Her costumes, cinematography, the backgrounds all perfect and kino. Plus she's hot. What do you guys think?
Her costumes, cinematography, the backgrounds all perfect and kino. Plus she's hot. What do you guys think?
Oh yeah this new video BTFOs and triggers a lot of right wing people
He has a penis. Imagine being so broken that you actually feel like you have to call a man with a penis, a woman because he wears weird clothes and makeup.
ContraPoints is not hot faggot
I think this one is for you buddy
You're lusting over a crossdressing man but please tell me more about how I'm the incel
I'd probably hit it with tits but flat is little better than a cross dresser
at least give me a GOOD tranny
look how huge his arms are
Contrapoint is pretty based desu
Dude looks like a man. When will he address this doc?
Nothing to do with Yea Forums, fuck off back to /lgbt/
>What do you guys think?
i want to fuck his ass
the penis makes it better
Unfortunately no. Her content has gone to shit. She spends all her time talking about herself, and maximizing actual attention seeking behavior that doesn't have anything to do with what made her old material legendary.
Her talent is that she can fucking unpack complicated issues and theory in an engaging and hilarious manner. The last year has been almost entirely narcissistic sexual preening.
She makes long-form, artistic and informative videos that are over 30 minutes. I consider it a work of art
I think if she wore what she's wearing in the picture and kept her damn mouth shut, i'd lay some pipe into her cable box.
That's a man bro.
>AGP male explaining cherrypicked statistics and talking about incels etc. while literally getting rich off of incels transitioning and flocking to his shitty sargon of akkad tier videos
God this board is hopeless
>thinning hair
No wonder they kill themselves in the 30s
Suicide livestream when?
Contrapoints fan here, I agree that her old videos were a lot better and were less self indulgent and focused on arguments.
if you think those are huge then you must be a twig armed faggot lmao
>She spends all her time talking about herself, and maximizing actual attention seeking behavior
This is true womanhood
Yea Forums btfo
>yfw contrapoints used to be a regular
>try watching video about traps being gay
>3 minutes in and already gets the definition of trap wrong
>try watching new video about MRAs
>constantly contradicts and switches back and forth between men being victims and men being privileged
I know people will meme about the tranny shit but Contra is legitimately an idiot, I don’t get how people take this Tim Curry looking motherfucker seriously.
>mentally ill retard can't talk in a straight line
The amount of faggotry itt is...amazing.
You just got her at a bad angle. Shoo incel shill
OP is Contra shilling himself here
KYS Nicholas
>This mad lad is absolutely gagging for sex
Fuck off /leftypol/
more like for videos he spends 8 hours applying makeup and trying to set up generous lighting to hide the fact that he's a long haired man
mirin arms
Lol fag
So what's the deal with hormone therapy, it just doesn't work on the hands?
>Her talent is that she can fucking unpack complicated issues and theory
Typically he never did that and instead went with interpretations of subjects you could read off the New York Times or Huffington Post. It's a consequence of likely avoiding interacting with those you disagree with that you can't well explain their positions.
You can't actually be this pathetic
>a tranny is the literal spokesperson for the left
kek, what happened to Zizek? Was he not enough of an effeminate queer?
So what’s the deal with airplane peanuts?
>She spends all her time talking about herself, and maximizing actual attention seeking behavior
Whoa can't believe a tranny would do this
>"Feminism constantly attacked masculinity and now we're surprised that there are negative consequences. IDK u men figure it out."
This is why the patriarchy is good.
I think I matched this on tinder once
all trannies should be thrown off a rooftop
Be honest Yea Forums, you would
It literally doesnt. He says men are constrained by their gender role and largely suffer in silence, but then he just ends with "become a woman lmfao, worked for me!"
But it didnt work for him, he's still obviously a man
Not Yea Forums related, also trannies are abominations
this person is a grown adult so no hormones can undue some masculine development of her bones etc.
Have sex sweetie :)
fucking disgusting
Lol why are they all like this?
This isn't going to appeal to anyone who isn't a freak.
I have a few leftist people I talk to from time to time and they unironically act like Contra is an intellectual and I need to watch his videos because he may just change my mind with his superb arguments. I can’t even stand 1 minute of it it’s so cringe. I honestly think even most leftists only watch his videos out of some obligation to support trannies.
>Lol why are they all like this?
Because its a fetish.
They fetishize femininity have basically clit-envy so when they transition it isn't enough to just try to look like a girl and wear girl clothes, they become blown out funhouse mirror parodies of womanhood.
Lmao he was more fuckable as a guy no homo
Maybe she doesn’t care about appealing to you retard. The world doesn’t revolve around straight guys.
>eceleb shit
Which is It?
At least get bolt ons you freak
Bizarro PewDiePie
>generic left opinions stated in a condescending tone
>but she dropped out a philosophy PhD program therefore she's smart
How do people not just feel embarrassed watching this future 41%er.
Oh no no no no
Yes it does.
Zizek was just the anti peterson thought leader people followed in hopes he would epically rekt Jord the Lord. Of course the left's thought leader is going to be trans. I'd prefer her presenting leftytube over Hbombeguy or Shaun.
Most of the videos can be cut down to maybe 2 minutes tops of actual "point making". Everything else is just flaunting his fetish in front of hundreds of thousands of people to make his dick hard.
His points are always low IQ and obvious also, or standard leftist tripe. I've never seen him dig deep into anything, he just sucks his own dick on camera.
Poor guy
Gender dysphoria is mental illness.
it doesn't work on the anything the only thing he packs is fudge
Contrapoints makes the same debunked leftist arguments that have been refuted a million times, but he puts on a cringey show so you leftists eat it up.
that is literally just a shirtless man
I've said it a million times on /lgbt/
this shit is sargon of akkad for 90 IQ left-wing teenagers going through their first philosophical/political phase. The format is the same, the level of discussion is shallow and presented to the user in a way that's easy to digest and comes off as the end all be all.
Contrapoints is for dumbfuck zoomers
Is ContraPoints™ gonna be in the new season of HBO's Euphoria?
>tfw want to see her and Jules doubleteam some daddy dick
Dies to Sneed.
Imagine being dumb enough to be brainwashed by contrapoints.
Contrapoints is based simply because she triggers /pol/ tier faggots. It's just so fucking stupid.
kek looks like the monster from pan labyrinth
Not even a good looking man either
Remember when TheAlternativeHypothesis completely debunked contrapoints and contrapoints was too much of a pussy to respond?
Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me!
>He says men are constrained by their gender role and largely suffer in silence
Just stay the same but identify as a pineapple or something. Literally no downside.
I don't mind Contrapoints but I think even she knows she's talking shit half of the time. I remember some video trying to break down the reasons for dysphoria with multiple points and when it came to 'Biology' she literally just said 'and we're not gonna talk about that' because it just does not fit the narrative, but she's aware it isn't. Why would you be self-aware that you're chasing a delusion but go through with it anyways?
Holy shit he actually transitioned
His videos became less intellectual and more self-indulgent as he became more womanlike
What the fuck he's a goddamn performance artist
By making terrible arguments?
Absolutely based, I don't even watch Contrapoints but the amount of SEETHING and COPE is just too delicious
>laughing at a train wreck means I'm triggered
I'm really not much for youtube """"philosohpy""" fags but I did watch that out of curiosity. Was fun to see someone else bring up the whole "being bought by whites is the best thing that could have ever happened to black slaves" thing. I mean that's an uncomfortable truth if there ever was one
I dont think he is hot but yes, in terms of quality its better than most youtube videos but thats also a very low standard.
>too much of a pussy to respond
closest he'll ever get to having a real pussy :^)
achievable natty?
i'd like to see him on rogans podcast
If there are no downsides to being a pineapple then explain pineapple upside down cake.
Least she has a sense of humor
I'd like to see them fight
>I remember some video trying to break down the reasons for dysphoria with multiple points and when it came to 'Biology' she literally just said 'and we're not gonna talk about that' because it just does not fit the narrative, but she's aware it isn't
giving a tranny faggot a singel amount of second of my time. die you sick white faggot!
I think you mean He, that's a dude
I don't understand why she bothers. There's an echochamber if ever I've seen one in her comments and her targets aren't going to listen to her. She even said she blocked herself from going on /lgbt/ because she was addicted to the negative attention
Banging trannies is literally the ez mode of sex they are so fuck ed in the head it isn't even hard to convince one to be sucking your dick 15 mins later
Why do people like you not realize that most people dont want to support mental illness because they are bored of everything else?
Transgender is a mental illness, there is no way around this simple fact.
In terms of arguments, most of that he says is still subjective and therefore trash if he wants to make an objective point.
>haha wow this person is fucking retarded
She's alright. The bowel control medication is a bit gross though, do trannies really have to do this?
>Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me.
>mass shootings are a masculinity crisis
lmao. This dude is wrong if anything most mass shooters are caused by a mental scar that did not heal probably most likely from early childhood abuse. At least in the accounts of Elliot roger and Lanza. Even then there's quite a few reasons why someone would pick up a gun and shoot a bunch of people so expecting one answer is going be more disappointing than seeing a man in a strap lingerie
Her video on Incels was pretty good desu
This every time
You better drop that 'r' nigga
don't wanna watch a 30 min tranny video. what's the tl;dw?
this lanky abomination is about 6'2" with arms that could rip your cock off
nothing even remotely female about contra
all style no substance
trannies gonna tran
She's one of those weird trannies were they're self-aware that they're fucked but know that can't do anything about it. I wouldn't call them bad but I still wouldn't go near them - they're usually mad perverts
It's funny watching the same bunch of people that mocked the MAGA crowd for "[X] to own the libs" start spouting the exact same shit
>"Heh, TRIGGERED yet chuds?"
Jenny is hiding serious amounts of libtardation and is not /ourwife/
So this dude somehow cant comprehend masculinity.
is this the reason why he is trying to become female?
How sad, I wish I could be his father and give him a better way.
>self-aware that they're fucked but know that can't do anything about it
did he actually say that?
He will an hero in a few years
>white men cause mass shootings
>it's a 'masculinity crisis'
>it's because they're upset about losing privilege
>also racism and sexual entitlement of INCELS
>we are triggering you by making terrible arguments and refusing to listen to any criticism
You're just cultists, admit it.
Everyone is laughing at you.
It was a pretty genuine effort to understand the incel phenomenon but ultimately he even admits at the end that he can't refute the worldview, calls it "ironclad".
That one about transtrenders or whatever, she does this bizarre dialogue with 3 different ideologue manifestations of 'trans types', reminds me of mid-stage feminism where they're just dig themselves into their own realm of philosophy because it just doesn't meld with anything resembling normalcy
Don't you just looooove Halloween?
It's projection. I want their voiced amplified because of how fucking retarded they are. They want me silenced because what I have to say either offends them or BTFOs them
It's a simple distinction.
what the fuck is a "transtrender"
Nah dude I think there's something to that shit. It's no coincidence the vast majority of these shooters are social rejects. The anti male shit is insane just look at how much the internet has put young mens lack of self esteem on display
All trannies will hang.
Why do you need half an hour to say that women are dumb whores who sleep with the top 20% of men and the ugly people get mad about it?
could he have ever gotten out of that situation?
Who the fuck cares about transgender illminded faggots?
>"If I can't get a girlfriend I'll BE the girlfriend!"
Plebbit Contracultists pls go
The meta from this gif is hilarious
>we are triggering you
>You're just cultists, admit it.
Let me ask you this: Would you expect a perfectly healthy person who isn't a social reject to be shooting people?
An increasing percentage of the modern left
Cuban Sneed
only 8niggers get this reference, cuckchanners don't know about NW
The people who think mass shooters are something to do with white men are ultra brainlets.
Of fucking course most shooters in America are going to be white since most people in America are white and of fucking course most shooters are going to be men since most violent crime and crime in general is done by men.
Imagine wishing bolt ons for anyone? Flat chest is the fucking patrician choice, stop using your CUM BRAIN
Just because they put purple lights in their room doesn't make what they're saying any less retarded.
Has anyone ever seen this movie?
as if im gonna read all that fucking shit
I love the way all her (male) videos are recorded in near darkness with nothing but mood lighting, makeup enough to shame a drag queen (oftentimes looking like a drag queen himself, even though as I understood it trannies misliked drag queens), and oftentimes a voice filter to cap it all off.
It makes his videos borderline unwatchable. I'd go so far as to say even his fanbase doesn't watch his videos, because they're essentially just masturbatory LOOK AT ME, PAY ATTENTION TO ME pieces. Even fagits like hbomberguy can set their narcissism aside and focus on something that isn't them but this tranny, unsurprisingly, is incapable of that.
Why is he so terrified of showing himself dressed naturally in a clear light like every other Youtuber on the planet? Is he afraid we would hear his manvoice without filters, and see his man shoulders and man jaw if there was light to see?
It's hard to take his cocky persona seriously when he's clearly so insecure.
You have any examples? I want to laugh at him but I don't want to actually watch his videos.
>uh, jerking off in women's clothes makes me feel good, okay incels?
>mash shootings are a masculinity problem
fucking americans
Reminder Kamala Harris tweeted in reply to this post saying she'll stand up against transphobia lmao.
I hope one day I will shitpost hard enough to get the twitter community to reee
Cmon now...
Their one redeeming quality. They will save a lot of work on the day of the rope.
if gang crimes were actually classified as the mass shootings they are blacks would commit more mass shootings lol
Hi contratranny Samefag.You got nothing better to besides shilling your video here?
That's what being trans is all about, it is a very dedicated kind of performance art, and I say that as a closet tranny myself. If it were just enough to believe you're a woman then all trannies would just dress the same as they always do, and they'd just say "I'm actually a woman/man" and that would be the end of it. But in order to truly 'transition', one must look and act the part of their desired gender, and that image of a particular gender is defined by the culture they live in.
In that sense, the more Contrapoints dresses like a woman, does makeup like a woman, speaks like a woman and acts as a woman, the more she thinks like a woman. And if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and thinks like a duck, then for all intents and purposes it is effectively a duck.
All gender identity is an act, we are all playing the role we think we should be playing. It's why so many anons are concerned with masculinity and put chads on a pedestal.
Jamie Kennedy from Son of the Mask?!
also cringe
>It's why so many anons are concerned with masculinity and put chads on a pedestal.
Nah it's because Chads are big guys and we want to become big guys too, since big guys get stuff done, can protect people with their massive strength, and can get women without even trying. You've got it all backwards.
>And if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck
trannies never look or sound like real women.
>as a closet tranny myself
Literally end yourself.
>And if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and thinks like a duck, then for all intents and purposes it is effectively a duck.
What if i put that duck in a dress? would it be a woman then?
That's no woman.
>that "joke" about how he threw in the towel at trying to be a man and became a tranny at the end but cant avoid looking down sad and ashamed revealing its completely true
oh no no nononono
>All gender identity is an act
Except those pesky babies and giving birth, huh?
Wanting to get stuff done and wanting to protect others are masculine traits so they technically still fall into the gender identity thing.
Probably not, so? You're saying it's "mystery trauma" that made these kids unsociable rather than general male disposability/chadvirgincel/nofriends shit?
the current political climate is OBSESSED with trannies yet i rarely see them. and no, don't tell me they're passable unless suddenly they're all skylar and starting transitioning at the age of 7
Doing things is a masculine trait and being useless is a feminine trait, so why would anyone want to be a woman?
There's nothing mysterious about children being abused going on to be fucking crazy. Happened to Ted Bundy too. There's a long history of documents proving it.
I dont know man. I used to call myself tolerant and open towards any person no matter where he/she is from or how poor/rich he/she is.
But I fucking hate transgender fags. I cant even stop it.
Broadness of his neck btw
>so why would anyone want to be a woman
>can't give birth
>can't have a period
>can't grow breasts
>lack curves
>need tons of hormones and awful, expensive, painful, cruel surgery to feel "correct" and still end up looking like men in dresses
>it effictively is a woman
yikes. go to bed contra
It's because they die really fast lol
It's more like the gender identity thing falls into the masculine traits thing. It's not like someone just came up with how men and women should act. They just act that way because that's what they are.
women make babies so that's not useless, not that you would know what making babies is, incel.
What a mental disease. He could have been getting more cock as a regular fag.
Why the fuck is this the top thread?
Revolting man
i live in a big city and see 4 or 5 a week now
Aw man don't even get me started. Hngggggg!
Contrapoints has the worst voice of any tranny
>that voice
lmao sounds like a parody of a woman's voice
If you can avoid the whole sex subject entirely trannies are okay but boy if you ever step in that fucking shit pile be prepared to despise them for every single second while they talk about it.
I like contrapoints vids. I think she does a good job at de-radicalizing the /pol/ boys that seem to have flooded this website around 2014. I graduated high school in 2016 so I know what it's like to go to school with these frog posting edgy kids. What's even sad is they still stay the same throughout their 20s trying to own the libs online or whatever. I think a good first step in becoming a decent human after being corrupted by hivemind alt-righters on Yea Forums is by watching contrapoints's vids. But that's pretty hard because those types of people have an unreasonable hatred towards transgenders. I know i'm gonna get flamed for this post because i'm posting on Yea Forums at 2am on a tuesday.
pretty passable compared to other trannies. usually you can tell right away just by looking at their face
Is there any way to watch this shit without giving views?
>womens only value is making babies
ummmm yikes
When is Contrapoints going to address the JQ?
you realize threads that have been posted in get sent to the top then are pushed down by the next one to get posted in right? maybe try lurking retard.
>responds to me and not the guy who made the fucking post
Nah that's gay.
No way
Yeah everybody knows people like Ted Bundy had something fucked with their life. These shooters aren't comparable to serial killers at all. These guys are angry and suicidal
>womens only value is making babies
but thats true. the whole fucking female body is designer to give birth and survive it.
Don't get me wrong, putting a dress on, slapping some lipstick all over your face and mutilating your penis doesn't biologically make you a woman by any stretch of the imagination, but the qualities of men and women exist out of biology. Our image of what a man or a woman is is based on memetics, it's why we call a girl a tomboy because she dresses and acts like a man, or a straight up lesbian.
The biology is concrete but how a person exists in society is mercurial.
shhhh just be quiet sweetie you're embarrassing yourself
he know how it works retard he's asking why the fuck such a useless shitty thread farted its way to the top of the shitpile, but he's still a newfag because he should know better than to question cuckchan in cy+4
>30 minutes
thefuck is wrong with this guy?
I meant every sentence
>234 posts
>80 posters
>you can't compare child abuse
Well, alright, enjoy your gunshot wounds nigger I don't even live in the U.S I'm just trying to warn you.
I also know this shit has nothing to do with either television or movies and is tranny shitposting. Janny needs to get off his fucking ass and clean this shit up.
>there's supposedly a Sneedcord
>they don't Sneed this thread
Really makes you think.
That's even worse.
>I graduated high school in 2016
Oof, fully indoctrinated
posters picking up the slack
>Becoming a decent human being
Aren't you just trading one radical ideology for another?
funny that you use the word mercurial, youre completely wrong about everything and you cant explain the moon
you are still sticking around at 250 something posts so obviously something about natalie has you intrigued
It’s over for ContraCultists
she is so fucking hot
How a person exists in society does not determine if they are male or female.
I want to fuck that bitch SO MUCH damn s(he) hot bros
Weightless response
In the same way a dead raccoon on the side of the road intrigues you.
Why are you trolling? No one find this abomination hot
i wish jannies did less. before the gamergate and fappening and election newfags and hiro this place was way more fun. off topic shitposting is Yea Forums culture.
What are you even talking about? What's with your crazy insistence that all these young mass shooters must have been diddled as kids? That's fucking crazy, man
How a person exists in society determines everything about them.
Men have penises
Women have vaginas
haha if i respond >she to everything i prove everyone wrong and win!!
>you are still sticking around at 250
There isn't a time limit on when you can enter a thread lol.
based and incelpilled
absolutely not, its almost like other folk find things sexually attractive and actively want to engage in HAVING SEX
Oh to be this new.
Wow very clever haha!
There's always time to dab on trannies!
None of this makes any sense.
Why would a man make himself weaker?
Trannies exist as freaks in society, so they are in fact, freaks?
Holy motherfucking shit what
so its true, believe that you are a women and you will become a women.
(god, even in this category men are better than women, based master race, fuck women btw)
ok i'm a helicopter now. please bring me fuel and fly me to afghanistan.
I clicked on this thread at like 230 posts. Not rocket science.
>Holy fishpaste, it’s a guy!
Insecure as a man, terrified of competition. Would rather earn it's keep in the tribe by submitting entirely, particularly for sex, to the point of even making themselves appear female. Ultimate cowardice.
The only kino part of "her" videos is how "she" manages to make Yea Forums assmad without fail.
kek imagine counting all the...
...just to not a prove a this is the power...of being a mong retard for life...based and cringepilled.
Seems like somebody spilled salt all over their keyboard.
Just saw the video think it may be a dude
This post got (you)s from presidential candidates. lol
nobody is assmad we're laughing at the freak
ok contra. go to bed.
actually...leftypol hates """her"""
as fans of her content, what do you thibk happened to the quality?
>nobody is assmad we're laughing at the freak
This very thread proves you wrong.
>Son, why are you posting about "dabbing on trannies" on a television and film board on a mongolian cartoon website at two in the morning?
>And what's up with the anime frogs?
i only watch her to jerk off lol
he is a man and so are you, tranny
contrapoints is fucking stupid if I turn on a movie review and I'm 5 minutes in and you haven't talked about anything but communism and trannies then you're not a movie reviewer you're just retarded
she ran out of actual content with to address with her long videos so she just adds a bunch of cringe filler. compare the incels video to her newest one. YES SHE
Just so everyone knows it's over for trannies once they squirm their way into popular female sports.
the only people seething here are you and your other tranny buddies (male)
funny how you make these posts and ignore the fact that your dad is 100% disappointed in you for pretending to be a woman
This board is really pol central
a stick bug isn't a stick
>two in the morning
Why do you keep repeating that? Time Zones exists, male friend.
You know I'm not a transsexual but I might look pretty cute in a sundress.
yep, we are based AF, back to gamerghazi
I still think it's funny he thinks he passes because the guys that fuck him tell him they're not gay.
More guys need to play with gender fuckery imo
clown world
A brief moment in the facade beaks as nervous laughter hits his face "You can always throw in the towel and become a woman, it worked for me". His words echo in his mind as he realizes his whole act crumbled away for a brief second. He put on a dress, makeup, and grew out his hair. This was a woman right? A woman is nothing more than cosmetics right? He pleaded within his brain. Yeah, being a woman is all about lipstick and eye shadow. He stares off camera forlornly wondering if he'll ever have kids. He knows he can't give birth but that's okay because having children isn't what a woman is about, right? It's about just looking like one. Acting like one. He tries hard to keep the feminine voice but it breaks more often then he'd like. A high widow's peak in the reflection driving him mad. His wide shoulders and lack of any hips gnawing at him. A series of names appear. All the people paying to keep the circus going. A round of applause for the masquerade.
Dude's going insane. You have to be autistic to not notice that he's going off the rails. Happens with all you trannies, especially the AGP types like Nick.
>yes SHE
Unironically why do these angry /pol/ incel types do this? It's almost like they feel personally attacked by using a trans person's preferred pronouns, considering the autistic effort they make to misgender at every opportunity. Personally I just address people whichever way they wanna be addressed without giving it much thought, cause I want to be friendly and not act like a jerk for no reason. It's almost like these guys are overcompensating for something, hmm...
>>because having children isn't what a woman is about, right?
>being a woman is about having children
that's a yikes from me, broseph stalin
cry harder tranny, nathan is a man
>"masculinity crisis"
>right in the middle of it
>doesn't see the ironing
that's not a widows peak retard, he has a really good hairline because he's been taking estrogens which reduce DHT production
that is one sexy tranny
cry more tranny, you will quite literally never be a woman
Probably because they are right.
Have sex.
Whatever you say, user.
Imagine white-knighting this faggot
because it makes trannies seeth and it's funny to watch you guys (male) panic about confronting reality.
imagine constantly painting yourself as a woke progressive intersectional feminist while also perpetuating toxic masculinity, LOL
lel cry some more
imagine knowing that and commiting it to memory
>Unironically why do these angry /pol/ incel types do this?
Because they aren't the correct pronouns for a man.
shillary shillbot is malfunctioning oh nooooooo
>having such low testosterone levels that you haven't even begun to see recession at 25
>he has a really good hairline
no lol. it also looks quite thin on top.
More benefits from the government and society at large.
>comments about hairline
Dabbing on trannies is not exclusive to /pol/
>son I'm proud of you
it's exclusive to people in reality
Is this Contrapoints's "*pop*" moment?
>101 posters
Was there really no better threads for us to post in tonight?
Absolutely based
Is he post op?
bye newfag
Why do you brainlets deny human biological instincts exist?
This is why everyone laughs at you.
user that isn't a duck that's a goose
this thread was the comfiest way to soak up tears and (you)s tonight
also i don't see why people having discussions and back and forths is considered a bad thing
No thanks
I’ll take the glorious pill of masculinity instead
Why are humans so insecure? How do we solve this problem that’s plaguing the world?
I'm Sneedpilled
For me, it's the McChicken
delete social media
imagine not knowing what it was like before 9/11 yikes
imagine if we never had to suffer all the newfags the last 5 or so years have brought us.
to physically dominate oneself
my dad posts on quora whatever he thinks is irrelevant
You’re right
libtards are retarded but i get your point fren
get fucked roastie, men are better at everything.
yes, every men should at least ONE time (or more) capture the madness and total disdain of dressing as a women, you might even like it haha