 5'6 twunk
>later find out he's a little over 8 inches
My asshole is in danger
>average dick size in UK is 6.5
>the UKs biggest cities all have lots of Caribbean/african males
You're Dr. Mantis Toboggan
It’s 5.67 in UK actually.
u aware?
I have a 6 inch pecker. Wouldn't care if it was 5.5 or 6.5, that tiny bit doesn't make jerking off any better.
who here /secure/
glad you admit to thinking about bl*ck men guys, you finally did it.
>using someone else's name to complain about micropingus
at least as big as my iphone x
you have a tiny penis, it's really not a big deal so there's no reason to be this upset about it.
Dating apps are weeding out all the dicklets
nice try micro
>laughs in big dick
imagine never having sent dick pics to a girl
6x6 but I’m uncut American masterrace, feels good man.
I've sent pics and video of me cumming
feels good bro
In case you're serious, virgin with a 5 incher here. Can women feel 5 inches at all? Do you not feel emasculated when she doesn't need you to finish.
The way that girls suck on, kiss and adore penises in porn, does that happen with 5 inch dicks.
your brain is fried dude
>this is very unsettling
BvS (Lex Luthor)
I've never felt the need to measure. I've been told it's big but I don't think it's too far above average.
This is very unsettling.
I'm happy with the size of my dick but I have other insecurities.
Buddy, you’re fine. You’re slightly below average. You can absolutely make a girl cum with a 5 inch dick.
TMI guy, you seem a little overeager to share your sexual prowess, methinks you may actually have some trouble in paradise, if you are honest with yourself
>bringing the average down
Honestly, you'll probably be okay as long as you don't go for a girl who has had TOO many partners.
doesn't exist anymore
back to the future
There is nothing wrong whatsoever with having a small penis.
It depends what you consider "too many"
The fact that this is not to scale is very misleading and confusing.
Agreed. Dongoloids and low IQ are synonymous. Anybody above 6.5 inches is probably mentally stunted.
I have a big dick but it doesn't matter because no one will ever see it besides myself and maybe the coroner.
>people voluntarily replying to a thread represents a perfectly uniformly distributed statistical sample of the US
Over 5, burn alive.
so what's your size huh?
b* btfo
>he's had less than five sexual partners
Is the coroner gay? Has he been making advances?
I've had 12 , I was referring to women.
How about a film about the struggles women face when accidently hooking up with "men" who are... lacking? Their disgust at their partner technically being a larger woman. Their frustration from the utter absence of sexual pleasure and release. Their fear that laughing at (a completely reasonable response) or being disappointed by the "man's" small package will result in bodily harm or death. Unendowed "men" are a pathetic scourge that need to be removed.
I'm a manlet with a 5-incher and I can make girls cum, but if they're taller than 5'5" I tend to compensate by priming them with dirty talk, clit and nipple play (I don't eat puss). It only really sucks because my dick is too small for some sex positions like a proper spooning fuck and whatnot.
>85% Percentile
That can't be right.
nice projection, self-loathing dicklet
I'm 6"3 with a 5 incher. I don't understand how height actually helps during sex.
>getting topped by a manlet with a massive cock that has to physically climb up you.
Yes. Danger. That is the predicament you are in.
Has that place produced anything of note since Zyzz
Of course not.
Thanks for the reassurance. The main thing that terrifies me is that if I ever have sex, the girl won't be able to feel it at all. Or straight up reject me upon seeing it.
Are you supposed to warn her about your size before doing it? Or do you take off your clothes and pretend nothings wrong while she's visibly trying to not laugh?
In terms of actually physically pleasuring her you can easily do so with 4"if it's not comically thin. A big dick is mainly psychologically arousing, girth is actually a meme even though it does tend to generate physical pleasure. Despite the meming, women do prefer long dicks even though a 6x6" dick would actually be bigger by a fair bit than 7.5"X5".
It's like being tall, being 6'2 vs 5'11 doesn't really offer that huge a physical advantage (especially considering most people around that height range tend towards lanklet body proportions)
What does kill you is having a tiny flaccid cock (which I do) because women are retards.
To put it in perspective, I've made women cum with my wet noodle unable to get erect flopping around in them walls (if you align your pelvic bones that's really all you need)
The irony is that deep down you want a big dick to dab on men rather than directly for women
t.5.8x6" lengthlet
Itty bitty baby dick detected.
Porn has seriously destroyed young men. I feel so awful for you.
>6 inch pp is just over 85% percentile.
What the fuck.
It is, basically the distribution is actually incredibly narrow. Basically everyone is packing just under 6"
>I've had 12
I don't believe you and I'm sure you don't believe you either.
How can you tell if a guy has a small penis?
This is addressed in the book The Godfather but was sadly left out of the film.
About 4.5 or 5 inches. why do people care about their dick size so much? Lmao
Imagine being a Korean, wow
>About 4.5 or 5 inches. why do people care about their dick size so much? Lmao
6.875" BPEL, sometimes kissing 7"
5" girth
Wow, really sucks to have a face like that. Jesus
If they like you, they'll like your penis. Talking about dick size is for middle schoolers. If they ask for a pic, go for it, just be hard and make it look half decent, dont be overly self conscious.
They're not going to gasp and get wide eyed and worship your cock, just like you're not going to do it to their vagina. It's not porn.
To be fair when you're that size you sort of just know you are what you are, it's like a 5'3 guy, he's likely to just deal with his height and give less of a fuck than someone who's 5'6
I'm 7.something so I feel fine
They won’t laugh Jesus Christ. Maybe if you have like a 4 inch asian dick sure, but five inches should be fine.
Best bet is just to stick to Asian women and they’ll think you’re huge anyway.
Just be yourself bro, oh wait. Some people are just unfortunate until in their thirties or so.
I'd kiss your 7" sweaty;)
Girth is absolutely not a meme, and you should know that as someone in the top 1%
I'll just leave this here for the insecure/confident retards.
>85th percentile erect
>but something like 20th flaccid
Dude. Take a break from the Chan for a bit, ok?
The weirdest thing is that you might not feel much. The thing the internet never prepared me for whenever I started having sex and getting blown and shit was adjusting to the sensation. I guess maybe it was a death grip thing and it was years ago now so now I love that shit, but I remember being really disappointed after my first few times. I've also always been a very mental stimulation guy so even now I love making out and foreplay and sexting and shit, so I think part of the issue was learning to turn my brain off and just feel the stimulation on my dick.
Why do you say that?
Meh, I don't get it and I feel like it was meant for me. Epic fail, bro.
> circle = yes
what did he mean by this?
Don't warn her unless you're actually packing 3". I tell girls I have a tiny cock all the time but it's joking around and also I get off on the joking comments they send back. Also a good sign if they can joke around
If you're actually small then probably don't, as a lot might joke thinking you're playing around and "underexaggerating" or might try to make light to reassure you and probably accidentally crush you
Best advice.
Yea Forums is fun, I've been here for 10 years, but it fucks you up mentally and socially and it can take years to recover.
Things here have a grain of truth, sometimes a little more, but everything is multiplied by 10. The chad/beta thing, height shit, penis size, niggers and jews, hating women/incel whatever, all of it. This shit will warp your brain if you dont stop taking it so seriously and if you dont pair it with plenty of real life experience and human interactions. Nothing is that fucking bad.
This includes the billions of shrimp dicked bugmen and indians.
How emasculating is to say to a guy that his tiny dick is cute?
They won't laugh but girls ARE arseholes about deciding to share private measurements with the entire world and I say this having even had girls (who I've never even fucked) gossip about me having a huge dick. Women don't understand the concept of privacy and these are"nice" girls.
Probably the most emasculating thing possible, I'd probably prefer harsh bullying than that.
Who would do that? just go on the internet and tell lies in reddit spacing.
As Reddit as this sounds, it's undeniably true. If you spend every waking hour here, it's over for you within 5 years. You've been successfully brainwashed.
Follow your instincts.
Women also can’t measure for shit. I’ve had friends of girlfriends ask if my dick is really as thick as a coke can and I’m only like 5.8 inch girth. Pretty girthy, but not coke can huge at all.
This. It's great fun for people my age who've seen some shit in their life. But for a young mind it's really, really unhealthy.
The Lowest you can go us 3 inches anything lower and woman won't feel anything
>Top 10%
Huh, I didn't expect that desu
Got em
Literally just ask your doctor about it.
Mine gave me this ointment that thinned and softened my skin enough so that it could properly stretch over the head.
Circumcision is literally never worth it, especially for "Medical Reasons"
I dunno. I’ve been here since 2005 when I was 19. Am 33 now, married and have children. The only thing I think this site has given me is yellow fever, which is fine as I married a Chinese woman.
Unless you have a legit micropenis, a girl isn't going to change her mind about fucking you because of your size. And she's not going to see it unless she's already decided to fuck you. So it literally doesn't matter.
asian people are small lol
I've been here since 2008 when I was 14 and it messed me up bad but I was lucky enough to dig my way out of it and become a normal person with a pretty great life.
You can see where most people wouldnt be so lucky, especially when they're so young, and especially starting on Yea Forums and spending time on /new/ or later /pol/ and shit. I dropped out and spent a lot of my teenage years on the internet more than half the day.
JAV. They pixelate their genitals in shame
I'm not gonna tell you to stop watching porn, but It is NOT a good representation of what sex is like irl. having a small dick is fine, especially if you can compensate for it. But most chicks don't really care that much in the end as long as you make them cum. And even if they do who cares? You got your dick wet, That's all that matters
Based roastie. Nice quads too.
/new/ and /pol/ weren’t really things back then. Most threads were pro Obama etc. Granted there were Habbo swasika raids, but that was only fun. There wasn’t much legit racism that I can remember. It was only when /new/ got made that everything shifted to the right.
>tfw 7" with 6" girth
feels good lads tbqh
Paragraphs are not reddit spacing, Pajeet
What? /n/ literally got deleted for being /nazi/ and moot threatened to delete /new/ as soon as it was created for the same reason.
Yea Forums was pro obama because fox news was so utterly ridiculous at the time. There was plenty of very genuine racism on Yea Forums, but far less jew shill conspiracy yadayadayada shit.
Every Bruce Lee movie.
Mine is just a little over 7 inches, for the longest time I assumed that was just average or maybe even small since your view of your penis is limited in angles and it actually looks smaller from the angles you can see versus 3rd person views from the side or below where it looks larger
You don’t remember the threads you ignored. Use of the word Nigger has diminished of anything since the 2000s and bizarrely i rarely see the word Faggot posted any more which used to be every post.
Your sarcasm is his point fag
1 sentence is not a paragraph
How are his nostrils facing each other? That's a legit defect I have never seen
>not incelfies
>7.1 same distance up from 5" as 4.3 is down
It is if it's a fucking paragraph
>imagine being such a dicklet that you end up going crazy and shooting a bunch of sorority girls
At least I know why China is such a shithole now. It’s dicklet rage.
Top 2 percent hard and bottom 2 percent soft. Weird
Can't remember the name at all, but there's a feature-length documentary about a guy with a micro-penis. Watched it about 8-9 years ago with a friend. All I remember is he masturbated like a girl rubbing her clit and visited a penis casting place to have his own nubby dick model
t. Irish
When was the last time China had a mass shooting?
The absolute state of American education
>when your nose outjewed the jew
7 inches. Haven't measured girth but it's enough that I can't stick my dick in a toilet roll.
>The absolute state of obsessed redditards
I'm not even american
>but it's enough that I can't stick my dick in a toilet roll
have you tried fucking many household objects?
t.Jamal Shekelberger
Nah, just that one. Sometimes when the house was crowded and I wanted to jerk off I had to go to the bathroom for some privacy and it was right there so I tried seeing if it would fit.
>young men
how old are you then?
Unhung hero
>less Asians
Have you missed the Braddu Pittu Prease threads? There must be thousands
>only 6.5
Might as well transition. Anything under 10" is just an enlarged clitoris.
>all my life think it's small
>it's quite a bit above the average
it's amazing how only 5 centimeters can mean a huge difference in dick size from 5 inches you shoot up to 7 inches. that's shorter than my fingers wtf
>tfw chode
Brad Pitt made this image.
The misc fucking sucks, it went to irredeemable shit right after 2014 I don't know why,
>faggot Lucifer or whatever his name spamming every thread with his gay shite
>endless WKing and banning
>old hags derailing threads the second the post something with mods and high repper boomers cooming in to show off
>the asshole mods
Hey iceman, FUCK YOU
hey BOZZ, fuck you too!
thelbm and podunks, I hope you lose your fucking gains
and fuck that redraider chick
6 inches but very small flaccid
>Asian average
Hahahahaha holy shit gooks btfo
Why are americans so obsessed with dicks?
Having our penises mutilated at birth creates a bit of a complex
>Also Yea Forums has less asians, Indians and blacks
You'd be surprised.
This explains why 90% of Korean porn is NTR shit. Even they know that the men there are barely even human, let alone actual men.
you married your mom?
Is this legit
brb moving to Korea
>the struggles of being Asian
I’ve gone to Korea a few times for work. Every woman I’ve fucked there has gone crazy over my dick, and it’s just 6 inches. They’re really tight too, which is to be expected after only ever fucking dicklets.