Is the hate just MCU children angry over the movie not being a Reddit comedy or is it honestly a bad movie?
X-Men Dark Phoenix
It's cw tier acting but the beginning and end was great. I think a lot of "critics" were just trying too hard because everyone just saw endgame
Wait is this on dvd I didn't even know it was in theaters yet
it's dull and ugly. nobody in it acts or even tries. the middle is zombies for some reason. the end is two girls hugging in a parking lot.
i liked seeing jennifer lawrence die though
Not nearly as bad as the rap it got, but don't have high expectations either.
Beasts power is pretty cool if he can just turn it on and off like that
There are like a half-dozen X-Men films that are much, much better.
Is there even anybody in the movie industry with acting as bad as Stephen Amell?
It didn't deserve to bomb, it's not perfect but I can see how it was about to do the phoenix properly.
How come cyclops is always blasting holes in steel walls and shit but when he hits a person it just kinda stuns them. It's like this in every movie he's in.
It’s not any worse than the last couple X-Men movies.
It's a genuinely shit movie. No amount of leddithumor would've saved it for the normies.
Does it keep Nightcrawler being Catholic?
>phoenix becomes phoenix at the end of the last movie
>becomes phoenix in this movie
>that one wolverine movie ends with jlaw capturing wolverine while disguised as army guy
>it's never brought up again
i'm sure there's more too. it's always funny that nobody making these movies gives a single fuck about continuity
Why don't you bring up how Star Lord's mother was around in the 40's and how Janet Pym magically found make-up, brushes and food in the Quantum Realm?
because i was talking about the x-men movies? why would i bring up an entirely seperate franchise in an x-men thread?
people stopped giving a shit about xmen movies after X3 shit the bed so bad. the time traveling one that was basically wolverine and professor x paling around was ok though
Suffers from studio interference, but is still a decent X-Men movie.
Because you MCU stans are hypocrites?
i don't care about your shitty superhero culture wars. x-men is a disasterous rollercoaster of quality but manages to have movies that are legitimately good despite half of them being awful and the timeline being a mess. the mcu is generic as shit and rarely achieves anything more than fine. the dc shit is all pretty much awful.
i was just having a laugh at the sloppy timeline of these things. no need to get so upset reddit.
>X-men universe
pick one and only one
Reddit calling others Reddit. Wew lad.
i dont get it
>n-no you're reddit
ok retard
im sorry if i offended you user. do you forgive me?
You think parents are going to take thier 8 year old to see cyclops lazer people in half like homelander?
How Reddit of you.
When is the blurray / rip for this coming out?
Ask your mom.
she hit me for waking her up
Likely a bad movie like Apocalypse. Also Jean casting was bad and why Mystique remained an X-Men is puzzling.
>wtf you made fun of my favorite kids movies stop it now
ok retard
Have a job.
i have one thanks
Phoenix only works in the comic books, it’s a cosmic entity that embodies someone for no particular reason. It worked in XMen 2 for some reason but it’s been a while since I watched it.
They did a decent job setting her up here and I don't doubt that the next movie would'v dealt with the shirar and given us a proper ending to her but we'll never see it I suppose. I think we would've gotten a dang good JJJJJEEEEAAAAAANNNN! outta the new kid there to
ok let's not prop deadpool up too hard. deadpool is a marvel movie with a 10th of the budget and blood. rest of it is pretty accurate though
Its a top three X-Men movie and the train scene is kino as fuck.
now defend The Fantastic Four
Now defend the actress that played Star Lord's mom playing 2 characters.
>superheroes fight da zombie haha it kino ha
>deflecting this hard
MCU is shit but no where near as terrible as the Xmen films
Logan is better then pretty much every mcu movie by far.
it legit was not as bad as people made it seem. i’m convinced marvel fanboys have dna that completely rejects anything outside the MCU.
with that said. was it the best x-men movie? lol no. but i enjoyed it.
I think you mean punches from the punch dimension
It's genuinely terrible, like the recent Predator movie. You can even tell the actors are there just to collect their paychecks.