Why are nfl players like this

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everyone that has eyes like this is mentally unstable

She does look like a manipulative bitch

brain damage from constant tackling

Purely socioeconomic factors.

Brain damage

You never see NBA players or any other sport with the same type of fuckery as NFL players. Every single year a NFL player goes rouge... its like clockwork.

Joggers gonna jog

>Majority white country watching Blacks and Mexicans on their TV


90% chance last 2 digits are more than his iq

Roids + Other players have gotten contracts after murder

Was it CTE or PED?


Gotta be CTE.

bitch ass nigga capitalizing every word

Chase bowl?

She did hold him at gunpoint once.
Though that was because he and his brother were caught simultaneously fucking another lady. Which is weird as hell.

Attached: KliutrU.png (670x911, 169.78K)

His fault for putting his seed in that..

Athletes who make shit ton of money always have shit taste.

Severe and widespread brain damage that the NFL covers up and assassinates people over.

Hockey players probably have as much brain damage risk, but not the [purely socioeconomic factors] in the mix.
NBA players have more [purely socioeconomic factors] but no brain damage.
NFL is the worst of both worlds, with lots of steroid abuse too.

Just looking at her, I have to say, I'd murder her too


My understanding reading that is that there was more than one woman in the bedroom
Also the wife does not look like a scion of logical thinking either. Their kids are on track for sport stardom.

>he and his brother were caught simultaneously fucking another lady. Which is weird as hell.

it aint fun if the brotha cant have none

>The women allegedly found Earl and Seth naked in bed with other womEn

Shit's Fucked Desu.

>Hockey players probably have as much brain damage risk

No chance



I thought hockey players were brain damaged or retarded when I started watching, but it turns out that's what Canadians sound like

>having group sex with your brother

I always thought Sherman was the crazy one

Brain damages

why do africanamericans Type Like This All The Time

They are black so he is from another mother

the bright ones that made an effort stopped paying attention in english classes around the time they learned how to properly format a book or headline title, so 2nd gradeish. book title grammar is proper english to them

It's a reporter thing, the black guy in op is tweeting out a headline

You're not even using the accurate racial stereotype, it would be different fathers.

Kek this

No They Write Like This Always

>t. racecuck

But the guy in op is writing like that because he's a reporter, not because he's black


I'm black and I don't type like this and every other black person I know doesn't type like that.

LOB going out bad. Earl Thomas and Richard Sherman with serious legal issues and Kam Chancellor had to retire because of a neck injury that could have left him paralyzed. And that bitch Pete Carroll stole a 2nd ring from them.


Why Do You Write Like This You Faggot?

Played ps3 with a faggot nigger who wrote like this.

Your dad?

That chimping out at Crabtree post game really put him in a bad light. Outside of that he was pretty professional and easily one of the more well spoken dreaded gentlemen. He actually was criticised at one point for making a speech suggesting black communities should look inward to curb violence rather than blame the police for all their problems.
But then BLM went into overdrive and threatening to kill his in-laws happened.

a lot of times you get overcompensating goofs like this that make sure everything is completely proper. nice punctuation and grammar faggot

Lets spell it out. I’ll start

t. never watched a hockey game

Attached: Untitled.png (882x340, 39.21K)

20 mph? That's it?


It's a lot more impressive when you consider the size of the rink compared to a football or soccer stadium.

They're American

It’s a black thing

>hooked up with a black chick one time and her cousin walks in on me eating her out and girl is like “white boy good he’ll do you next” so I ended up fucking both of them in the same room. Girls mom in the living room whole time and when we’re done and I’m still at the house she’s all “damn I need me some of that”

I ended up doing her too. Blacks don’t see a problem with it. Amazing I didn’t get an STD out of that but I couldn’t turn down the chance to bag three women in one day

Stop posting your erotic fanfics on Yea Forums, dumbass

Go away Gene Simmons


all black people is like this. Yeah some whites, latinos, arabs, and chinks are evil sure, but ALL blacks are like this

lmfao i was in the same history 301 class at UT with earl. dude literally just came and went as he pleased. strangest shit. he would randomly walk in and then sit by me at the back, not even unzip his backpack and then just bounce if he got bored. i don't think he even took 1 exam. only think i remember about him is he was funny af

based Kevin nash changing his raped story