Now that the dust has settled, was it scary?

Now that the dust has settled, was it scary?

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Movies aren't scary.

It was scary in that it's boring on an entirely different level.

Eh. It was entertaining and I found the whole idea pretty cool but I can't help but feel it's just Christian propaganda.

>movies about religious subject matter are propaganda

Grandfather took me to see it at Imax when it re-released around 1999/2000, I would have been 9 or 10. Shit didnt scare me at all.

My mom saw it in theaters as a teenager and she thought it was hysterical. Actually had to leave the theater because she was laughing too loudly at the demon stuff and was ruining it for everyone else. Then again, she was in a coven with some high school friends of hers so Satan seemed pretty cool at the time. And she was probably stoned too, so there's that.

Unironically one of the scariest films ever made and anyone who says otherwise is a lying faggot. It doesn't opt for only cheap jump scares but sets a dark, oppressive tone where it genuinely feels like nothing good can happen and Regan, her mother, and the priest are fucked.

No not because it was religious subject matter, rather the
>they're evil were good
Type thing. I feel it's very biased.

Your mom sounds like an insufferable bitch

>caring about if a horror movie is scary
underage. name one genuinely frightening horror movie.

>but sets a dark, oppressive tone where it genuinely feels
Well put. Not too many movies do that anymore, at least that I'm aware of.

user, I don't think vandalizing a church and masturbating with its sacraments is a very good thing no matter what you think of God or Satan.

Case in point, propaganda.

kill yourself zoomer queer

Eh. I'll pass.

I mean, if all I had to go was a description of her from 46 years ago, maybe I'd agree?

Watch the director's commentary, it's interesting, and he speaks just like Trump. So, fun for that

I'm sorry I read that as if she had taken you to see it when you were a teenager and was high. I'm tired sorry I insulted your mom

lol, no problem

wow guys, check out the edge on this dude

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depends on your definition of scary. but it's irrelevant anyway since the film is an exercise of masterful directing, acting, cinematography and especially pacing.

It was in its time. Today maybe not

Yes there was no telling just how bad the demon was willing to behave or how much power it might demonstrate at any moment. It was like watching people be thrown into a cage with a tiger, you immediately consider what you would do three feet away from a raving demon who can tear your throat out or toss you around. Then there's the fact that the demon is constantly assaulting the child occupants body and mentally and emotionally attacking all the people who dare enter that house. It is objectively scary.

Number 3 is the best and scarier

what number 3? Exorcist III?